git clone ~/.dotfiles
cd ~/.dotfiles
git submodule init
git submodule update
(Note: to pull future upstream changes for all submodules call git submodule update --remote
Then edit your .bashrc file to include the following..
source ~/.bash/aliases
source ~/.bash/completions
source ~/.bash/config
For powerline support and symbols in Vim and tmux, run the OS-specific install script in the fonts directory. I've had the most luck with DejaVu Sans Mono across Windows, MacOS and Linux.
There are example (commented) PS1 prompt versions in bashrc_sample using:
- Wayne E. Seguin's excellent Bash shell prompt (see below links).
- Martin Gondermann's bash-git-prompt.
- A very fast 'own rolled' PS1 prompt with git support via __git_ps1, which is ideal for slower machines (see below)
My tmux configuration is based on a trimmed down version of Gregory Pakosz's amazing tmux config with shell helper functions extracted into the tmux directory, combined with a few additional helper scripts from Erik Westrup's excellent setup here There is a sample tmux.conf and tmux.conf.local in the .dotfiles directory which will be symlinked as ~/.tmux.conf and ~/.tmux.config.local after running Powerline modified fonts are also included as a sub-repo, which you'll need for Powerline symbol support in both tmux and vim-airline.
This should all work under WSL, WSL 2, MacOS and Linux
See the basrc_sample script - which can be copied to your own .bashrc file.
I've included a modified set of directory LS colors in dircolors-custom, which will be symlinked to ${HOME}/.dircolors after running
A nice PS1 prompt from Wayne E. Seguin of RVM fame which can be found in the contrib section of RVM.
A copy of the function is also in the bash/functions directory - so that it can be sourced without RVM installed.
Alternative PS1 prompt from Martin Gondermann's bash-git-prompt.
I've included git-branch-status with a gbs
wrapper function in bash/aliases
Useful with the 'fast' __git_ps1 based PS1 prompt shown in bashrc_sample.
Bitstream Vera Sans Mono fonts are also included in the repo:
You'll need to update your .gvimrc
accordingly if you choose not to use Vera Sans Mono.
A git submodule to Powerline modifed fonts is located in the fonts directory (although is a fun alternative).
My ultimate Vim color theme, daring-dark.vim is now vim and gvim matched.
Some initial 'cheat' files are included in the cheat directory. You'll need the very cool cheat app from Chris Allen Lane
Also contains my cleaned-up Vim config and core plugins, all loaded via pathogen.