Custom template for New Graph Environment Ltd. reporting
see scripts/run.R
Track version changes in
Adapted from a minimal example of a book based on R Markdown and bookdown ( Please see the page "Get Started" at for how to compile this example into HTML. More detailed instructions are available here
So if we want to use this repo to update specific files in existing repos generated from the template we need to can do the following from the production report. NEED TO TEST A BUNCH. See
git remote add upstream
git config remote.upstream.pushurl "maybe dont push to the template from here bud"
git fetch upstream
git checkout upstream/master -- path/to/file
A better option is likely to use submodules but we will look into that next time
In order to avoid commit huge files run this every once and a while
find . -size +50M | sed 's|^\./||g' >> .gitignore; awk '!seen[$0]++' .gitignore | sponge .gitignore
This is a common move to deal with repeated headers in pagedown knitr table outputs when the page breaks. If we don't have an extra <br>
r if(gitbook_on){knitr::asis_output("<br>")} else knitr::asis_output("\\pagebreak<br>")