- fix: check the url list for emptiness
- feat: align code
- feat: support tilde in url
- feat(template): change overleaf template link
- feat: add desription in README
- feat: revert to latex3 bools
- feat: add information about the CAS Bundle
- feat: add ht option to sample files
- fix: TeXlive-2019 (Overleaf) issue (#1)
- Changed: removed colon in header after short authors names
- Added: check if abstract exist
- Added: checked orcid availability
- Changed: header and foofter format
- Added: firstpage to PDF/A
- Added: Lastpage to PDF/A. Need additional LaTeX run
- Added: option for documentclass to enable header and footer
- Changed: moved header-footer to KOMA-Script native interface
- Changed: moved header-footer to fancyhdr package
- Added: header, shorttitle
- Added: Footnote with short authors list
- Changed: cas -> ceur
- Changed: cas -> ceur
- Added: \no_break_space: to \firstname to prevent name wrapping on another line
- Changed: code format
- Changed: made narrowed itemize line spacing
- Added: thin spacing in authors short name (eadname)
- Added: compatibility with latex2e float options
- Changed: cas -> ceur
- Changed: removed pdfversion in hypersetup
- Changed: tuned Makefile
- Added: pdf linearization in Makefile
- Changed: optimized .png files
- Added: link to overleaf template
- Added: links to online resources
- Added: enable microtype
- Added: set pdf/a-3u version
- Changed: pdf/a compatible logo
- Added: \sep delimiter for \Author in .xmpdata file
- Added: license information to pdf/a
- Add: ~ as space symbol
- Changed: set pdf-1.7 by default
- license
- Added: CC-BY-SA 4.0 license for word processors files
- Added: docx template (thank to Aleksandr Ometov [email protected])
- Changed: moved ead[url] -> url option
- Fixed: DIV for text area size
- Changed: moved ead -> email option
- Changed: replaced stm -> ceur in ceurart.cls
- Old font naming commands for Koma class
- Fixed keywords box size
- Fixed list of temporary files in Makefile
- url added
- Removed natbib sort&compress (this is online publication).
- Fixed entries' types in bib-file.
- Restored fontencoding T1 for pdflatex
- Removed some hyperref warnings
- Copyright info disabled in PDF/X
- Check version of fontawesome5.sty (needs for orcid icon)
- PDF/X preliminary support
- symlinks -> files
- User template directory
- Sample maked consistent with class
- conference command changed
- Moved bibstyle stuff to class
- Switched to libertinus fonts
- Workaround for bibstyle elsarticle-num-names.bst absence
- Check stix and stix2 fonts
- Added workaround for fontawesome5.sty absence
- Abstract box indentation
- sffamily for Abstract and Keywords words
- Fonts: rm: liberation, sf: biolinum, tt: inconsolata, math: stix2
- 1col fontsize=11pt, 2col fontsize=10pt, DIV=12
- Cropped ceur-ws logo
- licence
- Initial commit