This website has been made by Chris Friemann & Frank de Vries. In this project we had to make a website so people could easily do there accountancy.
First of all, you need to install some things. You need:
- Composer (needs to be installed globally, no proxy needed)
- MySQL (we used XAMPP for phpMyAdmin)
- Git
- Visual Studio Code, PHPStorm or any other IDE
- PHP 8.0.x (Needs a bit more work)
Install PHP Windows
Extract at C:\php
Add C:\php to your environment variable 'path'
Copy c:\php\php.ini-development to c:\php\php.ini
Open c:\php\php.ini in notepad/notepad++ (right-click -> edit)
Get rid of the ' ; ' for ' : extension_dir = "ext" '
You turn the extension on by getting rid of the ' ; ' for the line. Do this for:
- curl
- openssl
- mbstring
Install PHP Mac
Install homebrew
Install PHP with homebrew
Check in the terminal if you can see the php version by typing 'php -v'.
If it says 'PHP 8.0.x' then you are good to go.
Then you can install the project.
This will take a second or two.
composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel <name>
git clone
copy .env.example to .env
php artisan key:generate
The Laravel framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.