Simualting big tech companies' phone screen, as real as possible.
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The app is in alpha testing. Please report to Issues or do a pull request if you encounter any bug.
When you authorize aot
Google will show "This app isn't verified". Click "Advanced" and grant the access.
I'll verify aot when I get some time. Or feel free to run aot locally.
I failed my google interview couple months ago. It's my fault. I didn't do my homework and was way too nervous. However, it still made me feel bad. So, I was thinking, "why not make it easier for everyone?" This is my little 'revenge'. Hope it will be useful for you also.
- The script. It has been quite long since my interview. I don't really remember what exactly my interviewer said... Not only google but also other big tech firms.
- Developers who has done phone screen with Apple, Amazon, FB and etc. Let's make their interviews easier, together.
- File Structure(in progress)
- Interview State Machine(in progress)
- How to add an interview theme(in progress)
- Api(in progress)
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
npm run dev
- Simple bot by Dialogflow/ -> 0.4
- Improve script generator -> 0.4
- Improve speech synthesis
- Multilanguage Support for the Report
- unit test
- e2e test
- seed project
- icons by Icons8
- photo by Caspar Rubin
- leetcode
- solutions by jiuzhang