simple tool to generate a markdown file with info about all documented metrics
metrics need single or multi-line comments that are in the form metric <metricname> is <description>
// metric metrics_too_old is a counter of points that go back in time.
// E.g. for any given series, when a point has a timestamp
// that is not higher than the timestamp of the last written timestamp for that series.
metricsTooOld met.Count
// metric add_to_saving_chunk is points received - by the primary node - for the most recent chunk
// when that chunk is already being saved (or has been saved).
// this indicates that your GC is actively sealing chunks and saving them before you have the chance to send
// your (infrequent) updates. The primary won't add them to its in-memory chunks, but secondaries will
// (because they are never in "saving" state for them), see below.
addToSavingChunk met.Count
// metric add_to_saved_chunk is points received - by a secondary node - for the most recent chunk when that chunk
// has already been saved by a primary. A secondary can add this data to its chunks.
addToSavedChunk met.Count
memToIterDuration met.Timer
persistDuration met.Timer
metricsActive met.Gauge // metric metrics_active is the amount of currently known metrics (excl rollup series), measured every second
gcMetric met.Count // metric gc_metric is the amount of times the metrics GC is about to inspect a metric (series)
metrics2docs <path-to-codebase>
metrics2docs $GOPATH/src/ >