Juno v0.8.3
Closed issues:
- Error Downloading (#580)
- [BUG] Interact widgets not appearing in plot pane (#583)
- [BUG]uber-juno installation gets stuck with a blank text input dialog (#584)
- [BUG] Gadfly plots do not render in plot pane (#586)
- [BUG]Installing “[email protected]” failed (#588)
- [BUG] Autocompletion for
should preferForwardDiff
(#590) - [BUG]: PyCall.jl doesn't convert pyobject to Julia array when run in Juno (#591)
- [BUG] Horizontal hover-over scroll bar prevents mouse access to expansion (#592)
- [BUG] Slow inline evaluation of closures (#596)
Merged pull requests: