Script that downloads user's games from OGS and analyses them using an external analysis tool like the one found at lightvector/leela-analysis (needs to be downloaded/setup separately).
ogs-batch-analyser 467993 --skip --number 1 --oldest --command "~/go/leela-analysis/ --analyze-thresh .05 --var-thresh .05 --secs-per-search 5 --leela ~/go/leela-analysis/leela_0110_linux_x64_opencl"
Getting game no. 0, on page 1
Downloaded game 9859644
Analysed game 9859644
Requires python 3.6, addionally uses the requests module.
git clone
cd ogs-batch-analyser
pip install .
usage: ogs-batch-analyser [-h] [--number NUMBER] [--oldest] [--download-only]
[--skip] [--command COMMAND]
Script that downloads user's games from OGS and analyses them.
positional arguments:
user User id of the user whose games you want to download
(example: 123456)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--number NUMBER, -n NUMBER
Number of games to download (default=10)
--oldest, -o Start downloading from the oldest game (by default
downloads from latest)
--download-only, -d Download without analysis
--skip, -s Skip the analysis of the other player
--command COMMAND, -c COMMAND
Command for the tool used for the analysis