diff --git a/integration-tests/config/config.json b/integration-tests/config/config.json index ca473038949..e25718aa1a0 100644 --- a/integration-tests/config/config.json +++ b/integration-tests/config/config.json @@ -351,6 +351,7 @@ "path": "ktaranov/sqlserver-kit", "url": "https://github.com/ktaranov/sqlserver-kit.git", "args": [ + "--issues-summary-report", "**", "--exclude=**/Backup/**" ], diff --git a/integration-tests/snapshots/AdaDoom3/AdaDoom3/report.yaml b/integration-tests/snapshots/AdaDoom3/AdaDoom3/report.yaml index f4f96438276..cf1f6f97293 100644 --- a/integration-tests/snapshots/AdaDoom3/AdaDoom3/report.yaml +++ b/integration-tests/snapshots/AdaDoom3/AdaDoom3/report.yaml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Args: '["**/*.*"]' Summary: files: 103 filesWithIssues: 98 - issues: 3226 + issues: 3245 errors: 0 Errors: [] @@ -134,9 +134,15 @@ issues: - "Engine/neo-api-openal.ads:1471:15 Bufferi U procedure alBufferi (bid : Int_Unsigned" - "Engine/neo-api-openal.ads:1485:15 Bufferfv U procedure alBufferfv (bid : Int_Unsigned" - "Engine/neo-api-openal.ads:1491:15 Bufferiv U procedure alBufferiv (bid : Int_Unsigned" + - "Engine/neo-api-openal.ads:1532:58 Cenum U Int_Unsigned_C; -- ALCenum" - "Engine/neo-api-openal.ads:1537:27 devicename U function alcOpenDevice (devicename : String) -- ALCchar" + - "Engine/neo-api-openal.ads:1537:53 Cchar U devicename : String) -- ALCchar*" + - "Engine/neo-api-openal.ads:1543:57 Cboolean U Int_8_Unsigned_C -- ALCboolean" - "Engine/neo-api-openal.ads:1548:30 attrlist U attrlist : Pointer) -- ALCint" + - "Engine/neo-api-openal.ads:1548:55 Cint U attrlist : Pointer) -- ALCint*" + - "Engine/neo-api-openal.ads:1549:46 Ccontext U return Ptr -- ALCcontext*" - "Engine/neo-api-openal.ads:1586:70 Csizei U -- ALCsizei" + - "Engine/neo-api-openal.ads:1605:58 Cvoid U : Ptr; -- ALCvoid*" - "Engine/neo-api-openal.ads:1606:32 samps U samps : Int_Size_C) -- ALCsizei" - "Engine/neo-api-openal.ads:1609:20 APIENTRY U typedef ALvoid (AL_APIENTRY*PFNALBUFFERDATASTATICPROC" - "Engine/neo-api-openal.ads:1609:29 PFNALBUFFERDATASTATICPROC U ALvoid (AL_APIENTRY*PFNALBUFFERDATASTATICPROC)(const ALint,ALenum" diff --git a/integration-tests/snapshots/AdaDoom3/AdaDoom3/snapshot.txt b/integration-tests/snapshots/AdaDoom3/AdaDoom3/snapshot.txt index 235eeaa8ae3..aa2bc0abc06 100644 --- a/integration-tests/snapshots/AdaDoom3/AdaDoom3/snapshot.txt +++ b/integration-tests/snapshots/AdaDoom3/AdaDoom3/snapshot.txt @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Repository: AdaDoom3/AdaDoom3 Url: "https://github.com/AdaDoom3/AdaDoom3.git" Args: ["**/*.*"] Lines: - CSpell: Files checked: 103, Issues found: 3226 in 98 files. + CSpell: Files checked: 103, Issues found: 3245 in 98 files. exit code: 1 Engine/Assembly/PPC/neo-engine-cpu.adb:5:78 - Unknown word (Squirek) -- Copyright (C) 2016 Justin Squirek Engine/Assembly/x86-64/neo-engine-cpu.adb:100:111 - Unknown word (POPCNT) -- ECX_Register, 23); -- POPCNT @@ -107,9 +107,15 @@ Engine/neo-api-openal.ads:1457:15 - Unknown word (Bufferf) -- pr Engine/neo-api-openal.ads:1471:15 - Unknown word (Bufferi) -- procedure alBufferi (bid : Int_Unsigned Engine/neo-api-openal.ads:1485:15 - Unknown word (Bufferfv) -- procedure alBufferfv (bid : Int_Unsigned Engine/neo-api-openal.ads:1491:15 - Unknown word (Bufferiv) -- procedure alBufferiv (bid : Int_Unsigned +Engine/neo-api-openal.ads:1532:58 - Unknown word (Cenum) -- Int_Unsigned_C; -- ALCenum Engine/neo-api-openal.ads:1537:27 - Unknown word (devicename) -- function alcOpenDevice (devicename : String) -- ALCchar +Engine/neo-api-openal.ads:1537:53 - Unknown word (Cchar) -- devicename : String) -- ALCchar* +Engine/neo-api-openal.ads:1543:57 - Unknown word (Cboolean) -- Int_8_Unsigned_C -- ALCboolean Engine/neo-api-openal.ads:1548:30 - Unknown word (attrlist) -- attrlist : Pointer) -- ALCint +Engine/neo-api-openal.ads:1548:55 - Unknown word (Cint) -- attrlist : Pointer) -- ALCint* +Engine/neo-api-openal.ads:1549:46 - Unknown word (Ccontext) -- return Ptr -- ALCcontext* Engine/neo-api-openal.ads:1586:70 - Unknown word (Csizei) -- -- ALCsizei +Engine/neo-api-openal.ads:1605:58 - Unknown word (Cvoid) -- : Ptr; -- ALCvoid* Engine/neo-api-openal.ads:1606:32 - Unknown word (samps) -- samps : Int_Size_C) -- ALCsizei Engine/neo-api-openal.ads:1609:20 - Unknown word (APIENTRY) -- typedef ALvoid (AL_APIENTRY*PFNALBUFFERDATASTATICPROC Engine/neo-api-openal.ads:1609:29 - Unknown word (PFNALBUFFERDATASTATICPROC) -- ALvoid (AL_APIENTRY*PFNALBUFFERDATASTATICPROC)(const ALint,ALenum diff --git a/integration-tests/snapshots/MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs/report.yaml b/integration-tests/snapshots/MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs/report.yaml index cc92515f207..129c06297a9 100644 --- a/integration-tests/snapshots/MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs/report.yaml +++ b/integration-tests/snapshots/MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs/report.yaml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Args: '["--config=../../../cspell-power-shell-docs.config.yaml","**"]' Summary: files: 2683 filesWithIssues: 1239 - issues: 5379 + issues: 5378 errors: 0 Errors: [] @@ -5065,7 +5065,6 @@ issues: - "reference/docs-conceptual/samples/Working-with-Registry-Keys.md:51:3 regedit U (`regedit.exe`)." - "reference/docs-conceptual/samples/Working-with-Registry-Keys.md:104:37 regini U including `reg.exe`, `regini.exe`, `regedit.exe`" - "reference/docs-conceptual/samples/Working-with-Registry-Keys.md:104:51 regedit U exe`, `regini.exe`, `regedit.exe`, and COM objects" - - "reference/docs-conceptual/samples/Working-with-Registry-Keys.md:105:49 WMI's U WScript.Shell** and WMI's **StdRegProv** class" - "reference/docs-conceptual/security/application-control.md:55:1 wevtutil U wevtutil.exe sl PowerShellCore" - "reference/docs-conceptual/security/overview.yml:12:54 quickstart U tutorial | overview | quickstart | reference |" - "reference/docs-conceptual/security/overview.yml:82:46 secretmanagement U powershell/utility-modules/secretmanagement/overview" diff --git a/integration-tests/snapshots/MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs/snapshot.txt b/integration-tests/snapshots/MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs/snapshot.txt index 73500f04dd1..9da9153f2ba 100644 --- a/integration-tests/snapshots/MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs/snapshot.txt +++ b/integration-tests/snapshots/MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs/snapshot.txt @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Repository: MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs Url: "https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs.git" Args: ["--config=../../../cspell-power-shell-docs.config.yaml","**"] Lines: - CSpell: Files checked: 2683, Issues found: 5379 in 1239 files. + CSpell: Files checked: 2683, Issues found: 5378 in 1239 files. exit code: 1 CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md:10:38 - Unknown word (opensource) -- reach out at [aka.ms/opensource/moderation-support] LICENSE:139:15 - Unknown word (sublicensable) -- non-sublicensable, non-exclusive, irrevocable @@ -5059,7 +5059,6 @@ reference/docs-conceptual/samples/Working-with-Registry-Entries.md:187:38 - U reference/docs-conceptual/samples/Working-with-Registry-Entries.md:251:113 - Unknown word (passthru) -- werShellPath -NewName PSHome -passthru reference/docs-conceptual/samples/Working-with-Registry-Keys.md:104:37 - Unknown word (regini) -- including `reg.exe`, `regini.exe`, `regedit.exe` reference/docs-conceptual/samples/Working-with-Registry-Keys.md:104:51 - Unknown word (regedit) -- exe`, `regini.exe`, `regedit.exe`, and COM objects -reference/docs-conceptual/samples/Working-with-Registry-Keys.md:105:49 - Unknown word (WMI's) -- WScript.Shell** and WMI's **StdRegProv** class reference/docs-conceptual/samples/Working-with-Registry-Keys.md:51:3 - Unknown word (regedit) -- (`regedit.exe`). reference/docs-conceptual/security/application-control.md:55:1 - Unknown word (wevtutil) -- wevtutil.exe sl PowerShellCore reference/docs-conceptual/security/overview.yml:12:54 - Unknown word (quickstart) -- tutorial | overview | quickstart | reference | diff --git a/integration-tests/snapshots/TheAlgorithms/Python/report.yaml b/integration-tests/snapshots/TheAlgorithms/Python/report.yaml index 63ac37c8ace..c38e54bf4ea 100644 --- a/integration-tests/snapshots/TheAlgorithms/Python/report.yaml +++ b/integration-tests/snapshots/TheAlgorithms/Python/report.yaml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Args: '["**/*.{md,py}"]' Summary: files: 1337 filesWithIssues: 490 - issues: 3312 + issues: 3311 errors: 0 Errors: [] @@ -168,7 +168,6 @@ issues: - "ciphers/caesar_cipher.py:56:11 Cqks U 'bpm yCqks jzwEv nwF rCuxA wDmz" - "ciphers/caesar_cipher.py:62:8 qtbjwhfxj U 'f qtbjwhfxj fqumfgjy'" - "ciphers/caesar_cipher.py:62:18 fqumfgjy U 'f qtbjwhfxj fqumfgjy'" - - "ciphers/caesar_cipher.py:188:30 IH'N U brute_force(\"jFyuMy xIH'N vLONy zILwy Gy!\")[2" - "ciphers/decrypt_caesar_with_chi_squared.py:56:18 ifmmp U Cipher text: ifmmp" - "ciphers/decrypt_caesar_with_chi_squared.py:112:24 jhlzhy U ... 'dof pz aol jhlzhy jpwoly zv wvwbshy? pa" - "ciphers/decrypt_caesar_with_chi_squared.py:112:31 jpwoly U 'dof pz aol jhlzhy jpwoly zv wvwbshy? pa pz avv" @@ -250,7 +249,6 @@ issues: - "ciphers/rot13.py:8:16 onax U \"Zl frperg onax nppbhag ahzore vf 1" - "ciphers/rot13.py:8:21 nppbhag U \"Zl frperg onax nppbhag ahzore vf 173-52946" - "ciphers/rot13.py:8:29 ahzore U frperg onax nppbhag ahzore vf 173-52946 fb qba" - - "ciphers/rot13.py:8:52 qba'g U ahzore vf 173-52946 fb qba'g gryy nalbar!!\"" - "ciphers/rot13.py:8:58 gryy U vf 173-52946 fb qba'g gryy nalbar!!\"" - "ciphers/rot13.py:8:63 nalbar U 52946 fb qba'g gryy nalbar!!\"" - "ciphers/rsa_factorization.py:17:5 rsafactor U def rsafactor(d: int, e: int, n: int" @@ -819,7 +817,6 @@ issues: - "machine_learning/loss_functions.py:85:5 bcfe U bcfe_loss = -(" - "machine_learning/loss_functions.py:159:57 CFCE U focal cross-entropy (CFCE) loss between true" - "machine_learning/loss_functions.py:246:5 cfce U cfce_loss = -np.sum(" - - "machine_learning/loss_functions.py:256:43 SVMs U support vector machines (SVMs)." - "machine_learning/loss_functions.py:405:51 MSLE U squared logarithmic error (MSLE) between ground truth" - "machine_learning/loss_functions.py:632:5 kullback U def kullback_leibler_divergence(y" - "machine_learning/loss_functions.py:632:14 leibler U def kullback_leibler_divergence(y_true: np" diff --git a/integration-tests/snapshots/TheAlgorithms/Python/snapshot.txt b/integration-tests/snapshots/TheAlgorithms/Python/snapshot.txt index 08b6360d2f1..fa28be28b00 100644 --- a/integration-tests/snapshots/TheAlgorithms/Python/snapshot.txt +++ b/integration-tests/snapshots/TheAlgorithms/Python/snapshot.txt @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Repository: TheAlgorithms/Python Url: "https://github.com/TheAlgorithms/Python.git" Args: ["**/*.{md,py}"] Lines: - CSpell: Files checked: 1337, Issues found: 3312 in 490 files. + CSpell: Files checked: 1337, Issues found: 3311 in 490 files. exit code: 1 CONTRIBUTING.md:142:33 - Unknown word (pytest) -- doctests will be run by pytest as part of our automated CONTRIBUTING.md:145:14 - Unknown word (doctest) -- python3 -m doctest -v my_submission.py @@ -295,7 +295,6 @@ ciphers/brute_force_caesar_cipher.py:8:30 - Unknown word (SLCDSTW) -- De ciphers/brute_force_caesar_cipher.py:8:38 - Unknown word (OLCUT) -- using Key #1: SLCDSTW OLCUT ciphers/brute_force_caesar_cipher.py:9:30 - Unknown word (RKBCRSV) -- Decryption using Key #2: RKBCRSV NKBTS ciphers/brute_force_caesar_cipher.py:9:38 - Unknown word (NKBTS) -- using Key #2: RKBCRSV NKBTS -ciphers/caesar_cipher.py:188:30 - Unknown word (IH'N) -- brute_force("jFyuMy xIH'N vLONy zILwy Gy!")[2 ciphers/caesar_cipher.py:47:33 - Unknown word (Jgnnq) -- final message would be "Jgnnq, ecrvckp" ciphers/caesar_cipher.py:47:40 - Unknown word (ecrvckp) -- message would be "Jgnnq, ecrvckp" ciphers/caesar_cipher.py:56:11 - Unknown word (Cqks) -- 'bpm yCqks jzwEv nwF rCuxA wDmz @@ -381,7 +380,6 @@ ciphers/rail_fence_cipher.py:11:10 - Unknown word (olordll) -- 'HWe olord ciphers/rot13.py:8:16 - Unknown word (onax) -- "Zl frperg onax nppbhag ahzore vf 1 ciphers/rot13.py:8:21 - Unknown word (nppbhag) -- "Zl frperg onax nppbhag ahzore vf 173-52946 ciphers/rot13.py:8:29 - Unknown word (ahzore) -- frperg onax nppbhag ahzore vf 173-52946 fb qba -ciphers/rot13.py:8:52 - Unknown word (qba'g) -- ahzore vf 173-52946 fb qba'g gryy nalbar!!" ciphers/rot13.py:8:58 - Unknown word (gryy) -- vf 173-52946 fb qba'g gryy nalbar!!" ciphers/rot13.py:8:63 - Unknown word (nalbar) -- 52946 fb qba'g gryy nalbar!!" ciphers/rot13.py:8:9 - Unknown word (frperg) -- "Zl frperg onax nppbhag ahzore @@ -811,7 +809,6 @@ machine_learning/local_weighted_learning/local_weighted_learning.py:7:14 - machine_learning/local_weighted_learning/local_weighted_learning.py:7:6 - Unknown word (XᵀWX) -- β = (XᵀWX)⁻¹(XᵀWy), machine_learning/loss_functions.py:159:57 - Unknown word (CFCE) -- focal cross-entropy (CFCE) loss between true machine_learning/loss_functions.py:246:5 - Unknown word (cfce) -- cfce_loss = -np.sum( -machine_learning/loss_functions.py:256:43 - Unknown word (SVMs) -- support vector machines (SVMs). machine_learning/loss_functions.py:405:51 - Unknown word (MSLE) -- squared logarithmic error (MSLE) between ground truth machine_learning/loss_functions.py:50:52 - Unknown word (BFCE) -- focal cross-entropy (BFCE) loss between true labels machine_learning/loss_functions.py:57:5 - Unknown word (BCFE) -- BCFE = -Σ(alpha * (1 - y diff --git a/integration-tests/snapshots/aspnetboilerplate/aspnetboilerplate/report.yaml b/integration-tests/snapshots/aspnetboilerplate/aspnetboilerplate/report.yaml index e67959c232d..80536417b49 100644 --- a/integration-tests/snapshots/aspnetboilerplate/aspnetboilerplate/report.yaml +++ b/integration-tests/snapshots/aspnetboilerplate/aspnetboilerplate/report.yaml @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ Url: https://github.com/aspnetboilerplate/aspnetboilerplate Args: '["**/*.{md,cs,cshtml}","--exclude=wwwroot","--exclude=**/*SampleApp.Tests/Web*"]' Summary: files: 2739 - filesWithIssues: 848 - issues: 2816 + filesWithIssues: 845 + issues: 2803 errors: 0 Errors: [] @@ -37,8 +37,6 @@ issues: - "doc/WebSite/Caching.md:44:6 MYCACHE U and \"MYCACHE\" are two different caches" - "doc/WebSite/Data-Filters.md:132:51 entitiy U need it for **common entitiy" - "doc/WebSite/Data-Filters.md:162:61 stamement U don't use the using stamement," - - "doc/WebSite/Data-Filters.md:336:72 EF's U the documentation on EF's" - - "doc/WebSite/Debugging.md:1:60 ABP's U may want to step into ABP's source" - "doc/WebSite/Debugging.md:5:4 Sourcelink U **[Sourcelink](https://github.com" - "doc/WebSite/Debugging.md:10:25 sourcelink U img src=\"images/enable-sourcelink.png\" alt=\"Enable Sourcelink" - "doc/WebSite/Dependency-Injection.md:217:71 Ninject U frameworks, such as Unity, Ninject," diff --git a/integration-tests/snapshots/aspnetboilerplate/aspnetboilerplate/snapshot.txt b/integration-tests/snapshots/aspnetboilerplate/aspnetboilerplate/snapshot.txt index 84053509241..045b26ce4ea 100644 --- a/integration-tests/snapshots/aspnetboilerplate/aspnetboilerplate/snapshot.txt +++ b/integration-tests/snapshots/aspnetboilerplate/aspnetboilerplate/snapshot.txt @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Repository: aspnetboilerplate/aspnetboilerplate Url: "https://github.com/aspnetboilerplate/aspnetboilerplate" Args: ["**/*.{md,cs,cshtml}","--exclude=wwwroot","--exclude=**/*SampleApp.Tests/Web*"] Lines: - CSpell: Files checked: 2739, Issues found: 2816 in 848 files. + CSpell: Files checked: 2739, Issues found: 2803 in 845 files. exit code: 1 CONTRIBUTING.md:28:30 - Unknown word (aspnetboilerplate) -- Documents are located in [/aspnetboilerplate/doc](https://github LICENSE.md:3:25 - Unknown word (Volosoft) -- Copyright (c) 2013-2021 Volosoft (https://volosoft.com @@ -33,9 +33,7 @@ doc/WebSite/Cached-Unique-Key-Per-User.md:132:143 - Unknown word (uniquekey) doc/WebSite/Caching.md:44:6 - Unknown word (MYCACHE) -- and "MYCACHE" are two different caches doc/WebSite/Data-Filters.md:132:51 - Unknown word (entitiy) -- need it for **common entitiy doc/WebSite/Data-Filters.md:162:61 - Unknown word (stamement) -- don't use the using stamement, -doc/WebSite/Data-Filters.md:336:72 - Unknown word (EF's) -- the documentation on EF's doc/WebSite/Debugging.md:10:25 - Unknown word (sourcelink) -- img src="images/enable-sourcelink.png" alt="Enable Sourcelink -doc/WebSite/Debugging.md:1:60 - Unknown word (ABP's) -- may want to step into ABP's source doc/WebSite/Debugging.md:5:4 - Unknown word (Sourcelink) -- **[Sourcelink](https://github.com doc/WebSite/Dependency-Injection.md:217:71 - Unknown word (Ninject) -- frameworks, such as Unity, Ninject, doc/WebSite/Dependency-Injection.md:218:19 - Unknown word (Autofac) -- StructureMap, and Autofac. diff --git a/integration-tests/snapshots/caddyserver/caddy/report.yaml b/integration-tests/snapshots/caddyserver/caddy/report.yaml index b0426854cfa..30a9be96e80 100644 --- a/integration-tests/snapshots/caddyserver/caddy/report.yaml +++ b/integration-tests/snapshots/caddyserver/caddy/report.yaml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Args: '["**/*.go"]' Summary: files: 275 filesWithIssues: 255 - issues: 4105 + issues: 4109 errors: 0 Errors: [] @@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ issues: - "caddyconfig/caddyfile/parse_test.go:665:13 foofoobarbar U expect: \"foofoobarbar\"," - "caddyconfig/caddyfile/parse_test.go:677:13 foobarfoobar U expect: \"foobarfoobar\"," - "caddyconfig/caddyfile/parse_test.go:689:13 foobarbaz U expect: \"foobarbaz\"," + - "caddyconfig/caddyfile/parse_test.go:693:23 baz U expect: \"foo$FOOBARbaz\", // should not chain" - "caddyconfig/caddyfile/parse.go:391:13 elee U // TODO(elee1766): we don't enter" - "caddyconfig/caddyfile/parse.go:725:36 Curlies U parser) blockTokens(retainCurlies bool) ([]Token, error" - "caddyconfig/caddyfile/parse.go:726:21 curlies U // block must have curlies." @@ -311,8 +312,9 @@ issues: - "modules/caddyhttp/reverseproxy/httptransport_test.go:13:712 NBIEN U GqQYMBYxFDASBgNVBAMMC0Vhc3ktUlNBIENBghR8hE5uNY1QDiPFD/THwE" - "modules/caddyhttp/reverseproxy/httptransport_test.go:13:752 NVHRMEBTADAQH U QDiPFD/THwE4K8TZXDjAMBgNVHRMEBTADAQH/MAsGA1UdDwQEAwIBBjANBgkqhkiG" - "modules/caddyhttp/reverseproxy/httptransport_test.go:13:786 Bgkqhki U MAsGA1UdDwQEAwIBBjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFAAOCAQEAKB3V" + - "modules/caddyhttp/reverseproxy/httptransport_test.go:13:797 BAQs U UdDwQEAwIBBjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFAAOCAQEAKB3V4HIzoiO" - "modules/caddyhttp/reverseproxy/httptransport_test.go:13:801 FAAOCAQEAKB U UdDwQEAwIBBjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFAAOCAQEAKB3V4HIzoiO/Ch6WMj9bLJ" - - "modules/caddyhttp/reverseproxy/httptransport_test.go:13:817 zoi U BAQsFAAOCAQEAKB3V4HIzoiO/Ch6WMj9bLJ2FGbpkMrcb" + - "modules/caddyhttp/reverseproxy/httptransport_test.go:13:816 Izoi U w0BAQsFAAOCAQEAKB3V4HIzoiO/Ch6WMj9bLJ2FGbpkMrcb" - "modules/caddyhttp/reverseproxy/httptransport_test.go:13:834 Gbpk U V4HIzoiO/Ch6WMj9bLJ2FGbpkMrcb/Eq01hT5zcfKD66lVS" - "modules/caddyhttp/reverseproxy/httptransport_test.go:13:838 Mrcb U HIzoiO/Ch6WMj9bLJ2FGbpkMrcb/Eq01hT5zcfKD66lVS1MlK" - "modules/caddyhttp/reverseproxy/httptransport_test.go:13:885 qmrmtdwr U cRL446Z2b2KDP1oFyVs+qmrmtdwrWgD+nfe2sBmmIHo9m9KygMkEOfG" diff --git a/integration-tests/snapshots/caddyserver/caddy/snapshot.txt b/integration-tests/snapshots/caddyserver/caddy/snapshot.txt index a70601bf1d8..411ab17780d 100644 --- a/integration-tests/snapshots/caddyserver/caddy/snapshot.txt +++ b/integration-tests/snapshots/caddyserver/caddy/snapshot.txt @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Repository: caddyserver/caddy Url: "https://github.com/caddyserver/caddy.git" Args: ["**/*.go"] Lines: - CSpell: Files checked: 275, Issues found: 4105 in 255 files. + CSpell: Files checked: 275, Issues found: 4109 in 255 files. exit code: 1 admin.go:1371:21 - Unknown word (pidfile) -- // PIDFile writes a pidfile to the file at filename admin.go:331:29 - Unknown word (infosec) -- security checks, the infosec community assures me @@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ caddyconfig/caddyfile/parse.go:726:21 - Unknown word (curlies) -- // block caddyconfig/caddyfile/parse_test.go:665:13 - Unknown word (foofoobarbar) -- expect: "foofoobarbar", caddyconfig/caddyfile/parse_test.go:677:13 - Unknown word (foobarfoobar) -- expect: "foobarfoobar", caddyconfig/caddyfile/parse_test.go:689:13 - Unknown word (foobarbaz) -- expect: "foobarbaz", +caddyconfig/caddyfile/parse_test.go:693:23 - Unknown word (baz) -- expect: "foo$FOOBARbaz", // should not chain caddyconfig/httpcaddyfile/addresses.go:154:2 - Unknown word (sbaddrs) -- sbaddrs := make([]sbAddrAssociation caddyconfig/httpcaddyfile/addresses.go:155:12 - Unknown word (sblocks) -- for addr, sblocks := range addrToServerBlocks caddyconfig/httpcaddyfile/addresses.go:166:23 - Unknown word (Sblocks) -- for otherAddr, otherSblocks := range addrToServerBlocks @@ -314,9 +315,10 @@ modules/caddyhttp/reverseproxy/httptransport_test.go:13:712 - Unknown word (N modules/caddyhttp/reverseproxy/httptransport_test.go:13:752 - Unknown word (NVHRMEBTADAQH) -- QDiPFD/THwE4K8TZXDjAMBgNVHRMEBTADAQH/MAsGA1UdDwQEAwIBBjANBgkqhkiG modules/caddyhttp/reverseproxy/httptransport_test.go:13:77 - Unknown word (Ihvc) -- 0x8BOCvE2Vw4wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQAwFjEUMBIGA1UEAwwLRWFze modules/caddyhttp/reverseproxy/httptransport_test.go:13:786 - Unknown word (Bgkqhki) -- MAsGA1UdDwQEAwIBBjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFAAOCAQEAKB3V +modules/caddyhttp/reverseproxy/httptransport_test.go:13:797 - Unknown word (BAQs) -- UdDwQEAwIBBjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFAAOCAQEAKB3V4HIzoiO modules/caddyhttp/reverseproxy/httptransport_test.go:13:801 - Unknown word (FAAOCAQEAKB) -- UdDwQEAwIBBjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFAAOCAQEAKB3V4HIzoiO/Ch6WMj9bLJ modules/caddyhttp/reverseproxy/httptransport_test.go:13:81 - Unknown word (NAQELBQ) -- BOCvE2Vw4wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQAwFjEUMBIGA1UEAwwLRWFzeS -modules/caddyhttp/reverseproxy/httptransport_test.go:13:817 - Unknown word (zoi) -- BAQsFAAOCAQEAKB3V4HIzoiO/Ch6WMj9bLJ2FGbpkMrcb +modules/caddyhttp/reverseproxy/httptransport_test.go:13:816 - Unknown word (Izoi) -- w0BAQsFAAOCAQEAKB3V4HIzoiO/Ch6WMj9bLJ2FGbpkMrcb modules/caddyhttp/reverseproxy/httptransport_test.go:13:834 - Unknown word (Gbpk) -- V4HIzoiO/Ch6WMj9bLJ2FGbpkMrcb/Eq01hT5zcfKD66lVS modules/caddyhttp/reverseproxy/httptransport_test.go:13:838 - Unknown word (Mrcb) -- HIzoiO/Ch6WMj9bLJ2FGbpkMrcb/Eq01hT5zcfKD66lVS1MlK modules/caddyhttp/reverseproxy/httptransport_test.go:13:885 - Unknown word (qmrmtdwr) -- cRL446Z2b2KDP1oFyVs+qmrmtdwrWgD+nfe2sBmmIHo9m9KygMkEOfG diff --git a/integration-tests/snapshots/django/django/report.yaml b/integration-tests/snapshots/django/django/report.yaml index 1d025822466..0ceb46bf372 100644 --- a/integration-tests/snapshots/django/django/report.yaml +++ b/integration-tests/snapshots/django/django/report.yaml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Args: '["--issues-summary-report","**/*.{md,py}"]' Summary: files: 2789 filesWithIssues: 901 - issues: 8006 + issues: 8012 errors: 0 Errors: [] @@ -254,6 +254,7 @@ issues: - "django/contrib/gis/gdal/prototypes/raster.py:142:19 Reproject U std_call(\"GDALReprojectImage\")," - "django/contrib/gis/gdal/prototypes/srs.py:46:1 invflattening U invflattening = srs_double(lgdal.OSRGetInvF" - "django/contrib/gis/gdal/prototypes/srs.py:99:1 isgeographic U isgeographic = int_output(lgdal.OSRIsGeogr" + - "django/contrib/gis/gdal/prototypes/srs.py:99:33 OSRIs U geographic = int_output(lgdal.OSRIsGeographic, [c_void_p" - "django/contrib/gis/gdal/prototypes/srs.py:100:1 islocal U islocal = int_output(lgdal.OSRIsLocal" - "django/contrib/gis/gdal/prototypes/srs.py:101:1 isprojected U isprojected = int_output(lgdal.OSRIsProje" - "django/contrib/gis/gdal/raster/band.py:84:9 smin U smin, smax, smean, sstd" @@ -640,7 +641,6 @@ issues: - "django/db/models/fields/json.py:401:65 MDEV U and ->> operators (see MDEV-13594)." - "django/db/models/fields/related_descriptors.py:31:69 unicity U is checked upstream (unicity" - "django/db/models/fields/related.py:823:63 pushdown U joining and subquery pushdown. The" - - "django/db/models/fields/related.py:888:20 FK's U # Internal FK's - i.e., those with a" - "django/db/models/functions/datetime.py:156:35 mydatetime U replicate this in Python: (mydatetime.isoweekday() % 7) +" - "django/db/models/functions/datetime.py:241:45 LOCALTIMESTAMP U connection, template=\"LOCALTIMESTAMP\", **extra_context" - "django/db/models/functions/text.py:24:24 RAWTOHEX U \"LOWER(RAWTOHEX(STANDARD_HASH(UTL_I" @@ -1164,7 +1164,6 @@ issues: - "tests/admin_views/forms.py:12:25 customform U if username == \"customform\":" - "tests/admin_views/models.py:195:30 Palin U \"leader__name\": \"Palin\"," - "tests/admin_views/models.py:506:82 Žćžšđ U title (with Unicode ŠĐĆŽćžšđ)\"" - - "tests/admin_views/models.py:548:61 GFKs U one real use case for GFKs.\"" - "tests/admin_views/models.py:595:5 supervillain U supervillain = models.ForeignKey" - "tests/admin_views/models.py:736:24 Pography U (\"thai\", \"Thai Pography\")," - "tests/admin_views/models.py:1023:5 rname U rname = models.CharField(max" @@ -1612,7 +1611,6 @@ issues: - "tests/file_uploads/views.py:57:5 largefile U largefile = request.FILES[\"file" - "tests/files/tests.py:36:34 Cómo U UploadedFile(name=\"¿Cómo?\", content_type=\"text" - "tests/files/tests.py:40:25 djángö U f = File(None, \"djángö\")" - - "tests/files/tests.py:176:25 l'été U content = \"vive l'été\\n\"" - "tests/files/tests.py:230:14 noname U def test_noname_file_default_name(self" - "tests/files/tests.py:503:38 quux U write(b\"foo bar baz quux\\n\")" - "tests/fixtures_regress/tests.py:1:3 Unittests U # Unittests for fixtures." @@ -1900,6 +1898,7 @@ issues: - "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py:425:25 unichr U # '\\xde\\x9e' == unichr(1950).encode()" - "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py:449:23 isnt (isn't) U def test_iterator_isnt_rewound(self):" - "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py:464:18 привет U r.write(\"привет\")" + - "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py:486:48 nbaz U content, b\"foo\\nbar\\nbaz\\n\")" - "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py:615:25 łóżko U data = {\"key\": \"łóżko\"}" - "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py:849:27 keebler U parse_cookie('keebler=\"E=mc2; L=\\\\\"Loves\\" - "tests/httpwrappers/tests.py:863:21 edgecases U def test_cookie_edgecases(self):" @@ -2549,7 +2548,6 @@ issues: - "tests/serializers/test_deserializedobject.py:10:9 deserial U deserial_obj = DeserializedObject" - "tests/serializers/test_json.py:106:20 badpk U \"pk\": \"badpk\"," - "tests/serializers/test_json.py:129:26 invalidint U \"rank\": \"invalidint\"," - - "tests/serializers/test_natural.py:7:5 FKAs U FKAsPKNoNaturalKey," - "tests/serializers/test_natural.py:24:72 Anghor U , data=\"Natural Key Anghor\")," - "tests/serializers/tests.py:244:25 יוניקוד U unicode_name = \"יוניקוד\"" - "tests/serializers/tests.py:322:21 Spartak U team_str = \"Spartak Moskva\"" @@ -2677,6 +2675,7 @@ issues: - "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_underscore_syntax.py:88:35 Passwort U assertEqual(output, \"Passwort\")" - "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_autoescape.py:95:25 filtertag U \"autoescape-filtertag01\": (" - "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_autoescape.py:132:25 stringiterations U @setup({\"autoescape-stringiterations01\": \"{% for l in var" + - "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_basic.py:50:41 INVALI U assertEqual(output, \"asINVALIDdf\")" - "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_basic.py:90:39 otherclass U basic-syntax10\": \"{{ var.otherclass.method }}\"})" - "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_basic.py:98:39 blech U basic-syntax11\": \"{{ var.blech }}\"})" - "tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_cache.py:122:25 freddled U \"Oh freddled gruntbuggly/Thy micturations" @@ -2789,6 +2788,7 @@ issues: - "tests/utils_tests/test_dateformat.py:147:14 futuredates U def test_futuredates(self):" - "tests/utils_tests/test_encoding.py:65:37 voil U This is an exception, voil\"," - "tests/utils_tests/test_encoding.py:127:23 xfctest U data = b\"test\\xfctest\\xfctest\\xfc\"" + - "tests/utils_tests/test_encoding.py:136:70 Ctest U unicode(data), b\"test%FCtest%FCtest%FC\")" - "tests/utils_tests/test_encoding.py:149:38 чубака U filepath_to_uri(\"upload\\\\чубака.mp4\")," - "tests/utils_tests/test_encoding.py:158:21 rosé U (\"red%09rosé#red\", \"red%09ros%C3" - "tests/utils_tests/test_encoding.py:159:25 Jürgen U (\"/blog/for/Jürgen Münster/\", \"/blog/for" @@ -3430,6 +3430,7 @@ issuesSummary: - "text: Cryptonomicon, count: 2, files: 1," - "text: Cscript, count: 5, files: 2," - "text: Cspam, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Ctest, count: 2, files: 1," - "text: ctex, count: 1, files: 1," - "text: ctxt, count: 9, files: 2," - "text: cume, count: 4, files: 1," @@ -3774,8 +3775,6 @@ issuesSummary: - "text: firstparams, count: 2, files: 1," - "text: fixedoffset, count: 2, files: 1," - "text: Fixure, count: 1, files: 1," - - "text: FK's, count: 1, files: 1," - - "text: FKAs, count: 1, files: 1," - "text: flaskdj, count: 1, files: 1," - "text: flatatt, count: 8, files: 3," - "text: flatpagecaf, count: 1, files: 1," @@ -3886,7 +3885,6 @@ issuesSummary: - "text: getsizeof, count: 1, files: 1," - "text: getslice, count: 1, files: 1," - "text: gfks, count: 3, files: 1," - - "text: GFKs, count: 1, files: 1," - "text: Ghoraguli, count: 2, files: 1," - "text: gibbberish, count: 1, files: 1," - "text: gibt, count: 3, files: 1," @@ -4034,6 +4032,7 @@ issuesSummary: - "text: intput, count: 1, files: 1," - "text: intring, count: 3, files: 3," - "text: INVALD, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: INVALI, count: 1, files: 1," - "text: invalidint, count: 4, files: 2," - "text: invalidstr, count: 5, files: 1," - "text: inventore, count: 1, files: 1," @@ -4137,7 +4136,6 @@ issuesSummary: - "text: krit, count: 6, files: 4," - "text: kwonly, count: 9, files: 2," - "text: KYGTI, count: 1, files: 1," - - "text: l'été, count: 1, files: 1," - "text: labelable, count: 1, files: 1," - "text: labelledby, count: 5, files: 2," - "text: labore, count: 8, files: 5," @@ -4443,10 +4441,11 @@ issuesSummary: - "text: natus, count: 1, files: 1," - "text: nazwa, count: 1, files: 1," - "text: nbár, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: nbaz, count: 1, files: 1," - "text: nbfield, count: 6, files: 2," - "text: nbmf, count: 2, files: 1," - "text: nbmt, count: 2, files: 1," - - "text: nbuz, count: 3, files: 3," + - "text: nbuz, count: 6, files: 3," - "text: nbytes, count: 1, files: 1," - "text: nclob, count: 1, files: 1," - "text: NCLOB, count: 14, files: 5," @@ -4647,6 +4646,7 @@ issuesSummary: - "text: orignal, count: 2, files: 1," - "text: osanteuh, count: 1, files: 1," - "text: osfhandle, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: OSRIs, count: 3, files: 1," - "text: ossp, count: 1, files: 1," - "text: otherage, count: 3, files: 1," - "text: otherclass, count: 2, files: 2," diff --git a/integration-tests/snapshots/django/django/snapshot.txt b/integration-tests/snapshots/django/django/snapshot.txt index 88ec8ea44f3..855ebb45acf 100644 --- a/integration-tests/snapshots/django/django/snapshot.txt +++ b/integration-tests/snapshots/django/django/snapshot.txt @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Repository: django/django Url: "https://github.com/django/django.git" Args: ["--issues-summary-report","**/*.{md,py}"] Lines: - CSpell: Files checked: 2789, Issues found: 8006 in 901 files. + CSpell: Files checked: 2789, Issues found: 8012 in 901 files. exit code: 1 django/__init__.py:12:26 - Unknown word (urlresolvers) -- Set the thread-local urlresolvers script prefix if `set django/apps/registry.py:134:40 - Unknown word (unconfigured) -- not ready" is due to unconfigured settings, accessing @@ -251,6 +251,7 @@ django/contrib/gis/gdal/prototypes/srs.py:100:1 - Unknown word (islocal) django/contrib/gis/gdal/prototypes/srs.py:101:1 - Unknown word (isprojected) -- isprojected = int_output(lgdal.OSRIsProje django/contrib/gis/gdal/prototypes/srs.py:46:1 - Unknown word (invflattening) -- invflattening = srs_double(lgdal.OSRGetInvF django/contrib/gis/gdal/prototypes/srs.py:99:1 - Unknown word (isgeographic) -- isgeographic = int_output(lgdal.OSRIsGeogr +django/contrib/gis/gdal/prototypes/srs.py:99:33 - Unknown word (OSRIs) -- geographic = int_output(lgdal.OSRIsGeographic, [c_void_p django/contrib/gis/gdal/raster/band.py:220:50 - Unknown word (ndarray) -- isinstance(data, numpy.ndarray) django/contrib/gis/gdal/raster/band.py:248:30 - Unknown word (frombuffer) -- return numpy.frombuffer( django/contrib/gis/gdal/raster/band.py:84:15 - Unknown word (smax) -- smin, smax, smean, sstd = c_double @@ -634,7 +635,6 @@ django/db/models/fields/__init__.py:531:79 - Unknown word (WXXX) -- det django/db/models/fields/json.py:322:7 - Unknown word (JSONI) -- class JSONIContains(CaseInsensitiveMixin django/db/models/fields/json.py:401:65 - Unknown word (MDEV) -- and ->> operators (see MDEV-13594). django/db/models/fields/related.py:823:63 - Unknown word (pushdown) -- joining and subquery pushdown. The -django/db/models/fields/related.py:888:20 - Unknown word (FK's) -- # Internal FK's - i.e., those with a django/db/models/fields/related_descriptors.py:31:69 - Unknown word (unicity) -- is checked upstream (unicity django/db/models/functions/datetime.py:156:35 - Unknown word (mydatetime) -- replicate this in Python: (mydatetime.isoweekday() % 7) + django/db/models/functions/datetime.py:241:45 - Unknown word (LOCALTIMESTAMP) -- connection, template="LOCALTIMESTAMP", **extra_context @@ -1161,7 +1161,6 @@ tests/admin_views/models.py:1023:5 - Unknown word (rname) -- rname = m tests/admin_views/models.py:1098:7 - Unknown word (Héllo) -- class Héllo(models.Model): tests/admin_views/models.py:195:30 - Unknown word (Palin) -- "leader__name": "Palin", tests/admin_views/models.py:506:82 - Unknown word (Žćžšđ) -- title (with Unicode ŠĐĆŽćžšđ)" -tests/admin_views/models.py:548:61 - Unknown word (GFKs) -- one real use case for GFKs." tests/admin_views/models.py:595:5 - Unknown word (supervillain) -- supervillain = models.ForeignKey tests/admin_views/models.py:736:24 - Unknown word (Pography) -- ("thai", "Thai Pography"), tests/admin_views/test_actions.py:187:40 - Unknown word (unchangeableobject) -- reverse("admin:admin_views_unchangeableobject_changelist"), action @@ -1605,7 +1604,6 @@ tests/file_uploads/tests.py:377:49 - Unknown word (monkeybusiness) -- uploade tests/file_uploads/tests.py:660:14 - Unknown word (fileupload) -- def test_fileupload_getlist(self): tests/file_uploads/tests.py:688:14 - Unknown word (fileuploads) -- def test_fileuploads_closed_at_request_end tests/file_uploads/views.py:57:5 - Unknown word (largefile) -- largefile = request.FILES["file -tests/files/tests.py:176:25 - Unknown word (l'été) -- content = "vive l'été\n" tests/files/tests.py:230:14 - Unknown word (noname) -- def test_noname_file_default_name(self tests/files/tests.py:36:34 - Unknown word (Cómo) -- UploadedFile(name="¿Cómo?", content_type="text tests/files/tests.py:40:25 - Unknown word (djángö) -- f = File(None, "djángö") @@ -1895,6 +1893,7 @@ tests/httpwrappers/tests.py:416:39 - Unknown word (idanalexjacob) -- assertEq tests/httpwrappers/tests.py:425:25 - Unknown word (unichr) -- # '\xde\x9e' == unichr(1950).encode() tests/httpwrappers/tests.py:449:23 - Unknown word (isnt) -- def test_iterator_isnt_rewound(self): tests/httpwrappers/tests.py:464:18 - Unknown word (привет) -- r.write("привет") +tests/httpwrappers/tests.py:486:48 - Unknown word (nbaz) -- content, b"foo\nbar\nbaz\n") tests/httpwrappers/tests.py:615:25 - Unknown word (łóżko) -- data = {"key": "łóżko"} tests/httpwrappers/tests.py:849:27 - Unknown word (keebler) -- parse_cookie('keebler="E=mc2; L=\\"Loves\ tests/httpwrappers/tests.py:863:21 - Unknown word (edgecases) -- def test_cookie_edgecases(self): @@ -2545,7 +2544,6 @@ tests/serializers/test_deserializedobject.py:10:9 - Unknown word (deserial) tests/serializers/test_json.py:106:20 - Unknown word (badpk) -- "pk": "badpk", tests/serializers/test_json.py:129:26 - Unknown word (invalidint) -- "rank": "invalidint", tests/serializers/test_natural.py:24:72 - Unknown word (Anghor) -- , data="Natural Key Anghor"), -tests/serializers/test_natural.py:7:5 - Unknown word (FKAs) -- FKAsPKNoNaturalKey, tests/serializers/tests.py:244:25 - Unknown word (יוניקוד) -- unicode_name = "יוניקוד" tests/serializers/tests.py:322:21 - Unknown word (Spartak) -- team_str = "Spartak Moskva" tests/serializers/tests.py:324:24 - Unknown word (Soslan) -- player.name = "Soslan Djanaev" @@ -2672,6 +2670,7 @@ tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_underscore_syntax.py:60:30 - Unk tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/i18n/test_underscore_syntax.py:88:35 - Unknown word (Passwort) -- assertEqual(output, "Passwort") tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_autoescape.py:132:25 - Unknown word (stringiterations) -- @setup({"autoescape-stringiterations01": "{% for l in var tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_autoescape.py:95:25 - Unknown word (filtertag) -- "autoescape-filtertag01": ( +tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_basic.py:50:41 - Unknown word (INVALI) -- assertEqual(output, "asINVALIDdf") tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_basic.py:90:39 - Unknown word (otherclass) -- basic-syntax10": "{{ var.otherclass.method }}"}) tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_basic.py:98:39 - Unknown word (blech) -- basic-syntax11": "{{ var.blech }}"}) tests/template_tests/syntax_tests/test_cache.py:122:25 - Unknown word (freddled) -- "Oh freddled gruntbuggly/Thy micturations @@ -2783,6 +2782,7 @@ tests/utils_tests/test_datastructures.py:244:24 - Unknown word (unpackable) - tests/utils_tests/test_datastructures.py:274:14 - Unknown word (dictwrapper) -- def test_dictwrapper(self): tests/utils_tests/test_dateformat.py:147:14 - Unknown word (futuredates) -- def test_futuredates(self): tests/utils_tests/test_encoding.py:127:23 - Unknown word (xfctest) -- data = b"test\xfctest\xfctest\xfc" +tests/utils_tests/test_encoding.py:136:70 - Unknown word (Ctest) -- unicode(data), b"test%FCtest%FCtest%FC") tests/utils_tests/test_encoding.py:149:38 - Unknown word (чубака) -- filepath_to_uri("upload\\чубака.mp4"), tests/utils_tests/test_encoding.py:158:21 - Unknown word (rosé) -- ("red%09rosé#red", "red%09ros%C3 tests/utils_tests/test_encoding.py:159:25 - Unknown word (Jürgen) -- ("/blog/for/Jürgen Münster/", "/blog/for diff --git a/integration-tests/snapshots/eslint/eslint/report.yaml b/integration-tests/snapshots/eslint/eslint/report.yaml index abcc2407f86..124ac820d6e 100644 --- a/integration-tests/snapshots/eslint/eslint/report.yaml +++ b/integration-tests/snapshots/eslint/eslint/report.yaml @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ Url: https://github.com/eslint/eslint Args: '[".","--config=../../../config/eslint/cspell.config.yaml","--issues-summary-report","--exclude=bin/**","--exclude=CHANGELOG.md","--exclude=_data","--exclude=tests/bench/large.js","--exclude=docs/src/_includes","--exclude=docs/src/assets/{fonts,s?css,images}"]' Summary: files: 1945 - filesWithIssues: 327 - issues: 1735 + filesWithIssues: 330 + issues: 1755 errors: 0 Errors: [] @@ -329,12 +329,12 @@ issues: - "tests/lib/options.js:359:71 morerules U trcOptions.parse(\"--rulesdir /morerules\");" - "tests/lib/rule-tester/rule-tester.js:2750:33 outpt U outpt: \"var baz;\"" - "tests/lib/rule-tester/rule-tester.js:3478:15 Subclassing U describe(\"Subclassing\", () => {" - - "tests/lib/rules/array-bracket-spacing.js:51:47 n'qux U [{\\n'bar': 'baz', \\n'qux': [{ 'bar': 'baz' }" - "tests/lib/rules/array-bracket-spacing.js:51:76 n'quxx U { 'bar': 'baz' }], \\n'quxx': 1 \\n}]\", options:" - "tests/lib/rules/array-element-newline.js:45:78 nosomething U ,\\nfunction bar() {\\nosomething();\\n}\\n];\"," - "tests/lib/rules/arrow-body-style.js:27:38 nretv U = (retv, name) => {\\nretv[name] = true;\\nreturn" - "tests/lib/rules/brace-style.js:32:44 Varint U glyph.id = pbf.readVarint();\\nelse if (tag ==" - "tests/lib/rules/brace-style.js:103:35 fontstack U code: \"if (tag === 1) fontstack.name = pbf.readString" + - "tests/lib/rules/brace-style.js:451:77 nqux U \\nbaz();\\n}\\nelse {\\nqux();\\n}\"," - "tests/lib/rules/capitalized-comments.js:344:22 über U code: \"//über\"," - "tests/lib/rules/capitalized-comments.js:345:24 Über U output: \"//Über\"," - "tests/lib/rules/capitalized-comments.js:380:23 𐳡𐳡𐳡 U code: \"/* 𐳡𐳡𐳡 */\", // right-to-left" @@ -345,6 +345,7 @@ issues: - "tests/lib/rules/comma-spacing.js:22:10 myfunc U \"myfunc(404, true/* bla bla" - "tests/lib/rules/comma-style.js:69:36 nsnd U code: \"var ar ={fst:1,\\nsnd: [1,\\n2]};\"," - "tests/lib/rules/comma-style.js:268:38 fifi U \"const arr = [\\n ,'fifi' \\n]\"," + - "tests/lib/rules/function-paren-newline.js:945:31 nqwe U function baz(\\nqwe, \\nfoo," - "tests/lib/rules/getter-return.js:207:70 getfoo U bar', { get: function getfoo (){}});\"," - "tests/lib/rules/handle-callback-err.js:52:99 rror U options: [\"^.+(e|E)rror$\"] }" - "tests/lib/rules/id-blacklist.js:69:70 bingg U ba\", \"barr\", \"bazz\", \"bingg\"]" @@ -358,6 +359,7 @@ issues: - "tests/lib/rules/id-match.js:46:34 Larcher U code: \"last_Name = \\\"Larcher\\\"\"," - "tests/lib/rules/indent-legacy.js:329:16 otherdata U \" otherdata.forEach(function(zero" - "tests/lib/rules/indent-legacy.js:940:46 xfilter U function create (id, xfilter, rawType,\\n\" +" + - "tests/lib/rules/indent-legacy.js:1553:41 tqux U t\\t\\t \\t\\t\\t \\t \\tqux();\\n\" +" - "tests/lib/rules/indent-legacy.js:1667:18 barqux U \" barqux, bazqux);\"," - "tests/lib/rules/indent-legacy.js:1667:26 bazqux U \" barqux, bazqux);\"," - "tests/lib/rules/indent.js:409:17 lmnn U lmnn = [{" @@ -374,6 +376,7 @@ issues: - "tests/lib/rules/no-constructor-return.js:32:35 Oumae U code: \"return 'Kumiko Oumae'\"," - "tests/lib/rules/no-dupe-else-if.js:56:61 subconditions U may contain redundant subconditions, but the branch can" - "tests/lib/rules/no-duplicate-imports.js:94:32 modns U code: \"import * as modns from \\\"lodash-es\\\";" + - "tests/lib/rules/no-else-return.js:164:77 nqaz U bar \\nelse { baz() } \\nqaz() }\"," - "tests/lib/rules/no-eval.js:44:29 noneval U { code: \"globalThis.noneval('foo')\", languageOptions" - "tests/lib/rules/no-extra-parens.js:783:32 ipaddr U code: \"const net = ipaddr.parseCIDR(/** @type" - "tests/lib/rules/no-inline-comments.js:131:37 otherthing U ignorePattern: \"otherthing\"" @@ -869,7 +872,6 @@ issuesSummary: - "text: myparser, count: 2, files: 1," - "text: myplugin, count: 2, files: 1," - "text: mysafereg, count: 1, files: 1," - - "text: n'qux, count: 3, files: 1," - "text: n'quxx, count: 3, files: 1," - "text: Nandinagari, count: 1, files: 1," - "text: nashorn, count: 4, files: 3," @@ -909,6 +911,9 @@ issuesSummary: - "text: notoctal, count: 2, files: 1," - "text: notregbutstring, count: 5, files: 1," - "text: npmjs, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: nqaz, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: nqux, count: 10, files: 2," + - "text: nqwe, count: 1, files: 1," - "text: nretv, count: 3, files: 1," - "text: nrvtbfux, count: 1, files: 1," - "text: nsnd, count: 5, files: 1," @@ -1042,6 +1047,7 @@ issuesSummary: - "text: toggleindex, count: 4, files: 2," - "text: togglenav, count: 2, files: 1," - "text: toint, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: tqux, count: 10, files: 2," - "text: Traceur, count: 1, files: 1," - "text: triaging, count: 5, files: 2," - "text: Triaging, count: 5, files: 1," diff --git a/integration-tests/snapshots/eslint/eslint/snapshot.txt b/integration-tests/snapshots/eslint/eslint/snapshot.txt index be1382474ee..6f036348a18 100644 --- a/integration-tests/snapshots/eslint/eslint/snapshot.txt +++ b/integration-tests/snapshots/eslint/eslint/snapshot.txt @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Repository: eslint/eslint Url: "https://github.com/eslint/eslint" Args: [".","--config=../../../config/eslint/cspell.config.yaml","--issues-summary-report","--exclude=bin/**","--exclude=CHANGELOG.md","--exclude=_data","--exclude=tests/bench/large.js","--exclude=docs/src/_includes","--exclude=docs/src/assets/{fonts,s?css,images}"] Lines: - CSpell: Files checked: 1945, Issues found: 1735 in 327 files. + CSpell: Files checked: 1945, Issues found: 1755 in 330 files. exit code: 1 Makefile.js:132:88 - Unknown word (ined) -- followed by the string "ined". Makefile.js:343:12 - Unknown word (gensite) -- target.gensite(); @@ -324,12 +324,12 @@ tests/lib/linter/source-code-fixer.js:77:19 - Unknown word (removeend) -- tests/lib/options.js:359:71 - Unknown word (morerules) -- trcOptions.parse("--rulesdir /morerules"); tests/lib/rule-tester/rule-tester.js:2750:33 - Unknown word (outpt) -- outpt: "var baz;" tests/lib/rule-tester/rule-tester.js:3478:15 - Unknown word (Subclassing) -- describe("Subclassing", () => { -tests/lib/rules/array-bracket-spacing.js:51:47 - Unknown word (n'qux) -- [{\n'bar': 'baz', \n'qux': [{ 'bar': 'baz' } tests/lib/rules/array-bracket-spacing.js:51:76 - Unknown word (n'quxx) -- { 'bar': 'baz' }], \n'quxx': 1 \n}]", options: tests/lib/rules/array-element-newline.js:45:78 - Unknown word (nosomething) -- ,\nfunction bar() {\nosomething();\n}\n];", tests/lib/rules/arrow-body-style.js:27:38 - Unknown word (nretv) -- = (retv, name) => {\nretv[name] = true;\nreturn tests/lib/rules/brace-style.js:103:35 - Unknown word (fontstack) -- code: "if (tag === 1) fontstack.name = pbf.readString tests/lib/rules/brace-style.js:32:44 - Unknown word (Varint) -- glyph.id = pbf.readVarint();\nelse if (tag == +tests/lib/rules/brace-style.js:451:77 - Unknown word (nqux) -- \nbaz();\n}\nelse {\nqux();\n}", tests/lib/rules/capitalized-comments.js:344:22 - Unknown word (über) -- code: "//über", tests/lib/rules/capitalized-comments.js:345:24 - Unknown word (Über) -- output: "//Über", tests/lib/rules/capitalized-comments.js:380:23 - Unknown word (𐳡𐳡𐳡) -- code: "/* 𐳡𐳡𐳡 */", // right-to-left @@ -340,6 +340,7 @@ tests/lib/rules/capitalized-comments.js:573:38 - Unknown word (Citi) -- tests/lib/rules/comma-spacing.js:22:10 - Unknown word (myfunc) -- "myfunc(404, true/* bla bla tests/lib/rules/comma-style.js:268:38 - Unknown word (fifi) -- "const arr = [\n ,'fifi' \n]", tests/lib/rules/comma-style.js:69:36 - Unknown word (nsnd) -- code: "var ar ={fst:1,\nsnd: [1,\n2]};", +tests/lib/rules/function-paren-newline.js:945:31 - Unknown word (nqwe) -- function baz(\nqwe, \nfoo, tests/lib/rules/getter-return.js:207:70 - Unknown word (getfoo) -- bar', { get: function getfoo (){}});", tests/lib/rules/handle-callback-err.js:52:99 - Unknown word (rror) -- options: ["^.+(e|E)rror$"] } tests/lib/rules/id-blacklist.js:141:41 - Unknown word (mydate) -- ["array", "date", "mydate", "myarray", "new", @@ -351,6 +352,7 @@ tests/lib/rules/id-length.js:625:29 - Unknown word (NOTMATCHED) -- code: "fun tests/lib/rules/id-match.js:25:30 - Unknown word (Matthieu) -- code: "__foo = \"Matthieu\"", tests/lib/rules/id-match.js:34:20 - Unknown word (firstname) -- code: "firstname = \"Matthieu\"", tests/lib/rules/id-match.js:46:34 - Unknown word (Larcher) -- code: "last_Name = \"Larcher\"", +tests/lib/rules/indent-legacy.js:1553:41 - Unknown word (tqux) -- t\t\t \t\t\t \t \tqux();\n" + tests/lib/rules/indent-legacy.js:1667:18 - Unknown word (barqux) -- " barqux, bazqux);", tests/lib/rules/indent-legacy.js:1667:26 - Unknown word (bazqux) -- " barqux, bazqux);", tests/lib/rules/indent-legacy.js:329:16 - Unknown word (otherdata) -- " otherdata.forEach(function(zero @@ -369,6 +371,7 @@ tests/lib/rules/no-constructor-return.js:32:28 - Unknown word (Kumiko) - tests/lib/rules/no-constructor-return.js:32:35 - Unknown word (Oumae) -- code: "return 'Kumiko Oumae'", tests/lib/rules/no-dupe-else-if.js:56:61 - Unknown word (subconditions) -- may contain redundant subconditions, but the branch can tests/lib/rules/no-duplicate-imports.js:94:32 - Unknown word (modns) -- code: "import * as modns from \"lodash-es\"; +tests/lib/rules/no-else-return.js:164:77 - Unknown word (nqaz) -- bar \nelse { baz() } \nqaz() }", tests/lib/rules/no-eval.js:44:29 - Unknown word (noneval) -- { code: "globalThis.noneval('foo')", languageOptions tests/lib/rules/no-extra-parens.js:783:32 - Unknown word (ipaddr) -- code: "const net = ipaddr.parseCIDR(/** @type tests/lib/rules/no-inline-comments.js:131:37 - Unknown word (otherthing) -- ignorePattern: "otherthing" diff --git a/integration-tests/snapshots/googleapis/google-cloud-cpp/report.yaml b/integration-tests/snapshots/googleapis/google-cloud-cpp/report.yaml index 778d80ca538..2b1b01d436f 100644 --- a/integration-tests/snapshots/googleapis/google-cloud-cpp/report.yaml +++ b/integration-tests/snapshots/googleapis/google-cloud-cpp/report.yaml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Args: '["--config=${repoConfig}/cspell.json","**/*","-e","{*.BUILD,BUILD,CHANGEL Summary: files: 19452 filesWithIssues: 12303 - issues: 99828 + issues: 99827 errors: 0 Errors: [] @@ -1390,7 +1390,6 @@ issues: - "protos/google/cloud/compute/v1/internal/common_020.proto:51:56 NUXMCZE U sDroLaN3Xs3MDTXQEMMoNUXMCZEIpg9Vtp9x2oe==\"" - "protos/google/cloud/compute/v1/internal/common_021.proto:678:16 policys U firewall_policys = 1 [json_name = \"firewallPol" - "protos/google/cloud/compute/v1/internal/common_021.proto:678:50 Policys U json_name = \"firewallPolicys\"];" - - "protos/google/cloud/compute/v1/internal/common_024.proto:65:73 VM's U will fail if the source VM's" - "protos/google/cloud/compute/v1/internal/common_025.proto:62:51 PAYGO U STANDARD, CA_ENTERPRISE_PAYGO. If this field is not" - "protos/google/cloud/compute/v1/internal/common_028.proto:39:27 interprocess U workloads with heavy interprocess communication." - "protos/google/cloud/compute/v1/internal/common_028.proto:139:6 PAGELESS U // PAGELESS: (Default) Pagination" diff --git a/integration-tests/snapshots/googleapis/google-cloud-cpp/snapshot.txt b/integration-tests/snapshots/googleapis/google-cloud-cpp/snapshot.txt index b6e1d43ca23..70abdc5631c 100644 --- a/integration-tests/snapshots/googleapis/google-cloud-cpp/snapshot.txt +++ b/integration-tests/snapshots/googleapis/google-cloud-cpp/snapshot.txt @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Repository: googleapis/google-cloud-cpp Url: "https://github.com/googleapis/google-cloud-cpp.git" Args: ["--config=../../../../config/repositories/googleapis/google-cloud-cpp/cspell.json","**/*","-e","{*.BUILD,BUILD,CHANGELOG.md,*.sh,*.cfg,*.ps1,Dockerfile.*,*.Dockerfile,*.{yaml,xml,json,cmake}}"] Lines: - CSpell: Files checked: 19452, Issues found: 99828 in 12303 files. + CSpell: Files checked: 19452, Issues found: 99827 in 12303 files. exit code: 1 ARCHITECTURE.md:110:20 - Unknown word (bigtable) -- - Bigtable has a [`bigtable::DataClient`](/google ARCHITECTURE.md:110:3 - Unknown word (Bigtable) -- - Bigtable has a [`bigtable::DataClient @@ -1386,7 +1386,6 @@ protos/google/cloud/compute/v1/internal/common_020.proto:51:47 - Unknown wor protos/google/cloud/compute/v1/internal/common_020.proto:51:56 - Unknown word (NUXMCZE) -- sDroLaN3Xs3MDTXQEMMoNUXMCZEIpg9Vtp9x2oe==" protos/google/cloud/compute/v1/internal/common_021.proto:678:16 - Unknown word (policys) -- firewall_policys = 1 [json_name = "firewallPol protos/google/cloud/compute/v1/internal/common_021.proto:678:50 - Unknown word (Policys) -- json_name = "firewallPolicys"]; -protos/google/cloud/compute/v1/internal/common_024.proto:65:73 - Unknown word (VM's) -- will fail if the source VM's protos/google/cloud/compute/v1/internal/common_025.proto:62:51 - Unknown word (PAYGO) -- STANDARD, CA_ENTERPRISE_PAYGO. If this field is not protos/google/cloud/compute/v1/internal/common_028.proto:139:6 - Unknown word (PAGELESS) -- // PAGELESS: (Default) Pagination protos/google/cloud/compute/v1/internal/common_028.proto:39:27 - Unknown word (interprocess) -- workloads with heavy interprocess communication. diff --git a/integration-tests/snapshots/iluwatar/java-design-patterns/report.yaml b/integration-tests/snapshots/iluwatar/java-design-patterns/report.yaml index fc2759f9ccb..344aeebad6a 100644 --- a/integration-tests/snapshots/iluwatar/java-design-patterns/report.yaml +++ b/integration-tests/snapshots/iluwatar/java-design-patterns/report.yaml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Args: '["**/*.md","**/*.java"]' Summary: files: 1838 filesWithIssues: 1821 - issues: 11260 + issues: 11265 errors: 0 Errors: [] @@ -80,7 +80,6 @@ issues: - "command-query-responsibility-segregation/README.md:3:55 CQRS U Responsibility Segregation (CQRS)" - "command-query-responsibility-segregation/README.md:90:40 cqrs U INFO com.iluwatar.cqrs.app.App - Author username" - "command-query-responsibility-segregation/README.md:134:20 Architecting U * [Microsoft .NET: Architecting Applications for the" - - "command-query-responsibility-segregation/src/main/java/com/iluwatar/cqrs/app/App.java:42:71 DTOs U and return objects as DTOs (Data transfer Objects" - "command-query-responsibility-segregation/src/main/java/com/iluwatar/cqrs/commandes/CommandService.java:25:27 commandes U package com.iluwatar.cqrs.commandes;" - "command-query-responsibility-segregation/src/main/java/com/iluwatar/cqrs/queries/QueryServiceImpl.java:72:20 Dtos U List bookDtos;" - "command-query-responsibility-segregation/src/main/java/com/iluwatar/cqrs/queries/QueryServiceImpl.java:86:16 bookcount U BigInteger bookcount;" @@ -150,7 +149,6 @@ issues: - "data-transfer-object/README.md:101:24 Delonghi U .supplier(\"Delonghi\")" - "data-transfer-object/README.md:108:24 Botsch U .supplier(\"Botsch\")" - "data-transfer-object/README.md:151:39 datatransfer U main] INFO com.iluwatar.datatransfer.App -- All customers" - - "data-transfer-object/src/main/java/com/iluwatar/datatransfer/product/ProductDto.java:38:73 DTO's U or any other request DTO's" - "decorator/README.md:151:7 toolkits U * GUI toolkits often use decorators" - "decorator/src/test/java/com/iluwatar/decorator/SimpleTrollTest.java:44:19 Appender U private InMemoryAppender appender;" - "decorator/src/test/java/com/iluwatar/decorator/SimpleTrollTest.java:44:28 appender U private InMemoryAppender appender;" @@ -481,6 +479,7 @@ issues: - "PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md:8:64 gitter U know via issues or [gitter](https://matrix.to/" - "queue-based-load-leveling/src/main/java/com/iluwatar/queue/load/leveling/ServiceExecutor.java:30:11 Execuotr U * ServiceExecuotr class. This class will" - "reactor/README.md:55:24 Demultiplexer U **Synchronous Event Demultiplexer**: This is a system" + - "reactor/README.md:101:32 Datagram U registerChannel(new NioDatagramChannel(16668, loggingHandler" - "reactor/README.md:191:3 Proactor U * Proactor: Similar to Reactor" - "reactor/README.md:200:47 Demultiplexing U Behavioral Pattern for Demultiplexing and Dispatching Handles" - "reactor/src/main/java/com/iluwatar/reactor/app/LoggingHandler.java:55:53 datagram U instanceof DatagramPacket datagram) {" diff --git a/integration-tests/snapshots/iluwatar/java-design-patterns/snapshot.txt b/integration-tests/snapshots/iluwatar/java-design-patterns/snapshot.txt index 05c3477c887..b6b3e90bdc2 100644 --- a/integration-tests/snapshots/iluwatar/java-design-patterns/snapshot.txt +++ b/integration-tests/snapshots/iluwatar/java-design-patterns/snapshot.txt @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Repository: iluwatar/java-design-patterns Url: "https://github.com/iluwatar/java-design-patterns.git" Args: ["**/*.md","**/*.java"] Lines: - CSpell: Files checked: 1838, Issues found: 11260 in 1821 files. + CSpell: Files checked: 1838, Issues found: 11265 in 1821 files. exit code: 1 PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md:8:64 - Unknown word (gitter) -- know via issues or [gitter](https://matrix.to/ README.md:100:183 - Unknown word (Stanislav) -- width="100px;" alt="Stanislav Kapinus"/>
bookDtos; command-query-responsibility-segregation/src/main/java/com/iluwatar/cqrs/queries/QueryServiceImpl.java:86:16 - Unknown word (bookcount) -- BigInteger bookcount; @@ -572,7 +571,6 @@ data-mapper/src/main/java/com/iluwatar/datamapper/App.java:57:23 - Unknown w data-transfer-object/README.md:101:24 - Unknown word (Delonghi) -- .supplier("Delonghi") data-transfer-object/README.md:108:24 - Unknown word (Botsch) -- .supplier("Botsch") data-transfer-object/README.md:151:39 - Unknown word (datatransfer) -- main] INFO com.iluwatar.datatransfer.App -- All customers -data-transfer-object/src/main/java/com/iluwatar/datatransfer/product/ProductDto.java:38:73 - Unknown word (DTO's) -- or any other request DTO's decorator/README.md:151:7 - Unknown word (toolkits) -- * GUI toolkits often use decorators decorator/src/test/java/com/iluwatar/decorator/SimpleTrollTest.java:44:19 - Unknown word (Appender) -- private InMemoryAppender appender; decorator/src/test/java/com/iluwatar/decorator/SimpleTrollTest.java:44:28 - Unknown word (appender) -- private InMemoryAppender appender; @@ -901,6 +899,7 @@ promise/README.md:123:125 - Unknown word (dcrw) -- 9_st37nn5hq_bfhp8hw2d promise/README.md:139:43 - Unknown word (Domenic) -- the point to Promises (Domenic Denicola)](https://gist promise/README.md:139:51 - Unknown word (Denicola) -- to Promises (Domenic Denicola)](https://gist.github queue-based-load-leveling/src/main/java/com/iluwatar/queue/load/leveling/ServiceExecutor.java:30:11 - Unknown word (Execuotr) -- * ServiceExecuotr class. This class will +reactor/README.md:101:32 - Unknown word (Datagram) -- registerChannel(new NioDatagramChannel(16668, loggingHandler reactor/README.md:191:3 - Unknown word (Proactor) -- * Proactor: Similar to Reactor reactor/README.md:200:47 - Unknown word (Demultiplexing) -- Behavioral Pattern for Demultiplexing and Dispatching Handles reactor/README.md:55:24 - Unknown word (Demultiplexer) -- **Synchronous Event Demultiplexer**: This is a system diff --git a/integration-tests/snapshots/ktaranov/sqlserver-kit/report.yaml b/integration-tests/snapshots/ktaranov/sqlserver-kit/report.yaml index a25119f74b4..ef76cd1dae6 100644 --- a/integration-tests/snapshots/ktaranov/sqlserver-kit/report.yaml +++ b/integration-tests/snapshots/ktaranov/sqlserver-kit/report.yaml @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ --- Repository: ktaranov/sqlserver-kit Url: https://github.com/ktaranov/sqlserver-kit.git -Args: '["**","--exclude=**/Backup/**"]' +Args: '["--issues-summary-report","**","--exclude=**/Backup/**"]' Summary: files: 489 filesWithIssues: 452 - issues: 14314 + issues: 14307 errors: 0 Errors: [] @@ -539,7 +539,6 @@ issues: - "Articles/README.md:813:147 Grbic U Sudipto Das, Miroslav Grbic, Igor Ilic … | 2019" - "Articles/README.md:813:159 Ilic U Miroslav Grbic, Igor Ilic … | 2019-01-01 | [AZ" - "Articles/README.md:814:133 Mcgiffen U | Matthew Mcgiffen" - - "Articles/README.md:816:27 UDFs U Improve Performance of UDFs with NULL ON NULL INPUT" - "Articles/README.md:817:125 Phill U | Phill Factor" - "Articles/README.md:820:130 Gallardy U | Sean Gallardy" - "Articles/README.md:822:130 Moden U | Jeff Moden" @@ -765,7 +764,6 @@ issues: - "Articles/README.md:1221:139 Kondreddi U | Narayana Vyas Kondreddi |" - "Articles/README.md:1223:65 VLDB U Checking Options for a VLDB]" - "Articles/README.md:1226:129 Dorr U | Bob Dorr" - - "Articles/README.md:1228:40 UDTs U CHECKDB – Part IV (SQL CLR UDTs)]" - "Articles/README.md:1233:59 Xplat U Monitoring Sql Server Xplat]" - "Articles/README.md:1233:131 Boggiano U | Tracy Boggiano" - "Articles/README.md:1234:37 RDBMS U Storage Tips for the RDBMS Developer]" @@ -939,7 +937,6 @@ issues: - "Articles/README.md:2637:42 HADR U Eitan Blumin on “How to HADR Your SQL Jobs”]:https" - "Articles/README.md:2648:22 Permanentdb U When Tempdb Becomes Permanentdb (In-memory tempdb metadata" - "Articles/README.md:2661:63 VLDB U Checking Options for a VLDB]:https://www.sqlskills" - - "Articles/README.md:2665:38 UDTs U CHECKDB – Part IV (SQL CLR UDTs)]:https://web.archive" - "Articles/README.md:2680:25 CEIP U What Is the SQL Server CEIP Service (telemetry)" - "Articles/README.md:2698:5 whoisactive U [sp_whoisactive: Analyzing Tempdb Contention" - "Articles/README.md:2714:10 Famiglia U [Viva la Famiglia! Stored procedure for" @@ -2011,7 +2008,6 @@ issues: - "PowerShell/Get-SQLServerSecurityReview.ps1:1028:17 loginaudit U $loginaudit = $loginaudit | select @{n=\"Login" - "PowerShell/Get-SQLServerSecurityReview.ps1:1029:18 loginaudit U $htmlreport += $loginaudit | ConvertTo-HTML -PreContent" - "PowerShell/Get-SQLServerSecurityReview.ps1:1046:9 convertto U $body = convertto-html -Head $css -PostContent" - - "PowerShell/Get-SQLUnattendedFile.ps1:6:71 mdf's U approach and searching for mdf's and then comparing them" - "PowerShell/Get-SQLUnattendedFile.ps1:17:77 Logfile U starting the process \" -Logfile $Logfile" - "PowerShell/Get-SQLUnattendedFile.ps1:17:86 Logfile U process \" -Logfile $Logfile" - "PowerShell/Get-SQLUnattendedFile.ps1:20:46 Logfile U .Server) message \" -Logfile $Logfile" @@ -2440,6 +2436,7 @@ issues: - "PowerShell/WOX_Permissions.ps1:52:50 permissiontype U permissionstate $perm.permissiontype \"on\" $perm.objectname" - "PowerShell/WOX_Permissions.ps1:52:76 objectname U permissiontype \"on\" $perm.objectname \"in\" $DBase.name }" - "PowerShell/WOX_Permissions.ps1:62:14 Lsvr U foreach ($SQLsvr in get-content \"C:\\temp" + - "PowerShell/WOX_Permissions.ps1:64:71 Lsvr U Management.Smo.Server\") $SQLsvr" - "PowerShell/WOX_Permissions.ps1:83:80 foregroundcolor U Role : \" $SQLRoles -foregroundcolor \"red\"}" - "PowerShell/WOX_Permissions.ps1:91:39 adgroupmember U ADGRoupMembers = get-adgroupmember $SQLLogin.name.Split" - "PowerShell/WOX_Permissions.ps1:99:105 foregroundcolor U in the AD Domain\" -foregroundcolor Red" @@ -2648,7 +2645,6 @@ issues: - "README.md:447:112 Ferruh U injection-cheat-sheet/) (by Ferruh Mavituna)" - "README.md:447:119 Mavituna U cheat-sheet/) (by Ferruh Mavituna)" - "README.md:448:8 Stackoverflow U - [Stackoverflow SQL Anti Patterns](http" - - "README.md:451:10 Lize U - [SQLize Online - is a free online" - "README.md:456:141 Simonsen U SqlServerSearcher) (by Allan Simonsen)" - "README.md:459:26 SQLPLAN U [How's My Plan? - .SQLPLAN analyzer](http://www" - "README.md:459:83 Janik U howsmyplan.com/) (by Daniel Janik)" @@ -3748,7 +3744,6 @@ issues: - "Scripts/Find_Object_Dependecy.sql:1964:43 tabletypes U hemaCollections referenced by tabletypes" - "Scripts/Find_Object_Dependecy.sql:2082:8 uddts U -- uddts referenced by uda" - "Scripts/Find_Object_Dependecy.sql:2394:50 UDDT U sequence. Used to find UDDT that is in sequence" - - "Scripts/Find_Object_Dependecy.sql:2481:37 SMO's U need to be removed once SMO's URN comparision gets" - "Scripts/Find_Object_Dependecy.sql:2481:47 comparision (comparison) U removed once SMO's URN comparision gets fixed" - "Scripts/Find_Object_Dependecy.sql:2502:49 Databasepropertyex U SELECT CONVERT(SYSNAME, Databasepropertyex(@dbname, 'Collation" - "Scripts/Find_Object_Dependecy.sql:2539:50 ptype U AS [ptype]" @@ -3889,7 +3884,6 @@ issues: - "Scripts/FindLongRunningJobSteps.sql:68:8 msdb U FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory" - "Scripts/FindLongRunningJobSteps.sql:68:17 sysjobhistory U FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory" - "Scripts/FindLongRunningJobSteps.sql:75:52 stdevp U secs_duration*1.) + 2*stdevp(secs_duration)" - - "Scripts/FindLongRunningJobSteps.sql:83:28 CTE's U need to select from the CTE's, and join to msdb for" - "Scripts/FindLongRunningJobSteps.sql:83:47 msdb U the CTE's, and join to msdb for final result" - "Scripts/FindLongRunningJobSteps.sql:90:30 Threshhold (Threshold) U AvgPlus2StDev AS [Min Threshhold (secs)]" - "Scripts/FindLongRunningJobSteps.sql:93:6 msdb U JOIN msdb..sysjobs j on jd.job" @@ -8095,7 +8089,6 @@ issues: - "Solution/dbWarden/dbWarden.sql:59:82 procs U and rpt_HealthReport procs- Changed NVARCHAR(3" - "Solution/dbWarden/dbWarden.sql:59:184 FILESTATS U FileMBUsed, FileMBEmpty in #FILESTATS" - "Solution/dbWarden/dbWarden.sql:61:91 tempdb U names \"[model]\" and \"[tempdb]\"" - - "Solution/dbWarden/dbWarden.sql:62:83 DMV's U LongRunningQueries to use DMV's to gather session information" - "Solution/dbWarden/dbWarden.sql:63:49 accomodate (accommodate) U QueryHistory table to accomodate changes in usp_LongRuningQuer" - "Solution/dbWarden/dbWarden.sql:63:79 Runing (Running) U accomodate changes in usp_LongRuningQueries" - "Solution/dbWarden/dbWarden.sql:69:16 Volker U ** 04/24/2013 Volker.Bachmann 2.3.9" @@ -8217,7 +8210,6 @@ issues: - "Solution/dbWarden/dbWarden.sql:1743:21 dbmail U EXEC msdb..sp_send_dbmail" - "Solution/dbWarden/dbWarden.sql:1757:10 DATESTAMP U ORDER BY DATESTAMP ASC" - "Solution/dbWarden/dbWarden.sql:1801:44 SERVERPROPERTY U CONVERT(NVARCHAR(50), SERVERPROPERTY('servername'))" - - "Solution/dbWarden/dbWarden.sql:1938:59 DMV's U Simplified to use DMV's to gather session information" - "Solution/dbWarden/dbWarden.sql:1989:37 queryhistory U LastQueryHistoryID = MIN(a.queryhistoryID) -1" - "Solution/dbWarden/dbWarden.sql:1990:21 queryhistory U FROM [dbWarden].dbo.queryhistory a" - "Solution/dbWarden/dbWarden.sql:2019:43 VERIFYONLY U Text NOT LIKE '%RESTORE VERIFYONLY%'" @@ -11124,7 +11116,6 @@ issues: - "Stored_Procedure/dbo.sp_Defrag_Indexes.sql:30:70 instensive U after is too resource instensive, and should be close" - "Stored_Procedure/dbo.sp_Defrag_Indexes.sql:36:18 existance (existence) U Check for the existance of the index (to allow" - "Stored_Procedure/dbo.sp_Defrag_Indexes.sql:37:113 defragmentation U after the indexes for defragmentation were chosen" - - "Stored_Procedure/dbo.sp_Defrag_Indexes.sql:42:130 DMV's U t support the use of DMV's)" - "Stored_Procedure/dbo.sp_Defrag_Indexes.sql:63:33 upto (up to) U database exclusion for upto three databases (the" - "Stored_Procedure/dbo.sp_Defrag_Indexes.sql:68:24 msdb U Added exclusion for msdb, DBAdmin, and AuditDB" - "Stored_Procedure/dbo.sp_Defrag_Indexes.sql:82:68 guarenteed (guaranteed) U the reindex SP is not guarenteed to be the single_user" @@ -14229,6 +14220,8 @@ issues: - "Utilities/README.md:5041:4 Commvault U ## Commvault Complete Backup & Recovery" - "Utilities/README.md:5043:17 Commvault U Download page: [Commvault Complete Backup & Recovery" - "Utilities/README.md:5072:14 Ning U Author: Yang Ning (Steven)" + - "Utilities/README.md:5081:6 Achecks U ## DBAchecks" + - "Utilities/README.md:5083:19 Achecks U Download page: [DBAchecks]" - "Utilities/README.md:5086:9 sqlcollaborative U Author: sqlcollaborative" - "Utilities/README.md:5129:4 DTSQL U ## DTSQL" - "Utilities/README.md:5131:17 DTSQL U Download page: [DTSQL]" @@ -14324,3 +14317,3386 @@ issues: - "Utilities/SSMS_Alternatives.md:29:79 Adminer U Other | Linux,Mac | [Adminer]" - "Utilities/SSMS_Alternatives.md:29:124 Jakub U | 2018-02-20 | Jakub Vrána | [Apache" - "Utilities/SSMS_Alternatives.md:29:130 Vrána U 2018-02-20 | Jakub Vrána | [Apache" + +issuesSummary: + - "text: Aakash, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXY, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: aboutsqlserver, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: ACCEPTSECURITYCONTEXT, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: accessadmin, count: 3, files: 3," + - "text: accomodate, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: acctname, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: ACCTSID, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Achecks, count: 4, files: 1," + - "text: acheeve, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: ACQUIRECREDENTIALSHANDLE, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: actionid, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: activecursors, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: actuall, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: addalias, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: addextendedproc, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: addextendedproperty, count: 24, files: 7," + - "text: addin, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Addin, count: 5, files: 2," + - "text: addins, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Addins, count: 2, files: 2," + - "text: addinstance, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: addlinkedserver, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: addlinkedsrvlogin, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Addlogin, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: addrolemember, count: 3, files: 2," + - "text: addsrvrolemember, count: 6, files: 4," + - "text: adduserobject, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: adgroupmember, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Adkin, count: 6, files: 2," + - "text: Adminer, count: 7, files: 2," + - "text: adminrole, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: adquate, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: adsdatasource, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: ADSDSOOBJECT, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: adutil, count: 4, files: 1," + - "text: adventureworks, count: 2, files: 2," + - "text: Adventureworks, count: 4, files: 3," + - "text: Aebersold, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: AEDT, count: 3, files: 3," + - "text: Aelterman, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: affinitied, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Afinned, count: 3, files: 1," + - "text: AFWTL, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Afzalalghom, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: againsts, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Agarwal, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: agentless, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: agentname, count: 3, files: 1," + - "text: agentnotrunningthreshold, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: agglastsixty, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: aggreation, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: aggresive, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: aggtotal, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: agilesql, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Agrawal, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: agregated, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: agrs, count: 3, files: 1," + - "text: Aire, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: Aireforge, count: 5, files: 1," + - "text: AKRBL, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Alaa, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: Albahari, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: Albaugh, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Alekh, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Aleksei, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Aleksej, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Aleksey, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Alers, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: alertname, count: 4, files: 1," + - "text: ALERTSETTINGS, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Alessandro, count: 3, files: 2," + - "text: Alexandr, count: 3, files: 3," + - "text: Alexandros, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Alexey, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: allc, count: 5, files: 1," + - "text: allitems, count: 3, files: 1," + - "text: alllowable, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: allocunits, count: 10, files: 2," + - "text: ALLPROCESSED, count: 7, files: 7," + - "text: Allred, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: Allroutines, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: alltables, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Allviews, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: alonger, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Alpi, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: alreay, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: alredy, count: 4, files: 4," + - "text: Altaiar, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: alterdiagram, count: 3, files: 1," + - "text: altermessage, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: alterntives, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Altova, count: 5, files: 1," + - "text: alwayson, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Amarendra, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Amit, count: 3, files: 2," + - "text: Amorim, count: 5, files: 1," + - "text: analysed, count: 2, files: 2," + - "text: analyser, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Anatoly, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: Andreas, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Andrzej, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: Anoop, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: anothe, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Anshuman, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Antipatterns, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Antonopoulos, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: anuary, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: APOS, count: 4, files: 1," + - "text: appdomain, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: APPLOCK, count: 3, files: 1," + - "text: appname, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: APRST, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Architecting, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Argenis, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Ariely, count: 5, files: 1," + - "text: arithabort, count: 7, files: 2," + - "text: ARITHABORT, count: 12, files: 11," + - "text: ARITHIGNORE, count: 9, files: 8," + - "text: Arme, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Arora, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: arry, count: 2, files: 2," + - "text: Artur, count: 3, files: 3," + - "text: Arulmani, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Arulraj, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Arun, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Arvind, count: 4, files: 3," + - "text: Asanka, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Aschenbrenner, count: 10, files: 4," + - "text: ascll, count: 2, files: 2," + - "text: asms, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: Assaf, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: assm, count: 5, files: 1," + - "text: ASSP, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Astbury, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: Asthetic, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Astros, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: asyncronously, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Atif, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: atleast, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: atring, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Atul, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: auditevent, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: audittime, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: Auliffe, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: AUMC, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: AUTHENTICATIONOPS, count: 11, files: 10," + - "text: AUTHORIES, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: AUTHORIZATIONOPS, count: 2, files: 2," + - "text: auths, count: 5, files: 1," + - "text: Auths, count: 3, files: 1," + - "text: AUTHS, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: AUTHZGETINFORMATIONFROMCONTEXT, count: 3, files: 2," + - "text: AUTHZINITIALIZECONTEXTFROMSID, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: AUTHZINITIALIZERESOURCEMANAGER, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: autocommit, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: Autofilter, count: 5, files: 1," + - "text: autogrow, count: 39, files: 11," + - "text: Autogrow, count: 6, files: 2," + - "text: AUTOGROW, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: autogrowth, count: 4, files: 3," + - "text: Autogrowth, count: 6, files: 2," + - "text: autogrowthvalue, count: 5, files: 1," + - 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"text: ryanovic, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: Sachin, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Sadeghi, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Sadequl, count: 3, files: 1," + - "text: Sadowski, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: Sahoo, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Sakila, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Samir, count: 2, files: 2," + - "text: sampleinterval, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Sampleinterval, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Sandeep, count: 2, files: 2," + - "text: Sanil, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Sanjay, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Sansom, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Sarmiento, count: 2, files: 2," + - "text: Sarro, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: Sartori, count: 6, files: 3," + - "text: Satnam, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Sattainathan, count: 3, files: 2," + - "text: Saurabh, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Saveas, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: savedb, count: 4, files: 1," + - "text: Savjani, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Saxton, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: sbid, count: 13, files: 4," + - 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"text: Shabnam, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Shaneis, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Shapefile, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: Shaulis, count: 2, files: 2," + - "text: Shedules, count: 2, files: 2," + - "text: Sheetname, count: 5, files: 1," + - "text: Shehzad, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: shellswitch, count: 5, files: 1," + - "text: shema, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Shema, count: 7, files: 3," + - "text: SHIFTRLT, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Shilkov, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: shipperid, count: 5, files: 1," + - "text: shippername, count: 3, files: 1," + - "text: showcontig, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: showdbaffinity, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: showdialog, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: showfilestats, count: 3, files: 2," + - "text: SHOWFILESTATS, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: showoffrules, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: SHOWOFFRULES, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: showonrules, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: SHOWONRULES, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: showplan, count: 3, files: 2," + - "text: Showplan, count: 11, files: 7," + - "text: SHOWPLAN, count: 2, files: 2," + - "text: showtableaffinity, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: showtext, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: showweights, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: shrinkdatabase, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: SHRINKDATABASE, count: 3, files: 2," + - "text: shrinkfile, count: 4, files: 3," + - "text: SHRINKFILE, count: 6, files: 3," + - "text: Shyamsundar, count: 3, files: 2," + - "text: Silentlycontinue, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Silge, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Silvano, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Simego, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: Simonsen, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: SINGLEPAGE, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Sinha, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Sirpal, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: sizein, count: 5, files: 1," + - "text: sizeoptimiser, count: 5, files: 1," + - "text: sjsch, count: 3, files: 1," + - "text: Skerl, count: 2, files: 2," + - "text: skinparam, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: skreebydba, count: 2, files: 2," + - "text: Slava, count: 4, files: 3," + - "text: SLBRNT, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Slesicki, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: slooooowly, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: slotid, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Slotid, count: 4, files: 1," + - "text: Slotix, count: 5, files: 1," + - "text: slssqlmaint, count: 8, files: 2," + - "text: SLTRS, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Smackdown, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: smallmomey, count: 3, files: 3," + - "text: smidge, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: SNAC, count: 2, files: 2," + - "text: Snaidero, count: 3, files: 2," + - "text: SNAME, count: 37, files: 21," + - "text: Snapin, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: Snapshotting, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: Sniffcmd, count: 5, files: 1," + - "text: SNMP, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Sobolevskiy, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: soddi, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Softbuilder, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: softnuma, count: 6, files: 6," + - "text: Soheil, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: Solntsev, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: someprocedure, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Somewere, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Sommar, count: 5, files: 1," + - "text: Sommarskog, count: 10, files: 4," + - "text: Sommer, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Sophic, count: 5, files: 1," + - "text: Sorens, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: Sorrell, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: sossyjez, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Sova, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: spaceused, count: 4, files: 2," + - "text: SPACEUSED, count: 3, files: 1," + - "text: spaghettidba, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: sparklines, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: sparsetypes, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Spartak, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: Sparx, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: spconfig, count: 5, files: 1," + - "text: spearated, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: SPECID, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: specifeid, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: specificies, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Spiceworks, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: spids, count: 4, files: 2," + - "text: Spids, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: spindtab, count: 4, files: 1," + - "text: spinlock, count: 3, files: 1," + - "text: Spinlock, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: spinlocks, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: spinloop, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Spinloop, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: SPINLOOP, count: 3, files: 2," + - "text: splittinglargefiles, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Spoint, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Spotligh, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: spreadhseet, count: 3, files: 1," + - "text: SPRFKL, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Sprocs, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: spsys, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: sqbutility, count: 8, files: 2," + - "text: sqladmin, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: sqlagent, count: 21, files: 17," + - "text: sqlagentman, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: sqlagt, count: 5, files: 1," + - "text: Sqlakw, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: sqlauth, count: 5, files: 1," + - "text: sqlbackup, count: 10, files: 2," + - "text: SQLBACKUP, count: 10, files: 2," + - "text: sqlbak, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Sqlbi, count: 3, files: 1," + - "text: SQLBI, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: sqlblockedprocesses, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: sqlblog, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: SQLBUFFERPOOL, count: 10, files: 10," + - "text: SQLC, count: 5, files: 1," + - "text: sqlcheckcmd, count: 4, files: 1," + - "text: sqlcheckconn, count: 5, files: 1," + - "text: sqlclient, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: sqlclr, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: SQLCLR, count: 15, files: 6," + - "text: SQLCLROPS, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: sqlcluster, count: 3, files: 2," + - "text: sqlcmd, count: 36, files: 12," + - "text: Sqlcmd, count: 19, files: 6," + - "text: SQLCMD, count: 27, files: 8," + - "text: sqlcollaborative, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: sqlcolumn, count: 5, files: 1," + - "text: sqlcolumnname, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: sqlcolumns, count: 5, files: 1," + - "text: sqlcom, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: sqlcommand, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: sqlconn, count: 5, files: 1," + - "text: sqlconnection, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: sqlcount, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: SQLCP, count: 36, files: 12," + - "text: SQLCPU, count: 4, files: 1," + - "text: sqlcredential, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: sqlcrossjoin, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: sqlcruise, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: SQLDATA, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: sqldatatype, count: 5, files: 1," + - "text: sqldatatypes, count: 4, files: 1," + - "text: SQLDB, count: 10, files: 2," + - "text: SQLDBA, count: 2, files: 2," + - "text: sqldbawithbeard, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: sqldiag, count: 6, files: 2," + - "text: Sqldiag, count: 7, files: 3," + - "text: sqldumper, count: 4, files: 1," + - "text: Sqldumper, count: 3, files: 2," + - "text: sqlectron, count: 5, files: 1," + - "text: Sqlencrypted, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: sqlexec, count: 5, files: 3," + - "text: sqlexpress, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: SQLFULL, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: sqlg, count: 3, files: 1," + - "text: SQLHA, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: sqlhandle, count: 11, files: 3," + - "text: sqlhelp, count: 5, files: 2," + - "text: sqlinstance, count: 10, files: 2," + - "text: sqlity, count: 2, files: 2," + - "text: SQLLOGDIR, count: 2, files: 2," + - "text: sqllogin, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: sqllogship, count: 5, files: 1," + - "text: SQLM, count: 9, files: 2," + - "text: sqlmaint, count: 5, files: 1," + - "text: sqlmap, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: sqlmgrstats, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: sqlncli, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: SQLNCLI, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: SQLNT, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: sqlos, count: 15, files: 5," + - "text: SQLOS, count: 4, files: 1," + - "text: SQLP, count: 5, files: 1," + - "text: SQLPAL, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: SQLPASSTV, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: SQLPERF, count: 15, files: 14," + - "text: sqlplan, count: 2, files: 2," + - "text: SQLPLAN, count: 2, files: 2," + - "text: sqlprocessutilization, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: sqlprotocols, count: 5, files: 1," + - "text: sqlps, count: 9, files: 4," + - "text: SQLPS, count: 8, files: 4," + - "text: SQLPSX, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Sqlr, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: sqlrockstar, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: sqlrutils, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: SQLSAFE, count: 10, files: 2," + - "text: sqlservera, count: 4, files: 1," + - "text: SQLSERVERAGENT, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: sqlserverinstances, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: sqlservers, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: sqlservertip, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: sqlservice, count: 5, files: 1," + - "text: sqlservr, count: 6, files: 2," + - "text: Sqlservr, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: sqlsrv, count: 4, files: 1," + - "text: SQLST, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: sqlstudent, count: 2, files: 2," + - "text: sqltask, count: 5, files: 1," + - "text: SQLTCP, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: SQLTEST, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: sqltext, count: 5, files: 1," + - "text: sqltoolsguy, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: sqltrace, count: 6, files: 2," + - "text: SQLTRACE, count: 50, files: 14," + - "text: sqltsk, count: 4, files: 1," + - "text: sqlundercover, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: sqlutil, count: 5, files: 1," + - "text: Sqlvdi, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: SQLWATCH, count: 7, files: 3," + - "text: Squillace, count: 2, files: 2," + - "text: SQUOTE, count: 10, files: 2," + - "text: Srart, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: srctyp, count: 5, files: 1," + - "text: Srgt, count: 4, files: 1," + - "text: srvid, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: srvname, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: srvproduct, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: SRVR, count: 3, files: 2," + - "text: SRVROLEMEMBER, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: srvrolepermission, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: SSAS, count: 12, files: 4," + - "text: SSCE, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: SSDT, count: 3, files: 2," + - "text: SSDTBI, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: ssis, count: 6, files: 2," + - "text: SSIS, count: 35, files: 11," + - "text: SSISDB, count: 7, files: 3," + - "text: SSMA, count: 5, files: 1," + - 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"text: useplan, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: USERACCESS, count: 3, files: 1," + - "text: Userdump, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: userid, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: useroptions, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: userrole, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Userrole, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: userroles, count: 3, files: 1," + - "text: USERSTORE, count: 4, files: 2," + - "text: useself, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Usharovskij, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: usrname, count: 5, files: 1," + - "text: utilisation, count: 3, files: 1," + - "text: Uttam, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Utterström, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: utwest, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: utyp, count: 5, files: 1," + - "text: Vachhrajani, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Vahid, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: valclass, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: Valentina, count: 5, files: 1," + - "text: validatelogins, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Vantara, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: Varchare, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: vardecimal, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: Varga, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Varigence, count: 4, files: 2," + - "text: Varnas, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: Vassie, count: 3, files: 1," + - "text: Veeam, count: 7, files: 2," + - "text: Veiwer, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: veiws, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Venkatesan, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Verbeeck, count: 5, files: 2," + - "text: verifyonly, count: 4, files: 2," + - "text: VERIFYONLY, count: 11, files: 4," + - "text: VERIFYSIGNATURE, count: 2, files: 2," + - "text: VERIFYTRUST, count: 7, files: 7," + - "text: Versionm, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: versionmajor, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Vertabelo, count: 7, files: 2," + - "text: Vertica, count: 3, files: 2," + - "text: vertipaq, count: 6, files: 6," + - "text: Vertongen, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Vigne, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Vignesh, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Vijay, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: VIKTOR, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Virag, count: 8, files: 4," + - "text: Virtua, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Virtusa, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: Viswanathan, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Vitaliy, count: 5, files: 1," + - "text: Vitor, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Vivek, count: 2, files: 2," + - "text: Vlasov, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: VLDB, count: 3, files: 1," + - "text: VLFINFO, count: 5, files: 1," + - "text: vloggers, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Volker, count: 5, files: 1," + - "text: Vorkunov, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Vrána, count: 2, files: 2," + - "text: vssettings, count: 5, files: 1," + - "text: vtext, count: 7, files: 2," + - "text: vupgrade, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Vyas, count: 11, files: 5," + - "text: WAITFORSINGLEOBJECT, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Waitms, count: 4, files: 1," + - "text: Waitopedia, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: waitresource, count: 8, files: 3," + - "text: waitstats, count: 2, files: 2," + - "text: waittime, count: 13, files: 4," + - "text: Waittime, count: 5, files: 1," + - "text: WAITTIME, count: 5, files: 1," + - "text: waittype, count: 2, files: 2," + - "text: WAITTYPE, count: 4, files: 1," + - "text: wakeup, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: WAKEUP, count: 17, files: 14," + - "text: Wambler, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Warehose, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Waymire, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: wchar, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Weisfeld, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Weissman, count: 2, files: 2," + - "text: Wendelius, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Wentao, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Wentzel, count: 4, files: 4," + - "text: werent, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: wgshef, count: 7, files: 2," + - "text: WHATIF, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Whatsup, count: 5, files: 1," + - "text: whith, count: 4, files: 1," + - "text: whoisactive, count: 9, files: 4," + - "text: Whos, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: widechar, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: widenative, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Widera, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Wilhelmsen, count: 6, files: 2," + - "text: Winand, count: 9, files: 3," + - "text: winauth, count: 5, files: 1," + - "text: windowslogin, count: 4, files: 1," + - "text: windowspowershell, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Winodws, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: WINSOCKOPS, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Winther, count: 15, files: 8," + - "text: Wirth, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: withou, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Withove, count: 5, files: 1," + - "text: Witten, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: wizarding, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Wizzard, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: wmiobject, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Wmiprvse, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: Wolter, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: workfile, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Worthen, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: Wrism, count: 3, files: 1," + - "text: WRITEFILE, count: 8, files: 8," + - "text: WRITEFILEGATHER, count: 2, files: 2," + - "text: WRITELOG, count: 3, files: 2," + - "text: writepage, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: WRITEPAGE, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Writte, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: WSASETLASTERROR, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: WSTR, count: 3, files: 1," + - "text: WTKRFNKS, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Wynants, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Wynkoop, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: xabyrbyab, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: xact, count: 3, files: 2," + - "text: Xact, count: 10, files: 2," + - "text: XACT, count: 21, files: 13," + - "text: xactid, count: 7, files: 2," + - "text: Xcase, count: 5, files: 1," + - "text: XDER, count: 3, files: 1," + - "text: Xdes, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: XDES, count: 7, files: 2," + - "text: xdesid, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: XDIVFS, count: 3, files: 1," + - "text: XEDB, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: xefile, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: XESESSION, count: 3, files: 1," + - "text: Xevents, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: xfer, count: 3, files: 2," + - "text: XHTTP, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Xiaopeng, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: XJIS, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: xlsb, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: XMJYAUZ, count: 3, files: 2," + - "text: XMLA, count: 3, files: 2," + - "text: xmldata, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: xmldates, count: 5, files: 1," + - "text: XMLFILE, count: 5, files: 1," + - "text: XMLOUT, count: 5, files: 1," + - "text: XMLSCHEMA, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: xmlschemacollections, count: 3, files: 1," + - "text: xmlsource, count: 5, files: 1," + - "text: xmlsrc, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: XMLTYPE, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Xpert, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: xplan, count: 5, files: 1," + - "text: xplat, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Xplat, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: xprec, count: 5, files: 1," + - "text: Xrange, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Xret, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: xscale, count: 5, files: 1," + - "text: XSQLM, count: 3, files: 1," + - "text: xtstatsdemo, count: 5, files: 1," + - "text: xttrace, count: 5, files: 1," + - "text: xtype, count: 10, files: 3," + - "text: xusertype, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Yamamoto, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Yaseen, count: 11, files: 4," + - "text: Ychar, count: 4, files: 1," + - "text: yeild, count: 3, files: 3," + - "text: Yingjun, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: yout, count: 3, files: 3," + - "text: Yrange, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: yungman, count: 2, files: 2," + - "text: Yungman, count: 12, files: 10," + - "text: Yusuf, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: yydiff, count: 3, files: 1," + - "text: yyyydd, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Zabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Zabroski, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Zanevsky, count: 6, files: 2," + - "text: Zeygman, count: 3, files: 3," + - "text: Zign, count: 5, files: 1," + - "text: Zivkovic, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Zocco, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: вфеу, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Ёжик, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: название, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: называть, count: 4, files: 1," + - "text: Неправильное, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: Сreated, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: советую, count: 4, files: 1," + - "text: строка, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: Тестовая, count: 2, files: 1," + - "text: שגוי, count: 1, files: 1," + - "text: שםשגוי, count: 1, files: 1," diff --git a/integration-tests/snapshots/ktaranov/sqlserver-kit/snapshot.txt b/integration-tests/snapshots/ktaranov/sqlserver-kit/snapshot.txt index 06c99c3fd8a..0f20094b614 100644 --- a/integration-tests/snapshots/ktaranov/sqlserver-kit/snapshot.txt +++ b/integration-tests/snapshots/ktaranov/sqlserver-kit/snapshot.txt @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ Repository: ktaranov/sqlserver-kit Url: "https://github.com/ktaranov/sqlserver-kit.git" -Args: ["**","--exclude=**/Backup/**"] +Args: ["--issues-summary-report","**","--exclude=**/Backup/**"] Lines: - CSpell: Files checked: 489, Issues found: 14314 in 452 files. + CSpell: Files checked: 489, Issues found: 14307 in 452 files. exit code: 1 ADS/README.md:30:15 - Unknown word (Dacpac) -- | [SQL Server Dacpac] ADS/README.md:30:181 - Unknown word (wizarding) -- Provides an easy-to-use wizarding experience to deploy @@ -143,7 +143,6 @@ Articles/README.md:1221:134 - Unknown word (Vyas) -- | Narayana Vyas K Articles/README.md:1221:139 - Unknown word (Kondreddi) -- | Narayana Vyas Kondreddi | Articles/README.md:1223:65 - Unknown word (VLDB) -- Checking Options for a VLDB] Articles/README.md:1226:129 - Unknown word (Dorr) -- | Bob Dorr -Articles/README.md:1228:40 - Unknown word (UDTs) -- CHECKDB – Part IV (SQL CLR UDTs)] Articles/README.md:122:125 - Unknown word (Dinesh) -- | Dinesh Asanka Articles/README.md:122:132 - Unknown word (Asanka) -- | Dinesh Asanka Articles/README.md:1233:131 - Unknown word (Boggiano) -- | Tracy Boggiano @@ -412,7 +411,6 @@ Articles/README.md:2637:42 - Unknown word (HADR) -- Eitan Blumin on Articles/README.md:263:130 - Unknown word (Kizer) -- | Tara Kizer Articles/README.md:2648:22 - Unknown word (Permanentdb) -- When Tempdb Becomes Permanentdb (In-memory tempdb metadata Articles/README.md:2661:63 - Unknown word (VLDB) -- Checking Options for a VLDB]:https://www.sqlskills -Articles/README.md:2665:38 - Unknown word (UDTs) -- CHECKDB – Part IV (SQL CLR UDTs)]:https://web.archive Articles/README.md:2680:25 - Unknown word (CEIP) -- What Is the SQL Server CEIP Service (telemetry) Articles/README.md:2698:5 - Unknown word (whoisactive) -- [sp_whoisactive: Analyzing Tempdb Contention Articles/README.md:2714:10 - Unknown word (Famiglia) -- [Viva la Famiglia! Stored procedure for @@ -838,7 +836,6 @@ Articles/README.md:813:138 - Unknown word (Miroslav) -- | Sudipto Das, M Articles/README.md:813:147 - Unknown word (Grbic) -- Sudipto Das, Miroslav Grbic, Igor Ilic … | 2019 Articles/README.md:813:159 - Unknown word (Ilic) -- Miroslav Grbic, Igor Ilic … | 2019-01-01 | [AZ Articles/README.md:814:133 - Unknown word (Mcgiffen) -- | Matthew Mcgiffen -Articles/README.md:816:27 - Unknown word (UDFs) -- Improve Performance of UDFs with NULL ON NULL INPUT Articles/README.md:817:125 - Unknown word (Phill) -- | Phill Factor Articles/README.md:820:130 - Unknown word (Gallardy) -- | Sean Gallardy Articles/README.md:822:130 - Unknown word (Moden) -- | Jeff Moden @@ -2009,7 +2006,6 @@ PowerShell/Get-SQLUnattendedFile.ps1:23:51 - Unknown word (logfile) -- in PowerShell/Get-SQLUnattendedFile.ps1:40:22 - Unknown word (logfile) -- [String]$logfile, PowerShell/Get-SQLUnattendedFile.ps1:54:2 - Unknown word (sqlservers) -- $sqlservers = Get-Content $inputFile PowerShell/Get-SQLUnattendedFile.ps1:61:47 - Unknown word (computername) -- Generated from $(gc env:computername)" -PowerShell/Get-SQLUnattendedFile.ps1:6:71 - Unknown word (mdf's) -- approach and searching for mdf's and then comparing them PowerShell/Get-SQLUnattendedFile.ps1:78:5 - Unknown word (logfile) -- $logfile PowerShell/Get-SQLUnattendedFile.ps1:83:8 - Unknown word (logfile) -- If($logfile) { PowerShell/Get-SQLUnattendedFile.ps1:84:17 - Unknown word (logfile) -- Add-Content $logfile -Value $Line @@ -2422,6 +2418,7 @@ PowerShell/WOX_Permissions.ps1:52:28 - Unknown word (permissionstate) -- wri PowerShell/WOX_Permissions.ps1:52:50 - Unknown word (permissiontype) -- permissionstate $perm.permissiontype "on" $perm.objectname PowerShell/WOX_Permissions.ps1:52:76 - Unknown word (objectname) -- permissiontype "on" $perm.objectname "in" $DBase.name } PowerShell/WOX_Permissions.ps1:62:14 - Unknown word (Lsvr) -- foreach ($SQLsvr in get-content "C:\temp +PowerShell/WOX_Permissions.ps1:64:71 - Unknown word (Lsvr) -- Management.Smo.Server") $SQLsvr PowerShell/WOX_Permissions.ps1:83:80 - Unknown word (foregroundcolor) -- Role : " $SQLRoles -foregroundcolor "red"} PowerShell/WOX_Permissions.ps1:91:39 - Unknown word (adgroupmember) -- ADGRoupMembers = get-adgroupmember $SQLLogin.name.Split PowerShell/WOX_Permissions.ps1:99:105 - Unknown word (foregroundcolor) -- in the AD Domain" -foregroundcolor Red @@ -2632,7 +2629,6 @@ README.md:443:12 - Unknown word (Stackexchange) -- - [DBA Stackexchange README.md:447:112 - Unknown word (Ferruh) -- injection-cheat-sheet/) (by Ferruh Mavituna) README.md:447:119 - Unknown word (Mavituna) -- cheat-sheet/) (by Ferruh Mavituna) README.md:448:8 - Unknown word (Stackoverflow) -- - [Stackoverflow SQL Anti Patterns](http -README.md:451:10 - Unknown word (Lize) -- - [SQLize Online - is a free online README.md:456:141 - Unknown word (Simonsen) -- SqlServerSearcher) (by Allan Simonsen) README.md:459:26 - Unknown word (SQLPLAN) -- [How's My Plan? - .SQLPLAN analyzer](http://www README.md:459:83 - Unknown word (Janik) -- howsmyplan.com/) (by Daniel Janik) @@ -2681,7 +2677,7 @@ README.md:522:14 - Unknown word (Nooijer) -- - [Hennie de Nooijer README.md:522:4 - Unknown word (Hennie) -- - [Hennie de Nooijer](http://bifuture README.md:524:14 - Unknown word (Rossum) -- - [Joost van Rossum](http://microsoft-ssis README.md:524:4 - Unknown word (Joost) -- - [Joost van Rossum](http://microsoft -README.md:525:10 - Unknown word (Schreuder) -- - [Marco Schreuder](http://blog.in2bi.eu +README.md:525:10 - Unknown word (Schreuder) -- - [Marco Schreuder](http://blog.in2bi.eu README.md:526:11 - Unknown word (Longoria) -- - [Meagan Longoria](https://datasavvy.wordpress README.md:527:13 - Unknown word (Sorrell) -- - [Nicholas Sorrell](http://sorrell.github README.md:528:12 - Unknown word (Braak) -- - [Paul Te Braak](https://paultebraak @@ -2737,7 +2733,7 @@ README.md:635:121 - Unknown word (Etaati) -- bi-and-r) (by Leila E README.md:636:113 - Unknown word (Hellerstein) -- chitecture.pdf) (by Joseph M. Hellerstein, Michael Stonebraker README.md:636:134 - Unknown word (Stonebraker) -- Hellerstein, Michael Stonebraker and James Hamilton) README.md:639:140 - Unknown word (Etaati) -- unleashed-guide) (by Leila Etaati) -README.md:640:189 - Unknown word (Nutanix) -- fromCampaign=true) (by Nutanix, Inc.) +README.md:640:189 - Unknown word (Nutanix) -- fromCampaign=true) (by Nutanix, Inc.) README.md:640:5 - Unknown word (Nutanix) -- - [Nutanix Best Practices for SQL README.md:641:134 - Unknown word (Altaiar) -- microsoft-azure/) (by Has Altaiar, Jack Lee, Michael Pe README.md:641:161 - Unknown word (Peña) -- Altaiar, Jack Lee, Michael Peña) @@ -4935,7 +4931,6 @@ Scripts/FindLongRunningJobSteps.sql:64:16 - Unknown word (msdb) -- ,d Scripts/FindLongRunningJobSteps.sql:68:17 - Unknown word (sysjobhistory) -- FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory Scripts/FindLongRunningJobSteps.sql:68:8 - Unknown word (msdb) -- FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory Scripts/FindLongRunningJobSteps.sql:75:52 - Unknown word (stdevp) -- secs_duration*1.) + 2*stdevp(secs_duration) -Scripts/FindLongRunningJobSteps.sql:83:28 - Unknown word (CTE's) -- need to select from the CTE's, and join to msdb for Scripts/FindLongRunningJobSteps.sql:83:47 - Unknown word (msdb) -- the CTE's, and join to msdb for final result Scripts/FindLongRunningJobSteps.sql:90:30 - Unknown word (Threshhold) -- AvgPlus2StDev AS [Min Threshhold (secs)] Scripts/FindLongRunningJobSteps.sql:93:12 - Unknown word (sysjobs) -- JOIN msdb..sysjobs j on jd.job_id = j.job @@ -5002,7 +4997,6 @@ Scripts/Find_Object_Dependecy.sql:238:37 - Unknown word (uddts) -- udtts Scripts/Find_Object_Dependecy.sql:238:46 - Unknown word (udts) -- that reference uddts or udts Scripts/Find_Object_Dependecy.sql:2394:50 - Unknown word (UDDT) -- sequence. Used to find UDDT that is in sequence Scripts/Find_Object_Dependecy.sql:23:7 - Unknown word (objtype) -- ,objtype SMALLINT NOT NULL -Scripts/Find_Object_Dependecy.sql:2481:37 - Unknown word (SMO's) -- need to be removed once SMO's URN comparision gets Scripts/Find_Object_Dependecy.sql:2481:47 - Unknown word (comparision) -- removed once SMO's URN comparision gets fixed Scripts/Find_Object_Dependecy.sql:2502:49 - Unknown word (Databasepropertyex) -- SELECT CONVERT(SYSNAME, Databasepropertyex(@dbname, 'Collation Scripts/Find_Object_Dependecy.sql:2539:50 - Unknown word (ptype) -- AS [ptype] @@ -10111,14 +10105,13 @@ Solution/dbWarden/dbWarden.sql:1665:5 - Unknown word (NOCOUNT) -- SET Solution/dbWarden/dbWarden.sql:1671:44 - Unknown word (SERVERPROPERTY) -- CONVERT(NVARCHAR(50), SERVERPROPERTY('servername')) Solution/dbWarden/dbWarden.sql:16:12 - Unknown word (DATABASESETTINGS) -- ** 1. The DATABASESETTINGS table will be populated Solution/dbWarden/dbWarden.sql:1721:20 - Unknown word (dbmail) -- EXEC msdb..sp_send_dbmail -Solution/dbWarden/dbWarden.sql:1743:21 - Unknown word (dbmail) -- EXEC msdb..sp_send_dbmail +Solution/dbWarden/dbWarden.sql:1743:21 - Unknown word (dbmail) -- EXEC msdb..sp_send_dbmail Solution/dbWarden/dbWarden.sql:1757:10 - Unknown word (DATESTAMP) -- ORDER BY DATESTAMP ASC Solution/dbWarden/dbWarden.sql:1801:44 - Unknown word (SERVERPROPERTY) -- CONVERT(NVARCHAR(50), SERVERPROPERTY('servername')) Solution/dbWarden/dbWarden.sql:187:46 - Unknown word (DBMAIL) -- ====================DBMAIL OPERATORS========== Solution/dbWarden/dbWarden.sql:189:30 - Unknown word (msdb) -- EXISTS (SELECT * FROM msdb..sysoperators WHERE Solution/dbWarden/dbWarden.sql:189:36 - Unknown word (sysoperators) -- SELECT * FROM msdb..sysoperators WHERE name = 'SQL_DBA Solution/dbWarden/dbWarden.sql:191:6 - Unknown word (msdb) -- EXEC msdb..sp_add_operator @name -Solution/dbWarden/dbWarden.sql:1938:59 - Unknown word (DMV's) -- Simplified to use DMV's to gather session information Solution/dbWarden/dbWarden.sql:197:30 - Unknown word (msdb) -- EXISTS (SELECT * FROM msdb..sysoperators WHERE Solution/dbWarden/dbWarden.sql:197:36 - Unknown word (sysoperators) -- SELECT * FROM msdb..sysoperators WHERE name = 'SQL_DBA Solution/dbWarden/dbWarden.sql:197:71 - Unknown word (vtext) -- WHERE name = 'SQL_DBA_vtext') @@ -10443,7 +10436,7 @@ Solution/dbWarden/dbWarden.sql:4886:27 - Unknown word (TRACESTATUS) Solution/dbWarden/dbWarden.sql:4889:4 - Unknown word (nbsp) -- ' 
' + Blocked Solution/dbWarden/dbWarden.sql:4918:6 - Unknown word (nbsp) -- ' 
/=\\u{FDD0}-\\u{FDEF}\\u{FFFE}\\u{FFFF}\\u{" - "packages/svelte/src/internal/server/index.js:23:31 FFFE U \\u{FDD0}-\\u{FDEF}\\u{FFFE}\\u{FFFF}\\u{1FFFE}\\u" @@ -2624,7 +2622,6 @@ issues: - "packages/svelte/tests/runtime-legacy/samples/html-entities/_config.js:28:9 Ÿotherstring U Ÿotherstring" - "packages/svelte/tests/runtime-legacy/samples/html-entities/main.svelte:24:11 fotherstring U Ÿotherstring" - "packages/svelte/tests/runtime-legacy/samples/names-deconflicted/_config.js:7:33 bish U widgets = [{ name: 'bish' }, { name: 'bosh'" - - "packages/svelte/tests/runtime-legacy/samples/nested-destructure-assignment-2/_config.js:13:7 Bag'ol U

Bag'ol stores

" - "packages/svelte/tests/runtime-legacy/samples/props-reactive-slot/main.svelte:6:7 someprop U " - "packages/svelte/tests/runtime-legacy/samples/raw-mustaches/_config.js:14:39 beforeafter U htmlEqual(target.innerHTML, 'beforeafter');" - "packages/svelte/tests/runtime-legacy/samples/raw-mustaches/_config.js:16:39 beforehow U htmlEqual(target.innerHTML, 'beforehow about unclosed" diff --git a/integration-tests/snapshots/sveltejs/svelte/snapshot.txt b/integration-tests/snapshots/sveltejs/svelte/snapshot.txt index eb08a453f63..f0283fb7f1e 100644 --- a/integration-tests/snapshots/sveltejs/svelte/snapshot.txt +++ b/integration-tests/snapshots/sveltejs/svelte/snapshot.txt @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Repository: sveltejs/svelte Url: "https://github.com/sveltejs/svelte.git" Args: ["**"] Lines: - CSpell: Files checked: 7048, Issues found: 5216 in 648 files. + CSpell: Files checked: 7048, Issues found: 5210 in 646 files. exit code: 1 CONTRIBUTING.md:22:5 - Unknown word (Triaging) -- ### Triaging issues and pull requests benchmarking/benchmarks.js:14:2 - Unknown word (sbench) -- sbench_create_0to1, @@ -73,7 +73,6 @@ documentation/blog/2020-10-01-whats-new-in-svelte-october-2020.md:80:4 - Un documentation/blog/2020-10-01-whats-new-in-svelte-october-2020.md:82:4 - Unknown word (Pell) -- - [Pell (WYSIWYG Editor)](https documentation/blog/2020-11-01-whats-new-in-svelte-november-2020.md:23:58 - Unknown word (tacular) -- sveltesummit.com/) was Svelte-tacular! documentation/blog/2020-11-01-whats-new-in-svelte-november-2020.md:35:4 - Unknown word (gurlic) -- - [gurlic](https://gurlic.com -documentation/blog/2020-11-01-whats-new-in-svelte-november-2020.md:36:169 - Unknown word (YYY's) -- how it was built in [YYY's talk at Svelte Summit documentation/blog/2020-11-01-whats-new-in-svelte-november-2020.md:37:4 - Unknown word (jitsi) -- - [jitsi-svelte](https://github documentation/blog/2020-11-01-whats-new-in-svelte-november-2020.md:37:98 - Unknown word (Jitsi) -- create your own custom Jitsi client by providing documentation/blog/2020-11-01-whats-new-in-svelte-november-2020.md:38:4 - Unknown word (Ellx) -- - [Ellx](https://ellx.io/) is @@ -2494,7 +2493,6 @@ packages/svelte/src/internal/client/reactivity/types.d.ts:33:6 - Unknown wo packages/svelte/src/internal/client/render.js:153:19 - Unknown word (occured) -- // If an error occured above, the operations packages/svelte/src/internal/client/runtime.js:1177:29 - Unknown word (noone) -- value; // let's hope noone modifies this global packages/svelte/src/internal/client/runtime.js:807:26 - Unknown word (doesnt) -- mutate(dep, null /* doesnt matter */); -packages/svelte/src/internal/client/types.d.ts:10:19 - Unknown word (JITs) -- // when the JS VM JITs the code. packages/svelte/src/internal/client/types.d.ts:181:20 - Unknown word (proxified) -- /** `true` if the proxified object is an array packages/svelte/src/internal/server/index.js:23:209 - Unknown word (AFFFE) -- u{9FFFE}\u{9FFFF}\u{AFFFE}\u{AFFFF}\u{BFFFE}\u packages/svelte/src/internal/server/index.js:23:218 - Unknown word (AFFFF) -- u{9FFFF}\u{AFFFE}\u{AFFFF}\u{BFFFE}\u{BFFFF}\u @@ -2619,7 +2617,6 @@ packages/svelte/tests/runtime-legacy/samples/html-entities/_config.js:20:10 packages/svelte/tests/runtime-legacy/samples/html-entities/_config.js:28:9 - Unknown word (Ÿotherstring) -- Ÿotherstring packages/svelte/tests/runtime-legacy/samples/html-entities/main.svelte:24:11 - Unknown word (fotherstring) -- Ÿotherstring packages/svelte/tests/runtime-legacy/samples/names-deconflicted/_config.js:7:33 - Unknown word (bish) -- widgets = [{ name: 'bish' }, { name: 'bosh' -packages/svelte/tests/runtime-legacy/samples/nested-destructure-assignment-2/_config.js:13:7 - Unknown word (Bag'ol) --

Bag'ol stores

packages/svelte/tests/runtime-legacy/samples/props-reactive-slot/main.svelte:6:7 - Unknown word (someprop) -- packages/svelte/tests/runtime-legacy/samples/raw-mustaches/_config.js:14:39 - Unknown word (beforeafter) -- htmlEqual(target.innerHTML, 'beforeafter'); packages/svelte/tests/runtime-legacy/samples/raw-mustaches/_config.js:16:39 - Unknown word (beforehow) -- htmlEqual(target.innerHTML, 'beforehow about unclosed diff --git a/integration-tests/snapshots/typescript-cheatsheets/react/report.yaml b/integration-tests/snapshots/typescript-cheatsheets/react/report.yaml index 013dde96db8..99bd487973e 100644 --- a/integration-tests/snapshots/typescript-cheatsheets/react/report.yaml +++ b/integration-tests/snapshots/typescript-cheatsheets/react/report.yaml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Args: '["**/*.{ts,js,md}"]' Summary: files: 53 filesWithIssues: 42 - issues: 402 + issues: 399 errors: 0 Errors: [] @@ -112,7 +112,6 @@ issues: - "docs/basic/linting.md:6:211 azdanov U check this PR from [@azdanov](https://github.com" - "docs/basic/linting.md:101:173 robertcoopercode U typescript-project-53jb) by @robertcoopercode." - "docs/basic/recommended/codebases.md:9:57 livestream U codeponder (with [coding livestream!](https://www.youtube" - - "docs/basic/recommended/codebases.md:24:13 ui's U - [@reach/ui's community typings](https" - "docs/basic/recommended/codebases.md:39:46 spoeck U ilerplates: _contributed by [@spoeck](https://github.com" - "docs/basic/recommended/resources.md:18:23 nonboolean U 8. Non-boolean `if (nonboolean)` checks" - "docs/basic/recommended/resources.md:19:6 bangbang U 9. bangbang checks `if (!!nonboolean" @@ -149,7 +148,6 @@ issues: - "docs/basic/troubleshooting/types.md:369:275 Basarat U 0) to get the idea. Basarat [also has a good video" - "docs/basic/troubleshooting/types.md:381:71 typedec U declaration file, say `typedec.d.ts`– if you don't" - "docs/basic/troubleshooting/types.md:401:83 hackier U without errors. A even hackier, write-once-and-forget" - - "docs/basic/troubleshooting/types.md:523:19 yx's U For instance, [sw-yx's Gist on React Router" - "docs/basic/troubleshooting/types.md:553:14 typesafety U Guaranteeing typesafety for this kind of API" - "docs/hoc/excluding-props.md:7:122 premade U often inject props to premade components. The problem" - "docs/hoc/excluding-props.md:62:96 otherprop U keyof T, 'owner' | 'otherprop' | 'moreprop'>`" diff --git a/integration-tests/snapshots/typescript-cheatsheets/react/snapshot.txt b/integration-tests/snapshots/typescript-cheatsheets/react/snapshot.txt index 51dd71dd0e6..da51f774651 100644 --- a/integration-tests/snapshots/typescript-cheatsheets/react/snapshot.txt +++ b/integration-tests/snapshots/typescript-cheatsheets/react/snapshot.txt @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Repository: typescript-cheatsheets/react Url: "https://github.com/typescript-cheatsheets/react.git" Args: ["**/*.{ts,js,md}"] Lines: - CSpell: Files checked: 53, Issues found: 402 in 42 files. + CSpell: Files checked: 53, Issues found: 399 in 42 files. exit code: 1 CONTRIBUTING.md:23:43 - Unknown word (swyx's) -- deployed on Netlify, under swyx's personal account. CONTRIBUTING.md:25:12 - Unknown word (docsite) -- To run the docsite locally, follow these @@ -109,7 +109,6 @@ docs/basic/getting-started/portals.md:87:28 - Unknown word (rgba) -- b docs/basic/getting-started/portals.md:93:37 - Unknown word (papyawhip) -- style={{ background: "papyawhip" }} docs/basic/linting.md:101:173 - Unknown word (robertcoopercode) -- typescript-project-53jb) by @robertcoopercode. docs/basic/linting.md:6:211 - Unknown word (azdanov) -- check this PR from [@azdanov](https://github.com -docs/basic/recommended/codebases.md:24:13 - Unknown word (ui's) -- - [@reach/ui's community typings](https docs/basic/recommended/codebases.md:39:46 - Unknown word (spoeck) -- ilerplates: _contributed by [@spoeck](https://github.com docs/basic/recommended/codebases.md:9:57 - Unknown word (livestream) -- codeponder (with [coding livestream!](https://www.youtube docs/basic/recommended/resources.md:18:23 - Unknown word (nonboolean) -- 8. Non-boolean `if (nonboolean)` checks @@ -145,7 +144,6 @@ docs/basic/troubleshooting/types.md:333:78 - Unknown word (Koshelev) -- thi docs/basic/troubleshooting/types.md:369:275 - Unknown word (Basarat) -- 0) to get the idea. Basarat [also has a good video docs/basic/troubleshooting/types.md:381:71 - Unknown word (typedec) -- declaration file, say `typedec.d.ts`– if you don't docs/basic/troubleshooting/types.md:401:83 - Unknown word (hackier) -- without errors. A even hackier, write-once-and-forget -docs/basic/troubleshooting/types.md:523:19 - Unknown word (yx's) -- For instance, [sw-yx's Gist on React Router docs/basic/troubleshooting/types.md:53:34 - Unknown word (typeguards) -- the `in` operator for typeguards since TS 2.7+ docs/basic/troubleshooting/types.md:553:14 - Unknown word (typesafety) -- Guaranteeing typesafety for this kind of API docs/basic/troubleshooting/types.md:60:88 - Unknown word (isnt) -- versions or where `in` isnt enough diff --git a/integration-tests/snapshots/vitest-dev/vitest/report.yaml b/integration-tests/snapshots/vitest-dev/vitest/report.yaml index 761642280b7..625d5e5492f 100644 --- a/integration-tests/snapshots/vitest-dev/vitest/report.yaml +++ b/integration-tests/snapshots/vitest-dev/vitest/report.yaml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Args: '["--issues-summary-report","--locale=en,en-GB","."]' Summary: files: 1648 filesWithIssues: 399 - issues: 1559 + issues: 1556 errors: 0 Errors: [] @@ -82,7 +82,6 @@ issues: - "docs/guide/browser/interactivity-api.md:155:243 selectall U keyboard) (e.g., `{Shift}{selectall}`)." - "docs/guide/browser/interactivity-api.md:182:83 keydown U releasing it and trigger 5 keydown" - "docs/guide/browser/retry-ability.md:7:293 retriable U purpose, Vitest provides retriable assertions out of the" - - "docs/guide/cli-generated.md:99:77 cac's U also specified, use cac's dot notation for individual" - "docs/guide/cli.md:48:5 lintstagedrc U // .lintstagedrc.js" - "docs/guide/comparisons.md:11:46 sodatea U Jest in Vite setups. [@sodatea](https://twitter.com" - "docs/guide/comparisons.md:31:140 Vitesse U their App's UI using [Vitesse](https://github.com" @@ -191,7 +190,6 @@ issues: - "packages/coverage-istanbul/package.json:54:6 magicast U \"magicast\": \"^0.3.4\"," - "packages/coverage-istanbul/src/provider.ts:28:15 Instrumenter U import { type Instrumenter, createInstrumenter" - "packages/coverage-istanbul/src/provider.ts:69:3 instrumenter U instrumenter!: Instrumenter" - - "packages/coverage-istanbul/src/provider.ts:161:16 SWC's U // Exclude SWC's decorators that are" - "packages/coverage-istanbul/src/provider.ts:409:22 vitenode U await this.ctx.vitenode.transformRequest(`$" - "packages/coverage-v8/package.json:47:7 ampproject U \"@ampproject/remapping\": \"^2.3.0" - "packages/coverage-v8/package.json:48:7 bcoe U \"@bcoe/v8-coverage\": \"^0.2" @@ -512,7 +510,6 @@ issuesSummary: - "text: CAAA, count: 6, files: 2," - "text: CAAC, count: 5, files: 1," - "text: CAAE, count: 5, files: 1," - - "text: cac's, count: 1, files: 1," - "text: cac\\'s, count: 1, files: 1," - "text: CACX, count: 1, files: 1," - "text: callout, count: 2, files: 1," @@ -801,7 +798,6 @@ issuesSummary: - "text: subresources, count: 2, files: 1," - "text: suffixies, count: 1, files: 1," - "text: suitefile, count: 5, files: 1," - - "text: SWC's, count: 2, files: 2," - "text: sweetalert, count: 6, files: 2," - "text: synchronus, count: 1, files: 1," - "text: Syntetic, count: 4, files: 1," diff --git a/integration-tests/snapshots/vitest-dev/vitest/snapshot.txt b/integration-tests/snapshots/vitest-dev/vitest/snapshot.txt index c3c730dd293..df74c200551 100644 --- a/integration-tests/snapshots/vitest-dev/vitest/snapshot.txt +++ b/integration-tests/snapshots/vitest-dev/vitest/snapshot.txt @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Repository: vitest-dev/vitest Url: "https://github.com/vitest-dev/vitest" Args: ["--issues-summary-report","--locale=en,en-GB","."] Lines: - CSpell: Files checked: 1648, Issues found: 1559 in 399 files. + CSpell: Files checked: 1648, Issues found: 1556 in 399 files. exit code: 1 LICENSE:3:28 - Unknown word (Vitest) -- Copyright (c) 2021-Present Vitest Team README.md:110:5 - Unknown word (patak) -- - [@patak-dev](https://github @@ -82,7 +82,6 @@ docs/guide/browser/interactivity-api.md:155:243 - Unknown word (selectall) docs/guide/browser/interactivity-api.md:182:83 - Unknown word (keydown) -- releasing it and trigger 5 keydown docs/guide/browser/interactivity-api.md:99:24 - Unknown word (dblclick) -- Playwright `locator.dblclick` API](https://playwright docs/guide/browser/retry-ability.md:7:293 - Unknown word (retriable) -- purpose, Vitest provides retriable assertions out of the -docs/guide/cli-generated.md:99:77 - Unknown word (cac's) -- also specified, use cac's dot notation for individual docs/guide/cli.md:48:5 - Unknown word (lintstagedrc) -- // .lintstagedrc.js docs/guide/comparisons.md:11:46 - Unknown word (sodatea) -- Jest in Vite setups. [@sodatea](https://twitter.com docs/guide/comparisons.md:31:140 - Unknown word (Vitesse) -- their App's UI using [Vitesse](https://github.com @@ -188,7 +187,6 @@ packages/browser/src/node/providers/playwright.ts:160:16 - Unknown word (requ packages/browser/src/node/rpc.ts:134:38 - Unknown word (acceptible) -- normalise the URL to be acceptible by the browser packages/browser/src/node/server.ts:190:38 - Unknown word (cdps) -- cachedHandler = this.state.cdps.get(sessionId) packages/coverage-istanbul/package.json:54:6 - Unknown word (magicast) -- "magicast": "^0.3.4", -packages/coverage-istanbul/src/provider.ts:161:16 - Unknown word (SWC's) -- // Exclude SWC's decorators that are packages/coverage-istanbul/src/provider.ts:28:15 - Unknown word (Instrumenter) -- import { type Instrumenter, createInstrumenter packages/coverage-istanbul/src/provider.ts:409:22 - Unknown word (vitenode) -- await this.ctx.vitenode.transformRequest(`$ packages/coverage-istanbul/src/provider.ts:69:3 - Unknown word (instrumenter) -- instrumenter!: Instrumenter diff --git a/packages/cspell-bundled-dicts/package.json b/packages/cspell-bundled-dicts/package.json index 80afdef8d35..8614fca26ac 100644 --- a/packages/cspell-bundled-dicts/package.json +++ b/packages/cspell-bundled-dicts/package.json @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ "@cspell/dict-ada": "^4.0.2", "@cspell/dict-aws": "^4.0.3", "@cspell/dict-bash": "^4.1.3", - "@cspell/dict-companies": "^3.1.3", + "@cspell/dict-companies": "^3.1.4", "@cspell/dict-cpp": "^5.1.12", "@cspell/dict-cryptocurrencies": "^5.0.0", "@cspell/dict-csharp": "^4.0.2", diff --git a/packages/cspell-lib/api/api.d.ts b/packages/cspell-lib/api/api.d.ts index fee4630ee43..13aa4c3ef23 100644 --- a/packages/cspell-lib/api/api.d.ts +++ b/packages/cspell-lib/api/api.d.ts @@ -675,7 +675,9 @@ interface IncludeExcludeOptions { } type LineValidatorFn = (line: LineSegment) => Iterable; interface LineSegment { + /** A line from the document, the offset is relative to the beginning of the document. */ line: TextOffsetRO; + /** A segment of text from the line, the offset is relative to the beginning of the document. */ segment: TextOffsetRO; } interface MappedTextValidationResult extends MappedText { diff --git a/packages/cspell-lib/fixtures/docValidator/sample-files-with-issues/WOX_Permissions.ps1 b/packages/cspell-lib/fixtures/docValidator/sample-files-with-issues/WOX_Permissions.ps1 new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..8ed026faf5c --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/cspell-lib/fixtures/docValidator/sample-files-with-issues/WOX_Permissions.ps1 @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ + # ======================================================================================================== + # + # NAME: WOX_Permissions.ps1 + # + # This script can be used to step through the various levels of security on each of your SQL Server instances. + # It is recommended to run this script with a domain account that can access the AD to collect group information. + # Thanks go to Greg Burns whose original post here: http://www.alaskasql.org/Blog/Post/35/Audit-All-SQL-User-Security-with-PowerShell + # inspired this evolution. + # + # This script returns: + # - The Server Name, Versionm, edition and Login mode + # - For each Login found on the SQL Server instance + # - Name + # - Type - SQL or Windows + # - Create date + # - Default DB + # - Disabled? + # - Server role (in Red if sysadmin) + # - If Type is a Windows AD group each member's name and Login + # - Database roles + # - Any explicitily granted permissions + # + # The script runs based on a list of server names located in c:\temp\instances.txt. + # Named instances can be listed as Hostname\instancename. + # The text file should contain one instance per line. + # All output is to the console (Formatting was easier). + # + # (C) 2016, WaterOx Consulting, Inc. + # See WOX's https://WaterOxConsulting.com/eula for the End User Licensing Agreement. + # + # ======================================================================================================== + + Function GetDBUserInfo($Dbase) + { + if ($dbase.status -eq "Normal") # ensures the DB is online before checking + {$users = $Dbase.users | where {$_.login -eq $SQLLogin.name} # Ignore the account running this as it is assumed to be an admin account on all servers + foreach ($u in $users) + { + if ($u) + { + $DBRoles = $u.enumroles() + foreach ($role in $DBRoles) { + if ($role -eq "db_owner") { + write-host $role "on"$Dbase.name -foregroundcolor "red" #if db_owner set text color to red + } + else { + write-host $role "on"$Dbase.name + } + } + #Get any explicitily granted permissions + foreach($perm in $Dbase.EnumObjectPermissions($u.Name)){ + write-host $perm.permissionstate $perm.permissiontype "on" $perm.objectname "in" $DBase.name } + } + } # Next user in database + } + #else + #Skip to next database. + } + #Main portion of script start + [reflection.assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo") | out-null #ensure we have SQL SMO available + + foreach ($SQLsvr in get-content "C:\temp\Instances.txt") # read the instance source file to get instance names + { + $svr = new-object ("Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server") $SQLsvr + write-host "=================================================================================" + write-host "SQL Instance: " $svr.name + write-host "SQL Version:" $svr.VersionString + write-host "Edition:" $svr.Edition + write-host "Login Mode:" $svr.LoginMode + write-host "=================================================================================" + $SQLLogins = $svr.logins + foreach ($SQLLogin in $SQLLogins) + { + + write-host "Login : " $SQLLogin.name + write-host "Login Type : " $SQLLogin.LoginType + write-host "Created : " $SQLLogin.CreateDate + write-host "Default DB : " $SQLLogin.DefaultDatabase + Write-Host "Disabled : " $SQLLogin.IsDisabled + + $SQLRoles = $SQLLogin.ListMembers() + if ($SQLRoles) { + if ($SQLRoles = "SysAdmin"){ write-host "Server Role : " $SQLRoles -foregroundcolor "red"} + else { write-host "Server Role : " $SQLRoles + } } else {"Server Role : Public"} + + + If ( $SQLLogin.LoginType -eq "WindowsGroup" ) { #get individuals in any Windows domain groups + write-host "Group Members:" + try { + $ADGRoupMembers = get-adgroupmember $SQLLogin.name.Split("\")[1] -Recursive + foreach($member in $ADGRoupMembers){ + write-host " Account: " $member.name "("$member.SamAccountName")" + } + } + catch + { + #Sometimes there are 'ghost' groups left behind that are no longer in the domain, this highlights those still in SQL + write-host "Unable to locate group " $SQLLogin.name.Split("\")[1] " in the AD Domain" -foregroundcolor Red + } + } + #Check the permissions in the DBs the Login is linked to. + if ($SQLLogin.EnumDatabaseMappings()) + {write-host "Permissions:" + foreach ( $DB in $svr.Databases) + { + GetDBUserInfo($DB) + } # Next Database + } + Else + {write-host "None." + } + + write-host " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------" + } # Next Login + } # Next Server diff --git a/packages/cspell-lib/src/lib/textValidation/ValidationTypes.ts b/packages/cspell-lib/src/lib/textValidation/ValidationTypes.ts index 3c3675e2a73..eea804897eb 100644 --- a/packages/cspell-lib/src/lib/textValidation/ValidationTypes.ts +++ b/packages/cspell-lib/src/lib/textValidation/ValidationTypes.ts @@ -38,7 +38,9 @@ export type ValidationIssueRO = Readonly; export type LineValidatorFn = (line: LineSegment) => Iterable; export interface LineSegment { + /** A line from the document, the offset is relative to the beginning of the document. */ line: TextOffsetRO; + /** A segment of text from the line, the offset is relative to the beginning of the document. */ segment: TextOffsetRO; } diff --git a/packages/cspell-lib/src/lib/textValidation/docValidator.test.ts b/packages/cspell-lib/src/lib/textValidation/docValidator.test.ts index 78bafe9b98b..a1c8b28cad1 100644 --- a/packages/cspell-lib/src/lib/textValidation/docValidator.test.ts +++ b/packages/cspell-lib/src/lib/textValidation/docValidator.test.ts @@ -156,11 +156,39 @@ describe('docValidator', () => { }, ); + // cspell:disable + const expectedIssues = { + WOX_Permissions: [ + 'Versionm', + 'explicitily', + 'instancename', + 'Dbase', + 'dbase', + 'Dbase', + 'enumroles', + 'Dbase', + 'foregroundcolor', + 'Dbase', + 'explicitily', + 'Dbase', + 'permissionstate', + 'permissiontype', + 'objectname', + 'Lsvr', + 'Lsvr', + 'foregroundcolor', + 'adgroupmember', + 'foregroundcolor', + ], + }; + // cspell:enable + test.each` - filename | maxDuplicateProblems | expectedIssues | expectedRawIssues - ${tFix('issues/issue-5222/README.md')} | ${undefined} | ${[]} | ${undefined} + filename | maxDuplicateProblems | expectedIssues | expectedRawIssues + ${tFix('issues/issue-5222/README.md')} | ${undefined} | ${[]} | ${undefined} + ${fix('sample-files-with-issues/WOX_Permissions.ps1')} | ${undefined} | ${expectedIssues.WOX_Permissions} | ${expectedIssues.WOX_Permissions} `( - 'checkDocument $filename $maxDuplicateProblems', + 'checkDocument group2 $filename $maxDuplicateProblems', async ({ filename, maxDuplicateProblems, expectedIssues, expectedRawIssues }) => { const doc = await loadDoc(filename); const dVal = new DocumentValidator(doc, { generateSuggestions: false }, { maxDuplicateProblems }); diff --git a/packages/cspell-lib/src/lib/textValidation/lineValidatorFactory.ts b/packages/cspell-lib/src/lib/textValidation/lineValidatorFactory.ts index deed52850bb..bbe9b820487 100644 --- a/packages/cspell-lib/src/lib/textValidation/lineValidatorFactory.ts +++ b/packages/cspell-lib/src/lib/textValidation/lineValidatorFactory.ts @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +import assert from 'node:assert'; + import { opConcatMap, opFilter, pipe } from '@cspell/cspell-pipe/sync'; import type { ParsedText } from '@cspell/cspell-types'; import type { CachingDictionary, SearchOptions, SpellingDictionary } from 'cspell-dictionary'; @@ -125,10 +127,7 @@ export function lineValidatorFactory(sDict: SpellingDictionary, options: Validat return issue; } - const isFlaggedOrMinLength = rememberFilter( - (wo: ValidationIssue) => wo.text.length >= minWordLength || !!wo.isFlagged, - ); - + const isFlaggedOrMinLength = (wo: ValidationIssue) => wo.text.length >= minWordLength || !!wo.isFlagged; const isFlaggedOrNotFound = rememberFilter((wo: ValidationIssue) => wo.isFlagged || !wo.isFound); const isNotRepeatingChar = rememberFilter((wo: ValidationIssue) => !RxPat.regExRepeatedChar.test(wo.text)); @@ -151,12 +150,45 @@ export function lineValidatorFactory(sDict: SpellingDictionary, options: Validat return issue; } + const regExUpperCaseWithTrailingCommonEnglishSuffix = + /^([\p{Lu}\p{M}]{2,})['’]?(?:s|ing|ies|es|ings|ize|ed|ning)$/u; // cspell:disable-line + const regExpIsLetter = /\p{L}/u; + const fn: LineValidatorFn = (lineSegment: LineSegment) => { + const line = lineSegment.line; + + function isWordTooShort(word: TextOffsetRO, ignoreSuffix = false): boolean { + if (word.text.length >= minWordLength) return false; + const offset = word.offset - line.offset; + assert.equal(line.text.slice(offset, offset + word.text.length), word.text); + const prefix = [...line.text.slice(Math.max(0, offset - 2), offset)]; + const hasLetterPrefix = !!prefix.length && regExpIsLetter.test(prefix[prefix.length - 1]); + if (hasLetterPrefix) return false; + if (ignoreSuffix) return true; + const suffix = [...line.text.slice(offset + word.text.length, offset + word.text.length + 2)]; + const hasLetterSuffix = !!suffix.length && regExpIsLetter.test(suffix[0]); + return !hasLetterSuffix; + } + function splitterIsValid(word: TextOffsetRO): boolean { - return ( - setOfKnownSuccessfulWords.has(word.text) || - (!isWordFlagged(word) && isWordValidWithEscapeRetry(hasDict, word, lineSegment.line)) - ); + if (setOfKnownSuccessfulWords.has(word.text)) return true; + if (isWordFlagged(word)) return false; + if (isWordValidWithEscapeRetry(hasDict, word, lineSegment.line)) return true; + if (isWordTooShort(word)) return true; + return isAllCapsWithTrailingCommonEnglishSuffixOk(word); + } + + function isAllCapsWithTrailingCommonEnglishSuffixOk(tWord: TextOffsetRO): boolean { + if (!regExUpperCaseWithTrailingCommonEnglishSuffix.test(tWord.text)) return false; + const m = tWord.text.match(regExUpperCaseWithTrailingCommonEnglishSuffix); + if (!m) return false; + const offset = tWord.offset; + const v = { offset, text: m[1], line }; + const check = checkWord(v); + if (check.isFlagged) return false; + if (check.isFound) return true; + if (isWordTooShort(v, true)) return true; + return false; } function checkFullWord(vr: ValidationIssueRO): Iterable { @@ -164,6 +196,9 @@ export function lineValidatorFactory(sDict: SpellingDictionary, options: Validat return [vr]; } + // English exceptions :-( + if (isAllCapsWithTrailingCommonEnglishSuffixOk(vr)) return []; + const codeWordResults: ValidationIssueRO[] = []; for (const wo of extractWordsFromCodeTextOffset(vr)) { @@ -188,8 +223,6 @@ export function lineValidatorFactory(sDict: SpellingDictionary, options: Validat return codeWordResults; } - const useKnownIssues = false; - function rebaseKnownIssues(possibleWord: TextOffsetRO, known: KnownIssuesForWord): ValidationIssue[] { const { issues } = known; const adjOffset = possibleWord.offset - known.possibleWord.offset; @@ -203,8 +236,8 @@ export function lineValidatorFactory(sDict: SpellingDictionary, options: Validat function checkPossibleWords(possibleWord: TextOffsetRO): ValidationIssue[] { const known = setOfKnownIssues.get(possibleWord.text); - if (known && !known.issues.length) return known.issues; - if (known && useKnownIssues) { + if (known) { + if (!known.issues.length) return known.issues; const adjusted = rebaseKnownIssues(possibleWord, known); return adjusted; } @@ -237,7 +270,14 @@ export function lineValidatorFactory(sDict: SpellingDictionary, options: Validat if (mismatches.length) { // Try the more expensive word splitter const splitResult = split(lineSegment.segment, possibleWord.offset, splitterIsValid); - const nonMatching = splitResult.words.filter((w) => !w.isFound); + const nonMatching = splitResult.words + .filter((w) => !w.isFound) + .filter((w) => { + const m = w.text.match(regExUpperCaseWithTrailingCommonEnglishSuffix); + if (!m) return true; + const v = checkWord({ ...w, text: m[1], line: lineSegment.line }); + return v.isFlagged || !v.isFound; + }); if (nonMatching.length < mismatches.length) { return nonMatching.map((w) => ({ ...w, line: lineSegment.line })).map(annotateIsFlagged); } diff --git a/packages/cspell/src/app/lint/lint.test.ts b/packages/cspell/src/app/lint/lint.test.ts index e29fb0d4f70..22716f65ce3 100644 --- a/packages/cspell/src/app/lint/lint.test.ts +++ b/packages/cspell/src/app/lint/lint.test.ts @@ -20,12 +20,6 @@ const filesToCheck = path.resolve(features, 'file-list/files-to-check.txt'); const filesToCheckWithMissing = path.resolve(root, 'fixtures/features/file-list/files-to-check-missing.txt'); const configSamples = path.resolve(samples, 'config'); -// console.error('%o', { -// root, -// samples, -// filesToCheckWithMissing, -// }); - const oc = (obj: T) => expect.objectContaining(obj); const j = path.join; diff --git a/pnpm-lock.yaml b/pnpm-lock.yaml index 862ac21c869..4ac1ef0b918 100644 --- a/pnpm-lock.yaml +++ b/pnpm-lock.yaml @@ -284,8 +284,8 @@ importers: specifier: ^4.1.3 version: 4.1.3 '@cspell/dict-companies': - specifier: ^3.1.3 - version: 3.1.3 + specifier: ^3.1.4 + version: 3.1.4 '@cspell/dict-cpp': specifier: ^5.1.12 version: 5.1.12 @@ -2040,8 +2040,8 @@ packages: '@cspell/dict-bash@4.1.3': resolution: {integrity: sha512-tOdI3QVJDbQSwPjUkOiQFhYcu2eedmX/PtEpVWg0aFps/r6AyjUQINtTgpqMYnYuq8O1QUIQqnpx21aovcgZCw==} - '@cspell/dict-companies@3.1.3': - resolution: {integrity: sha512-qaAmfKtQLA7Sbe9zfFVpcwyG92cx6+EiWIpPURv11Ng2QMv2PKhYcterUJBooAvgqD0/qq+AsLN8MREloY5Mdw==} + '@cspell/dict-companies@3.1.4': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-y9e0amzEK36EiiKx3VAA+SHQJPpf2Qv5cCt5eTUSggpTkiFkCh6gRKQ97rVlrKh5GJrqinDwYIJtTsxuh2vy2Q==} '@cspell/dict-cpp@5.1.12': resolution: {integrity: sha512-6lXLOFIa+k/qBcu0bjaE/Kc6v3sh9VhsDOXD1Dalm3zgd0QIMjp5XBmkpSdCAK3pWCPV0Se7ysVLDfCea1BuXg==} @@ -10737,7 +10737,7 @@ snapshots: '@cspell/dict-bash@4.1.3': {} - '@cspell/dict-companies@3.1.3': {} + '@cspell/dict-companies@3.1.4': {} '@cspell/dict-cpp@5.1.12': {}