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Release Process

Max Katz edited this page Mar 21, 2024 · 6 revisions


  1. Go through PRs with "backport-candidate-*" tags, make sure this list makes sense.
  2. Checkout tool from the source code, get github api token.
  3. Checkout stable release branch, like release/11.0.
  4. Run backport checrry-picking process to the stable release branch.
  5. Test if everything builds and tests are passing.
  6. Test nightly builds of Avalonia.
  7. Run labeling process (automatically replace "backport-candidate" with "backported" tags) and generate changelog.


  1. Create a branch named release/11.0.9 for specific minor version.
  2. Update the version number in the file SharedVersion.props i.e. <Version>11.0.9</Version>.
  3. Add 11.0.9 tag for this version.
  4. Push the release branch and the tag.
  5. Wait for azure pipelines to finish the build. Nightly build with 11.0.9 version should be released soon after.
  6. Using the nightly build run a due diligence test to make sure you're happy with the package.
  7. On azure pipelines, on the release for your release branch release/11.0.9 click on the badge for "Nuget Release"
  8. Click deploy
  9. Make a release on Github releases, this will set a tag named: 11.0.9 for you.
  10. Press "Auto-generate changelog", so GitHub will append information about new contributors.
  11. Replace changelog with one generated by avalonia-backport tool. Enable discussion for the specific release.
  12. Review the release information and publish.
  13. Update the dotnet templates, visual studio templates.
  14. Announce on telegram (RU and EN), twitter, etc