A curated list of delightful AdonisJS packages and resources. For more awesomeness, check out awesome.
Adonis Commands - Set of core commands.
Adonis Lodge - Namespacing library for node/io js.
Adonis 4 Tools - VSCode Extension that help import type definitions (autocomplete/intelisense) to legacy 4.x projects.
- Adonis Sink - Development Toolbox for writing tests for your own AdonisJs providers.
- Adonis Auth - Official authentication provider.
- Adonis ACL - Adds role based permissions.
- Adonis Auth - Official authentication provider.
- Adonis Encrypter - Encryption that uses Static Initialization Vector.
- Adonis Hashids - Hashids Provider for AdonisJs framework.
- Adonis Mail - Official email provider.
- Adonis Middleware - Official middleware package.
- Adonis Soft Deletes - SoftDeletes support in Lucid.
- Adonis Throttle Requests - Throttle requests middleware for AdonisJs framework.
- Adonis Validation - Validation provider that makes use of indicative under the hood.
- Adonis Lucid - Official SQL ORM.
- Adonis Apollo Server - Production-ready Node.js GraphQL server for AdonisJs
- Adonis Generators - Contains generators for Adonis Models and Migrations ala Rails.
- Adonis Lucid Filter - Addon for filtering Adonis Lucid ORM
- Adonis Lucid Polymorphic - Addon adds support polymorphic relationships into Adonis Lucid.
- Adonis Storage - A storage provider for the Adonis framework.
- Adonis Bumblebee - Api Transformer for AdonisJs Framework
- Adonis Ironium - A job queuing provider that leverages Ironium.
- Adonis Kue - A job queuing provider that leverages Kue.
- Adonis Scheduler - Provides an easy way to schedule recurring tasks.
- Adonis Fold - Dependency manager and IoC container for Node.js.
- Adonis SumoLogger - SumoLogic Driver Provider for AdonisJs Logger.
- Adonis Internalization - Internationalization module. Supports file and database drivers.
- Adonis Ally - Social Authentication provider. It gives you the functionality to authenticate users using social websites like Facebook, Twitter, Google, Github etc.
- Adonis Nextjs - A provider to initialize nextjs app with adonis.
- Adonis reCAPTCHA - Google reCAPTCHA v2 for AdonisJS
- Adonis Notifications - A provider for easy sending notifications (Inspired Laravel Notifications).
- Adonis Nunjucks - Nunjucks templating engine as ViewProvider, so everything works seam-lessly.
- Adonis Pug - Pug template language provider for AdonisJS framework.
- Adonis Cache - Cache provider for AdonisJS framework.