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CRAN status Lifecycle: experimental Codecov test coverage License: GPL v3 Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed.

duckspatial is an R package that simplifies the process of reading and writing vector spatial data (e.g., sf objects) in a DuckDB database. This package is designed for users working with geospatial data who want to leverage DuckDB’s fast analytical capabilities while maintaining compatibility with R’s spatial data ecosystem.


You can install the development version of duckspatial from GitHub with:

# install.packages("pak")


This is a basic example which shows how to set up DuckDB for spatial data manipulation, and how to write/read vector data.

#> Cargando paquete requerido: DBI
#> Linking to GEOS 3.12.2, GDAL 3.9.3, PROJ 9.4.1; sf_use_s2() is TRUE

First, we create a connection with a DuckDB database (in this case in memory database), and we make sure that the spatial extension is installed, and we load it:

## create connection
conn <- dbConnect(duckdb())

## install and load spatial extension
#> ℹ spatial extension version <6826755> is already installed in this database
#> ✔ Spatial extension loaded

Now we can get some data to insert into the database. We are creating 1,000,000 random points.

## create n points
n <- 1000000
random_points <- data.frame(
  id = 1:n,
  x = runif(n, min = -180, max = 180),  # Random longitude values
  y = runif(n, min = -90, max = 90)     # Random latitude values

## convert to sf
sf_points <- st_as_sf(random_points, coords = c("x", "y"), crs = 4326)

## view first rows
#> Simple feature collection with 6 features and 1 field
#> Geometry type: POINT
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: -159.589 ymin: -64.34659 xmax: 86.12 ymax: 69.84376
#> Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
#>   id                   geometry
#> 1  1 POINT (-99.66919 69.84376)
#> 2  2  POINT (83.8427 -64.34659)
#> 3  3  POINT (29.08431 13.34119)
#> 4  4  POINT (68.48878 25.78263)
#> 5  5    POINT (86.12 -55.52485)
#> 6  6 POINT (-159.589 -51.17272)

Now we can insert the data into the database using the ddbs_write_vector() function. We use the tictoc package to see how long does it take, and we can compare it with writting a shapefile with the write_sf() function:

## write data monitoring processing time
start_time <- proc.time()
ddbs_write_vector(conn, sf_points, "test_points")
#> ✔ Table test_points successfully imported
#> ℹ Note that SRID information is not stored in the database. These features may be added in the future.
end_time <- proc.time()

## print elapsed time
elapsed_duckdb <- end_time["elapsed"] - start_time["elapsed"]
#> elapsed 
#>    3.39
## write data monitoring processing time
start_time <- proc.time()
shpfile <- tempfile(fileext = ".shp")
write_sf(sf_points, shpfile)
end_time <- proc.time()

## print elapsed time
elapsed_shp <- end_time["elapsed"] - start_time["elapsed"]
#> elapsed 
#>   17.31

In this case, we can see that DuckDB was 5.1 times faster. Now, we will do the same exercise but reading the data back into R:

## write data monitoring processing time
start_time <- proc.time()
sf_points_ddbs <- ddbs_read_vector(conn, "test_points", crs = 4326)
#> ✔ Table test_points successfully imported. Note that SRID is not currently stored in the database.
end_time <- proc.time()

## print elapsed time
elapsed_duckdb <- end_time["elapsed"] - start_time["elapsed"]
#> elapsed 
#>    7.17
## write data monitoring processing time
start_time     <- proc.time()
sf_points_ddbs <- read_sf(shpfile)
end_time       <- proc.time()

## print elapsed time
elapsed_shp <- end_time["elapsed"] - start_time["elapsed"]
#> elapsed 
#>   20.04

For reading, we get a factor of 2.8 times faster for DuckDB. Finally, don’t forget to disconnect from the database:



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