- is a CLI tool for vendoring files or directories from remote resources/repositories. It can be used for easy .proto files vendoring from multiple repositories to perform protogen
can be easly installed using package manager (currently supported: brew):
brew tap MadL1me/hemlock
brew install hemlock
Vendoring can be activated by calling main command:
By default, hemlock is searching for hemlock.yaml
config in same directory.
For example, for following hemlock.yaml config:
version: 1
vendor_dir: vendor
- github.com/MadL1me/RhythmGE/src/index.scss@68f7379
it will create following structure:
├── index.scss@68f7379
version: 1
vendor_dir: vendor
- github.com/MadL1me/RhythmGE/src/index.scss@master # would get from master branch
- github.com/MadL1me/RhythmGE/src/index.scss@68f7379 # would get from 68f7379 hash commit
- github.com/MadL1me/RhythmGE/src/index.scss # would get from master branch by default
# you can specify http/https protocol if you want
- https://github.com/MadL1me/RhythmGE/src/index.scss@master
# github permalink buttons also work as well
- http://github.com/MadL1me/RhythmGE/blob/68f7379aa960a365d7eb61577d536307334a4e2e/src/index.scss
- Basic demo with ability to vendor remote github files with concrete branch or hash commit
- Better folder structure for vendored items
- Better docs
- Ability to vendor local_files (used for protogen)
- Ability to vendor from GitLab
- Ability to vendor from BitBucket
- Ability to vendor any remote file (for example from pinterest