i would like to give feat where you can git push from my website like a message and will be showed there, so we will be using Github API to do this!
This is a portfolio website for myself, I've made it in VSCode theme.
I'm using React, Typescript, Framer Motion, Tailwind CSS.
- You can click a switch that will show you the entire code, since is open here in my github you can at least see it in the website! Very cool feature right?
- You can also resize every panel in the website.
- Divided the web app into 4 layers so I can define my structure in different parts of the work.
- Why that? For m it seems more organized. For example, if I have to work on panel number 3, I can easily go to its folder or use ctrl+p to search for it in the right folder.
- I've divided the website into 4 sections, each section has a different idea of who i am.
- You can type help and you can get list of my works, in array, a minigame with vimmotion and diff features. API used:
- quotes: https://api.quotable.io/random
- music: https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/web-api
- you can click to point at the section selected.
- still need to think about it. certantly they will be clickable as well like vscode.
βββ App.css
βββ App.test.tsx
βββ App.tsx
βββ components
β βββ BottomSection
β β βββ BottomSection.tsx
β βββ Footer.tsx
β βββ Header.tsx
β βββ MainContainer.tsx
β βββ PublicComponents
β β βββ Components
β β β βββ squareCards.tsx
β β βββ svgtsx
β β βββ component-discord-svg.tsx
β β βββ component-github-svg.tsx
β β βββ component-gmail-svg.tsx
β β βββ component-linkedin-svg.tsx
β β βββ component-twitter-svg.tsx
β βββ SidePanel
β β βββ SidePanel.tsx
β βββ TextEditorSection
β β βββ TextEditorPanel1.tsx
β β βββ TextEditorPanel2.tsx
β β βββ TextEditorPanel3.tsx
β β βββ TextEditorPanel4.tsx
β β βββ TextEditorSection.tsx
β βββ data
β βββ ArraySvgComponents.tsx
β βββ CarouselWork.tsx
β βββ arraySkill.tsx
βββ index.css
βββ index.tsx
βββ interfaces
β βββ squareInterface.tsx
β βββ svgInterface.tsx
βββ logo.svg
βββ react-app-env.d.ts
βββ reportWebVitals.ts
βββ setupTests.ts