copyright | lastupdated | keywords | subcollection | ||
2021-09-03 |
cos event, object storage event, event producers, code engine, events, header, environment variables, subscription, subscribing |
codeengine |
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{: #eventing-cosevent-producer}
The {{}} subscription listens for changes to an {{}} bucket. When you create a subscription to a bucket, your app or job receives a separate event for each successful change to that bucket. You can subscribe to different events such as write
events, delete
events, or all
events. You can create at most 100 {{}} subscriptions per project.
{: shortdesc}
The {{}} subscription event producer is not available in the ca-tor
region. See Regions for {{}} for more information about regions where {{}} is available.
{: important}
{: #setup-cosevent-producer}
Your {{}} bucket must be a regional bucket located in the same region as your project. Cross-region and single-site buckets are not supported. For more information about setting up buckets, see Getting started with {{}}.
To see the buckets and their associated regions by using the CLI,
Download the {{}} plug-in CLI.
ibmcloud plugin install cloud-object-storage
{: pre}
Get the CRN (Cloud Resource Name) number from your {{}} instance. The CRN number identifies which {{}} instance that you want to use. The CRN number is the value of the
field in the output of theibmcloud resource service-instance COS_INSTANCE_NAME
command.ibmcloud resource service-instance my-cloud-object-storage
{: pre}
Example output
Name: my-cloud-object-storage ID: crn:v1:bluemix:public:cloud-object-storage:global:a/ab9d57f699655f028880abcd2ccdb524:123b456b-abcd-4a73-abcd-77c68bfeabcd:: GUID: 123b456b-abcd-4a73-abcd-77c68bfeabcd Location: global Service Name: cloud-object-storage Service Plan Name: lite Resource Group Name: Default State: active Type: service_instance Sub Type: Created at: 2020-10-14T19:09:22Z Created by: <[email protected]> Updated at: 2020-10-14T19:09:22Z
{: screen}
If you do not know your {{}} instance name, run
ibmcloud resource service-instances --service-name cloud-object-storage
to see a list of {{}} instances.If you do not have an {{}} instance, create one.
Configure your {{}} CRN that you found with the previous step to specify an {{}} instance to work with. Be sure to copy the entire number, starting with
.ibmcloud cos config crn --crn CRN_NUMBER
{: pre}
Example output
Saving new Service Instance ID... OK Successfully stored your service instance ID.
{: screen}
Identify a bucket to subscribe to. To see a list of buckets that are associated with your {{}} instance.
ibmcloud cos buckets
{: pre}
Identify the location and plan of the {{}} bucket.
ibmcloud cos bucket-location-get --bucket BUCKET_NAME
{: pre}
Example output
Details about bucket mybucket: Region: us-south Class: Standard
{: screen}
Note that if you have a global bucket, the value for Region
is not specified.
{: #notify-mgr-cos}
Before you can create an {{}} subscription, you must assign the Notifications Manager role to {{}}. As a Notifications Manager, {{}} can view, modify, and delete notifications for an {{}} bucket. {: shortdesc}
Only account administrators can assign the Notifications Manager role. {: note}
When you assign the Notifications Manager role to your project, you can then create event subscriptions for any regional buckets in your {{}} instance that are in the same region as your project.
- Navigate to the Grant a Service Authorization page in the IAM dashboard{: external}.
- From Source service, select Code engine.
- Select Resources based on selected attributes and Source service instance. Then, select a {{}} project.
- In Target service, select Cloud Object Storage.
- Select Services based on attributes and Service instance. Then, select your {{}} instance.
- Assign the Notifications Manager role and click Authorize.
You can also assign the Notifications Manager role to your project by using the ibmcloud iam authorization-policy-create
{: note}
{: #obstorage_ev_app}
By default, events are routed to the root URL of the destination application. You can send events to a different destination within the app by using the --path
option. For example, if your subscription specifies --path /event
, the event is sent to https://<base application URL>/events
Events are sent to applications as HTTP POST requests. For more information, see HTTP headers and body information for events.
Before you begin
Set up your {{}} CLI environment.
Create an application.
For example, [create an application that is called
that uses thecos-listen
image{: external}. This image is built fromcos-listen.go
, available from the Samples for {{}} GitHub repo{: external}.ibmcloud ce application create -name myapp --image ibmcom/cos-listen
{: pre}
You can connect your application to the {{}} event producer by using the subscription cos create
command. For a complete listing of options, see the ibmcloud ce subscription cos create
{: shortdesc}
ibmcloud ce subscription cos create --name mycosevent --destination-type app --destination myapp --bucket mybucket
{: pre}
The following table summarizes the options that are used with the subscription cos create
command in this example. For more information about the command and its options, see the ibmcloud ce subscription cos create
subscription cos create
After your subscription creates, run the subscription cos get
ibmcloud ce subscription cos get --name mycosevent
{: pre}
Example output
Getting COS source 'mycosevent'...
Name: mycosevent
ID: abcdefgh-abcd-abcd-abcd-1a2b3c4d5e6f
Project Name: myproject
Project ID: 01234567-abcd-abcd-abcd-abcdabcd1111
Age: 59s
Created: 2021-03-01T20:08:36-06:00
Destination: App:myapp
Bucket: mybucket
Event Type: all
Ready: true
Type OK Age Reason
CosConfigured true 55s
Ready true 55s
ReadyForEvents true 55s
SinkProvided true 55s
Type Reason Age Source Messages
Normal FinalizerUpdate 61s cossource-controller Updated "mycosevent" finalizers
{: screen}
Now every time that you change your bucket, your app receives notification.
Want to try a tutorial? See Subscribing to Object Storage events. Looking for more code examples? Check out the Samples for {{}} GitHub repo{: external}. {: tip}
{: #viewing-info-app}
If your application prints information to log files, as the cos-listen
application does, then use the ibmcloud ce app logs
CLI command to view the information that was sent.
Before you can view event information for your application, you must first create an {{}} event. Make a change to your bucket.
To view the logs for the application that you created in the previous example,
ibmcloud ce application logs --application myapp
{: pre}
Example output
Getting logs for all instances of application 'myapp'...
Listening on port 8080
2021-04-13 19:43:45 - Received:
Body: {"bucket":"mybucket","endpoint":"","key":"Notes.rtf","notification":{"bucket_name":"mybucket","content_type":"text/rtf","event_type":"Object:Write","format":"2.0","object_etag":"2944035e54ee1bdc423848c8eaf05e86","object_length":"4642","object_name":"NOtes.rtf","request_id":"6abc7123-382d-4115-98e8-7568b2cc03f8","request_time":"2021-04-13T19:43:36.610Z"},"operation":"Object:Write"}
{: screen}
Note that log information lasts for only one hour. For more information about logging, see Viewing logs.
Looking for more code examples? Check out the Samples for {{}} GitHub repo{: external}. {: tip}
{{}} header and body information for events delivered to applications
{: #sub-header-body-cos}
All events that are delivered to applications are received as HTTP messages. Events contain certain HTTP headers that help you to quickly determine key bits of information about the events without looking at the body (business logic) of the event. For more information, see the CloudEvents
specification{: external}.
{: shortdesc}
The following table describes the headers for {{}} events.
Header | Description |
ce-id |
A unique identifier for the event, unless an event is replayed, in which case, it is assigned the same ID. |
ce-source |
A URI-reference that indicates where this event originated from within the event producer. For {{}} events, this is[BUCKET_NAME] where [BUCKET_NAME] is the name of the bucket that contains the object. |
ce-specversion |
The version of the CloudEvents spec. This value is always 1.0 . |
ce-subject |
Indicates the resource about which the event is related. For {{}} events, this is the name of the object (or key) that was acted upon. |
ce-time |
The time that the event was generated. |
ce-type |
The type of the event. For {{}} events, this is[ACTION] where [ACTION] is either write or delete . When an event create or update is occurs, a write action is used for ce-type . |
{: caption="Table 1. Header files for events" caption-side="top"} |
ce-id: 3fb2c04e-a660-4640-8899-b82efb8169b6
ce-specversion: 1.0
ce-subject: object-69-144
ce-time: 2021-08-17T20:22:02.917Z
{: screen}
HTTP body
The HTTP body for an {{}} event is in the following format,
"bucket": "mybucket",
"endpoint": "",
"key": "object-69-144",
"notification": {
"bucket_name": "mybucket",
"content_type": "image/svg+xml",
"event_type": "Object:Delete",
"format": "2.0",
"object_etag": "f3a9dbde30fdf48abc23e5f8b485d6e5",
"object_length": "1064391",
"object_name": "object-69-144",
"request_id": "67a2048a-abcd-abcd-9e0c-968744094b85",
"request_time": "2021-08-17T20:22:02.917Z"
"operation": "Object:Delete"
{: screen}
The following table describes the body field.
Body field | Description |
bucket |
The bucket name for the object that is related to the event. |
endpoint |
This value is always an empty string. |
key |
The name of the object in the bucket. |
operation |
The event type or operation, either type Object:Write or Object:Delete . Create or upload events are tagged as Object:Write operations. |
Notification.bucket_name |
The bucket name for the object that is related to the event. |
Notification.content_type |
The MIME type of the object, for example, text/html . |
Notification.event_type |
The event type or operation, either type Object:Write or Object:Delete . Create or upload events are tagged as Object:Write operations. |
Notification.format |
This value is always 2.0 . |
Notification.object_etag |
A unique value that changes each time that the object is modified. This value does not display for an Object:Delete operation. |
Notification.object_length |
The size of the object, in bytes. |
Notification.request_id |
The unique ID that is related to the object change. |
Notification.request_time |
The time that the object change occurred. |
{: caption="Table 2. Body fields for {{}}" caption-side="top"} |
{: #obstorage_ev_job}
Events are sent to jobs as environment variables. For more information about the environment variables that are sent by {{}}, see Environment variables for events.
Before you begin
Set up your {{}} CLI environment.
Create a job.
For example, [create a job that is called
that uses thecodeengine
image{: external}. This image is built fromcodeengine.go
, available from the Samples for {{}} GitHub repo{: external}.ibmcloud ce job create -name myjob --image ibmcom/codeengine
{: pre}
You can connect your job to the {{}} event producer by using the subscription cos create
command. For a complete listing of options, see the ibmcloud ce subscription cos create
{: shortdesc}
ibmcloud ce subscription cos create --name mycosevent --destination-type job --destination myjob --bucket mybucket
{: pre}
The following table summarizes the options that are used with the subscription cos create
command in this example. For more information about the command and its options, see the ibmcloud ce subscription cos create
subscription cos create
After your subscription creates, run the subscription cos get
ibmcloud ce subscription cos get --name mycosevent
{: pre}
Example output
Getting COS source 'mycosevent'...
Name: mycosevent
ID: abcdefgh-abcd-abcd-abcd-1a2b3c4d5e6f
Project Name: myproject
Project ID: 01234567-abcd-abcd-abcd-abcdabcd1111
Age: 59s
Created: 2021-03-01T20:08:36-06:00
Destination Type: job
Destination: myjob
Bucket: mybucket
Event Type: all
Ready: true
Type OK Age Reason
CosConfigured true 55s
Ready true 55s
ReadyForEvents true 55s
SinkProvided true 55s
Type Reason Age Source Messages
Normal FinalizerUpdate 61s cossource-controller Updated "mycosevent" finalizers
{: screen}
Now every time that you change your bucket, your job receives notification.
Job runs that are created by subscriptions are deleted after 10 minutes. {: note}
Want to try a tutorial? See Subscribing to Object Storage events. Looking for more code examples? Check out the Samples for {{}} GitHub repo{: external}. {: tip}
{: #viewing-info-job}
If your job prints information to log files, as the cos-listen
job does, then use the ibmcloud ce jobrun logs
CLI command to view the information that was sent.
Before you can view event information for your job, you must first create an {{}} event. Make a change to your bucket.
To find the job run for the job in the previous example,
ibmcloud ce jobrun list
{: pre}
Example output
Listing job runs...
Name Failed Pending Requested Running Succeeded Unknown Age
myjob-pnz6m 0 0 0 0 1 0 39s
{: screen}
View the logs for the job run by specifying the jobrun name.
ibmcloud ce jobrun logs --jobrun myjob-pnz6m
{: pre}
Example output
Getting logs for all instances of job run 'myjob-pnz6m'...
Getting jobrun 'myjob-pnz6m'...
Getting instances of jobrun 'myjob-pnz6m'...
Hello from helloworld! I'm a batch job! Index: 0
Hello World from:
. ___ __ ____ ____
./ __)/ \( \( __)
( (__( O )) D ( ) _)
.____ __ _ ___ __ __ _ ____
( __)( ( \ / __)( )( ( \( __)
.) _) / /( (_ \ )( / / ) _)
(____)\_)__) \___/(__)\_)__)(____)
Some Env Vars:
{: screen}
Note that log information lasts for only one hour. For more information about logging, see Viewing logs.
Looking for more code examples? Check out the Samples for {{}} GitHub repo{: external}. {: tip}
{: #sub-envir-variables-cos}
All events that are delivered to a job are received as environment variables. These environment variables include a prefix of CE_
and are based on the CloudEvents
spec{: external}.
{: shortdesc}
Each event contains some common environment variables that appear every time the event is delivered to a job. The actual set of variables in each event can include more options. For more information and more environment variable options, see the CloudEvent
attributes{: external}.
The following table describes the environment variables that are specific to {{}} events.
Variable | Description |
The data (body) for the event. See CE_DATA for {{}} events. |
A unique identifier for the event, unless an event is replayed, in which case, it is assigned the same ID. |
A URI-reference that indicates where this event originated from within the event producer. For {{}} events, this is[BUCKET_NAME] where [BUCKET_NAME] is the name of the bucket that contains the object. |
The version of the CloudEvents spec. This value is always 1.0 . |
The time that the event was generated. |
The type of the event. For {{}} events, this is[ACTION] where [ACTION] is either write or delete . |
{: caption="Table 3. Environment variables for events" caption-side="top"} |
{: #subcos-envvar-cedata}
Notice that the following example for CE_DATA
is formatted for readability.
{: screen}
The following table describes the CE_DATA
environment attribute.
Attribute | Description |
bucket |
The bucket name for the object that is related to the event. |
endpont |
This value is always an empty string. |
key |
The name of the object in the bucket. |
operaton |
The event type or operation, either type Object:Write or Object:Delete . Create or upload events are tagged as Object:Write operations. |
Notification.bucket_name |
The bucket name for the object that is related to the event. |
Notification.content_type |
The MIME type of the object, for example, text/rtf . |
Notification.event_type |
The event type or operation, either type Object:Write or Object:Delete . Create or upload events are tagged as Object:Write operations. |
Notification.format |
This value is always 2.0 . |
Notification.object_etag |
A unique value that changes each time that the object is modified. This value does not display for an Object:Delete operation. |
Notification.object_length |
The size of the object, in bytes. |
Notification.request_id |
The unique ID that is related to the object change. |
Notification.request_time |
The time that the object change occurred. |
{: caption="Table 4. Environment variables for {{}}" caption-side="top"} |
{: screen}
{: #additional-attributes-cos}
When you create a subscription, you can define additional CloudEvent
attributes to be included in any events that are generated. These attributes appear similar to any other CloudEvent
attribute in the event delivery. If you choose to specify the name of an existing CloudEvent
attribute, then it overrides the original value that was included in the event.
To define addition attributes, use the --extension
options with the ibmcloud ce subscription cos create
CLI command.
For more information, see Can I use other CloudEvents
{: #subscription-delete-cos}
You can delete a subscription by running the ibmcloud ce subscription cos delete
For example, delete a cos subscription that is called mycosevent2
ibmcloud ce subscription cos delete --name mycosevent2
{: pre}
If you delete an application, the subscription is not deleted. Instead, it moves to ready state of false
because the subscription depends on the availability of the application. If you re-create the application (or another application with the same name), your subscription reconnects and the Ready state is true
{: note}