Author: ArcEye
Command line tool to generate G-Code to engrave multiple lines of text with optional indents to STDOUT.
Allows the generation of multiple lines of engraved text in one go. Will take each string arguement, apply X and Y offset generating code until last line done.
Based upon code from
Ensure the engrave-lines file is executable (zipping sometimes removes attributes)
chmod 755
For a list of options just use -h:
./ -h
or read the included man page. [-X -x -i -Y -y -S -s -Z -D -C -W -M -F -P -p] -0 -1 -2 -3 ....
-h Display this help message
-X Start X value Defaults to 0
-x X offset between lines Defaults to 0
-i X indent line list String of lines to indent in single quotes
-Y Start Y value Defaults to 0
-y Y offset between lines Defaults to 0
-S X Scale Defaults to 1
-s Y Scale Defaults to 1
-Z Safe Z for moves Defaults to 2mm
-D Z depth for engraving Defaults to 0.1mm
-C Charactor Space % Defaults to 25%
-W Word Space % Defaults to 100%
-M Mirror Defaults to 0 (No)
-F Flip Defaults to 0 (No)
-P Preamble g code Defaults to "G17 G21 G40 G90 G64 P0.003 F50"
-p Postamble g code Defaults to "M2"
-0 Line0 string follow this String in single quotes
-1 Line1 string follow this String in single quotes
-2 Line2 string follow this String in single quotes
-3 Line3 string follow this String in single quotes
-4 Line4 string follow this String in single quotes
-5 Line5 string follow this String in single quotes
-6 Line6 string follow this String in single quotes
-7 Line7 string follow this String in single quotes
-8 Line8 string follow this String in single quotes
-9 Line9 string follow this String in single quotes
All strings must be enclosed in single quotes for switches -i -P -p -0 -1-2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9
No spaces between switch and argument. -X7.5 -x5 -i'13' -Y12.75 -y5.25 -S0.4 -s0.5 -Z2 -D0.1 -0'Line0' -1'Line1' -2'Line2' -3'Line3' > test.ngc
Will engrave the 4 lines of text with a Y offset of 12.75 between lines and lines 1 and 3 indented to 12.5 ( -X + -x)