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Migration to version 15.0

Pedro M. Baeza edited this page Sep 28, 2023 · 31 revisions

Before migrating

Tasks to do in the migration

  • t-esc directives are also deprecated, but they still works as an alias of t-out. When possible, switch to this new name in advance of the future directive removal.
  • The access to ir.model* objects has been removed, so you need to use sudo, or use the existing methods for getting usual data. See for more info.

  • Jinja syntax in mail templates has been replaced by 2 languages:

    • Qweb for the body of the mail template.
    • inline_template, which is similar to Jinja, but with expressions enclosed by {{ and }} instead of ${ and }. It's used in fields like subject, email_from, email_to, etc.

    More info and examples of replacing at

  • If you migrate some .js file to an ES module (they start with /** @odoo-module **/), rename the file to finish with .esm.js (rename also the assets) to enable ESLint compatibility.

  • Assets are now directly declared in the manifest. You should move .js and .scss links from templates to file. They should be placed under "assets" key with the following structure:

    "assets": {
       "web.assets_backend": ["path to .js or css, like /module_name/static/src/...",...],
       "web.assets_qweb": ["path to .xml, like /module_name/static/src/...",...],
       "...": [...],

    Notice that there is no more "qweb" key in Instead of it, you must link all qweb .xml in web.assets_qweb bundle, as shown above.

    The path to the files is now relative to the root folder, not the module folder.

    Illustrative example:

    You can use globs as well for not having to declare each individual file.

  • Replace SavepointCase by TransactionCase in tests, as they are now the same. The old one still exists as an alias, but a warning will arise, and next version will remove such alias. More info at

  • If you write a hook or any code that requires to create a new environment, there's no need of using the with Environment.manage(): context statement anymore.

  • If you want to prevent the deletion of some records according a criteria, instead of overriding the unlink method, use a method with the decorator @api.ondelete. Put at_uninstall=True only if the check should be also performed on module uninstallation. Example:

  • Add tests to increase code coverage.

  • If there's a test class using setUp to generate test records, move it to setUpClass as it's way more performant since it runs only once.

  • Check tasks of previous versions if you are migrating from lower versions than v14. It's also recommended to check past migration guides for things not done in previous migrations.

  • Do the rest of the changes you need to do for making the module works on new version.

Tasks NOT to do in the migration

  • change copyright year

A line like this:

# Copyright 2017 ACME Ltd - Johnny Glamour

says "copyright FROM 2017". There's no need to change the year to the current year.

  • change original authors


Technical method to migrate a module from "14.0" to "15.0" branch

  • $REPO: the OCA repository hosting the module
  • $MODULE: the name of the module you want to migrate
  • $USER_ORG: your GitHub login or organization name

Full process

  • On a shell command:
    $ git clone$REPO -b 15.0
    $ cd $REPO
    $ git checkout -b 15.0-mig-$MODULE origin/15.0
    $ git format-patch --keep-subject --stdout origin/15.0..origin/14.0 -- $MODULE | git am -3 --keep
    $ pre-commit run -a  # to run black, isort and prettier (ignore pylint errors at this stage)
    $ git add -A
    $ git commit -m "[IMP] $MODULE: black, isort, prettier"  --no-verify  # it is important to do all formatting in one commit the first time
  • Check for a procedure for reducing commits from "OCA Transbot...".
  • Adapt the module to the 15.0 version following tasks to do.
  • On a shell command, type this for uploading the content to GitHub:
    $ git add --all
    $ git commit -m "[MIG] $MODULE: Migration to 15.0"
    $ git remote add $USER_ORG [email protected]:$USER_ORG/$REPO.git # This mode requires an SSH key in the GitHub account
    $ ... or ....
    $ git remote add $USER_ORG$USER_ORG/$REPO.git # This will required to enter user/password each time
    $ git push $USER_ORG 15.0-mig-$MODULE --set-upstream
  • Follow the link on the command line or check in how to create the pull request.
  • For being easily searchable and avoiding to duplicate efforts, please name the pull request following this pattern: [15.0][MIG] <module>: Migration to 15.0.


Sometimes, when performing these operations, the process can hang due to conflicts on the patches being applied. One of the possible problems is because a patch removes entirely a file and git am is not able to resolve this. It ends with a message error: ...: patch does not apply.

If that's your case, you can add --ignore-whitespace at the end of the git am command for allowing the patch to be applied, although there will be still conflicts to be solved, but they will be doable through standard conflict resolution system. Starting from the previous situation, you will need to do:

git am --abort
git format-patch --keep-subject --stdout origin/15.0..origin/14.0 -- <module path> | git am -3 --keep --ignore-whitespace
# resolve conflicts (for example git rm <file>)
git add --all
git am --continue