This package uses discord.js dev branch which has officially received support for buttons which meand It'll be supported by djs v13.
You can send max 5 buttons in a row and max 5 rows with 1 message but here we're going to implement only 2 buttons for navigating between multiple pages (array of message emebds)
You can pass you own EmojiIdentifierResolvable
array (2 emojis) that will be added in each button.
1st emoji - Previous Button
2nd emoji - Next Button
npm install djs-buttons-pagination
- 🔗
// Import the package djs-buttons-pagination
const buttonsPagination = require("djs-buttons-pagination");
// If default import does not work, try destructuring the package
const { buttonsPagination } = require("djs-buttons-pagination");
// Make your embeds.
const { MessageEmbed } = require("discord.js");
const embed1 = new MessageEmbed();
// Create an array of embeds
const pages = [embed1, embed2 /* soo on.. however embeds you want*/, , embedx];
// Emojis for buttons -> defaults to ["", ""] i.e no emojis
// You can only use emojiID like ["860348644707794966>", "860348672730464256>"] OR :
const emojiList = ["<a:left_arrow:860348644707794966>", "<a:right_arrow:860348672730464256>"];
// Timeout is the time till the reaction collectors are active, after this buttons will be disabled (in ms), defaults to 60000 (1 min)
const timeout = 30000; // 30 seconds
// Call the paginationEmbed method, first two arguments (message and pages) are required
buttonsPagination(message, pages, emojiList, timeout);
And there you have your latest djs v13 buttons pagination
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