This is a collection of links I, as a web developer, use very frequently. Maybe you will find them useful, too.
By just typing in the name of a website the links get filtered automatically.
E.g. typing gh
» Return
opens GitHub.
By clicking the magnifier icon next to a link, or by pressing Tab
while on the search page you can enter a search term
that gets sent to that website.
E.g. typing npm
» Tab
» react
» Return
starts a search for "react" on
Hover over a link and a tooltip will appear with more details about the linked website.
By clicking on "Options" and then "Customize links" you can hide some links that you don't want to see or use less frequently.
You can still access them by clicking "Show x hidden links" or by using the search. Hidden links will be sorted to the bottom while using the search.
Caveat: If you hide all links inside a group the group is hidden entirely. So, there's no "Show x hidden links" button. You can still find them in the search though.
You can choose between "Light", "Dark", and "System". The "System" theme will apply the light or dark theme depending on your operating system or browser settings.
# Install dependencies
npm ci
# Start dev server
npm run dev
The app is now running on http://localhost:5173.
End the dev server by pressing [Ctrl]
+ [C]
in your terminal.
# Build image
docker build . --target dev --tag webdevhome-dev --build-arg warp=true --build-arg ls_improvement=true --build-arg rm_cp_mv_interactive=true
# Create and run container
docker run --name webdevhome-dev --publish 5173:5173 --detach --tty webdevhome-dev
docker compose up --build --detach --remove-orphans dev
Arg | Values | Default | Description |
ls_improvement | true , false |
false |
Enable colors for ls command and enable aliases ls , ll , and l . |
rm_cp_mv_interactive | true , false |
false |
Enable aliases for rm , cp , and mv to automatically include the -i flag. |
warp | true , false |
false |
Enable Warp support for console. |
# Build image
docker build . --target prod --tag webdevhome
# Create and run container
docker run --name webdevhome --publish 80:80 --detach webdevhome-prod
Change the ports accordingly.
If you want to run this app in your own Docker environment run the following commands from inside the project root directory:
docker compose up --build --detach --remove-orphans webdevhome
TypeScript • React • farzher/fuzzysort • TailwindCSS • Simple Icons • Material Design Icons