Nextflow pipeline used to count variants for the 100GMX project
=== 'nf-100GMX-variant-summarizer' is a pipeline tool that counts variants in a VEPextended annotated VCF file. This pipeline generates 3 outputs: 1) a tsv file with the total number of SNV and indels; 2) a tsv file with per sample counts for variants of type SNV, indel, novel, worldwide singletons, clinvar, gwascat and pharmgkb; 3) a pdf file with the number of discernible variants in sample groups of interest.
Important note: input file must be previously annotated by
-v 0.0.1
- Supports vcf compressed files as input.
- VCF input must be previously annotated by
- Results include a tsv with total SNV and indels
- Results include a tsv with per sample counts
- Results include a pdf with number of discernible variants in sample groups
- Scalability and reproducibility via a Nextflow-based framework.
* nf-100GMX-variant-summarizer may run in other UNIX based OS and versions, but testing is required.
Requirement | Version | Required Commands * |
bcftools | 1.9-220-gc65ba41 | bcftools |
htslib | 1.9 | tabix, bgzip |
filter_vep | 96 & 97 | vep |
Nextflow | | nextflow |
Plan9 port | Latest (as of 10/01/2019 ) | mk ** |
R | 3.4.4 | Rscript |
* These commands must be accessible from your $PATH
(i.e. you should be able to invoke them from your command line).
** Plan9 port builds many binaries, but you ONLY need the mk
utility to be accessible from your command line.
Download nf-100GMX-variant-summarizer from Github repository:
git clone
To test nf-100GMX-variant-summarizer's execution using test data, run:
Your console should print the Nextflow log for the run, once every process has been submitted, the following message will appear:
VCF summarizer: Basic pipeline TEST SUCCESSFUL
nf-100GMX-variant-summarizer results for test data should be in the following file:
To run nf-100GMX-variant-summarizer go to the pipeline directory and execute:
nextflow run --vcffile <path to input 1> --metadata <path to input 2> --nsamples <integer> --group_minaf <numeric> --outgroup_maxaf <numeric> [--output_dir path to results ]
For information about options and parameters, run:
nextflow run --help
- A compressed vcf file with extension '.vcf.gz'; the VCF must be previously annotated with
Example line(s):
chr21 5101724 . G A . PASS AC=1;AF=0.00641;AN=152;DP=903;ANN=A|intron_variant|MODIFIER|GATD3B|ENSG00000280071|Transcript|ENST00000624810.3|protein_coding||4/5|ENST00000624810.3:c.357+19987C>T|||||||||-1|cds_start_NF&cds_end_NF|SNV|HGNC|HGNC:53816||5|||ENSP00000485439||A0A096LP73|UPI0004F23660|||||||chr21:g.5101724G>A||||||||||||||||||||||||||||2.079|0.034663||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
chr21 5102165 rs1373489291 G T . PASS AC=1;AF=0.00641;AN=140;DP=853;ANN=T|intron_variant|MODIFIER|GATD3B|ENSG00000280071|Transcript|ENST00000624810.3|protein_coding||4/5|ENST00000624810.3:c.357+19546C>A|||||||rs1373489291||-1|cds_start_NF&cds_end_NF|SNV|HGNC|HGNC:53816||5|||ENSP00000485439||A0A096LP73|UPI0004F23660|||||||chr21:g.5102165G>T||||||||||||||||||||||||||||5.009|0.275409||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
: A metadata file, relating every sample ID (as registered in the VCF file) and a sample group in column format.
Example line(s):
sample group
SM-3MG5L Chinanteco
SM-3MG5F Chocholteco
SM-3MG46 Kanjobal
- A tsv file with
Example line(s):
# Variants in project sample.vcf.gz
number of SNPs: 8769
number of indels: 1231
- A tsv file with
Example line(s):
sample SNV indel total_variants tstv_ratio missing_sites heterozygosity_ratio novel_total_variants worldwide_singletons clinvar_pato_likelypato_and_riskfactor_variants variants_in_gwascat variants_in_pgkb
SM-3MG3L 3183 444 3627 2.196 4 1.091 1 10 0 6 0
SM-3MG3M 3100 450 3550 2.173 1 1.115 1 13 0 5 0
- a tsv file named
Example line(s):
group variant_type number
Nahua snv 0
Nahua indel 0
Seri snv 2
Seri indel 0
Under the hood nf-100GMX-variant-summarizer uses some coding tools, please include the following ciations in your work:
- McLaren, W., Gil, L., Hunt, S. E., Riat, H. S., Ritchie, G. R., Thormann, A., ... & Cunningham, F. (2016). The ensembl variant effect predictor. Genome biology, 17(1), 122.
- Narasimhan, V., Danecek, P., Scally, A., Xue, Y., Tyler-Smith, C., & Durbin, R. (2016). BCFtools/RoH: a hidden Markov model approach for detecting autozygosity from next-generation sequencing data. Bioinformatics, 32(11), 1749-1751.
- Team, R. C. (2017). R: a language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna. http s. www. R-proje ct. org.
If you have questions, requests, or bugs to report, please email [email protected]
Israel Aguilar-Ordonez [email protected]
If you find this pipeline useful for your project, please cite us as:
Aguilar-Ordoñez, Israel, et al. "Whole genome variation in 27 Mexican indigenous populations, demographic and biomedical insights." PloS one 16.4 (2021): e0249773.