Version 2.0.0
- ARGO-3857 Notifications: give the ability to configure reminder intervals
- ARGO-3875 Multijob should check what to compute from argo-web-api /reports call
- ARGO-3852 Calculate info in status metrics and add the field to the mongo db status metric collection
- ARGO-3587 Create a multi job submit script. Minor fixes in old scripts
- ARGO-3632 Add urlhelp field to event message of status streaming job
- ARGO-3631 Αdd urlhistory field to event message of status streaming job
- ARGO-3641 POC to create a simple flink connector to publish messages to AMS
- ARGO-3584 Add api timeout configuration in status streaming job
- ARGO-3512 Fill timeline with EXCLUDED status for excluded metric , for a specific period
- ARGO-3513 Handle combinations of EXCLUDED status with the other defined statuses
- ARGO-3511 Add EXCLUDED status in OperationsManager
- ARGO-3504 Fιll timeline with a specific status for a period of time
- ARGO-3484 Exclude groups defined at recomputations from ar calculations
- ARGO-3454 Add StreamStatus job to flink_job_v2
- ARGO-3446 Implement threshold rule flag to timelines & make tags to appear as array
- ARGO-3424 Add tags for each metric to thε mongo db output, on the calculation of status metric trends
- ARGO-3438 Implement metric tag request to retrieve response from argo-web-api
- ARGO-3431 Implement MetricTagProfile manager to read metric tags from argo-web-api
- ARGO-3399 Add parameter calcTrends=ON/OFF & calcFlipFlops=ON/OFF to define status trends and flip flops execution
- ARGO-3315 Integrate status trends for group level
- ARGO-3314 Integrate flip flops of group level
- ARGO-3313 Integrate status trends for service level
- ARGO-3312 Integrate flip flops of service level
- ARGO-3300 Integrate status trends for endpoint level
- ARGO-3299 Integrate flip flops of endpoint level
- ARGO-3294 Integrate status trends for metric level
- ARGO-3294 Integrate status trends for metric level
- ARGO-3293 Integrate flip flops of metric level
- ARGO-3254 Calculate and write to mongo db a/r results for group timelines
- ARGO-3253 Calculate and write to mongo db status timelines for groups
- ARGO-3252 Calculate and write to mongo db a/r results for service timelines
- ARGO-3251 Calculate and write to mongo db status timelines for services
- ARGO-3250 Calculate and write to mongo db a/r results for endpoint timelines
- ARGO-3249 Calculate and write to mongo db status timelines for endpoints
- ARGO-3302 Calculate Status Timelines for metric level
- ARGO-3321 Add url information to low level status metric results
- ARGO-3240 Add timeout configuration when connecting to argo-web-api
- ARGO-3257 Use argument as proper date query parameter when requesting resources from argo-web-api
- ARGO-3239 Implement status trends calculations based on the duration of each status appearance to the checks
- ARGO-3211 Compute Status Trends for upper levels
- ARGO-3209 Create Downtimes Profile Parser independent Component
- ARGO-3231 Create Threshold Profile Parser independent Component
- ARGO-3206 Create Report Profile Parser independent Component
- ARGO-3912 Make multijob submit compute parameter optional
- ARGO-3868 Bump gson dependencies in flink projects to v2.8.9
- ARGO-3752 Implement a mechanism using ObjectId to clean the previous records
- ARGO-3592 Enrich test dataset to test downtimes defined on service endpoints
- ARGO-3577 Enrich test dataset to test threshold rule applied on metric data
- ARGO-3576 Enrich test dataset to apply test excluded metrics in recomputations
- ARGO-3559 Prepare expected result data to test generated A/R results of all levels of hierarchy
- ARGO-3560 Prepare expected result data to test generated flip flops and trends results of all levels of hierarchy
- ARGO-3558 Prepare expected result data to test generated statuses of all levels of hierarchy
- ARGO-3578 Prepare expected dataset to test MapStatusMetricTags calculations
- ARGO-3673 Enable proxy flag in ams sink when proxy cli parameter is present. Consolidate api.proxy and ams.proxy cli parameters to one proxy parameter
- ARGO-3557 Prepare expected result data to test generated timelines of all levels of hierarchy
- ARGO-3556 Prepare expected result data to test CalcPrevStatus function
- ARGO-3604 Clear Mongo DB of status timelines and AR results
- ARGO-3579 Rename ArgoBatchStatus.jar to ArgoMultiJob
- ARGO-3564 Pass changes of #ARGO-3563 and #ARGO-3457 to flink_jobs_v2
- ARGO-3555 Prepare expected result data to test MapServices function
- ARGO-3554 Prepare expected result data to test PickEndpoints function
- ARGO-3553 Prepare expected result data to test FillMissing function
- ARGO-3580 Bump xercesImpl to 2.12.2
- ARGO-3510 Update Recomputation Manager to handle exclude_metrics field and store the info
- ARGO-3463 Use ReportManager code in StreamStatus job
- ARGO-3461 Use MetricProfileManager code in StreamStatus job
- ARGO-3465 Use DowntimeManager code in StreamStatus job
- ARGO-3462 Use EndpointGroupManager code in StreamStatus job
- ARGO-3460 Use AggregationProfileManager code in StreamStatus job
- ARGO-3455 Use ApiResourceManager in StreamStatus job
- ARGO-3445 Refactor packages of ArgoStatusBatch job
- ARGO-3444 Move tags addition to existing map functions
- ARGO-3395 Change default timeout when contacting argo-web-api to 30sec
- ARGO-3336 Update old-models batch_ar and batch_status to have all commit changes up to 28 Feb 2020 (current prod jar)
- ARGO-3297 Revert batch_jobs in old flink_job folder in state before common code changes
- ARGO-3292 RecomputationManager as part of ProfilesManager module project
- ARGO-3899 Fix when displaying downtimes in status timelines
- ARGO-3867 Issue with argo info tags on status results when comma appears in values
- ARGO-3848 Fix empty group name in status results
- ARGO-3837 Fix missing INFO field values from status results in mongo
- ARGO-3720 Propagate fix from old streaming job to v1 and v2 Remove old MetricData class. Fix order of arguments in MongoStatutOutput
- ARGO-3677 Fix in resource files handling in tests
- ARGO-3642 Tag trends need to display the original count of events occured
- ARGO-3600 Fix bug in Timelines to include DOWNTIME periods when calculated
- ARGO-3563 Fix cli args
- ARGO-3457 Fix reading info topology tags prefix from info. to info_
- ARGO-3480 Fix has_threshold_rule to output boolean value in mongo instead of string
- ARGO-3414 Fix thresholds init issue in batch jobs that use argo-web-api