Sample application demonstrating RoundRobin gRPC loadbalancing on Kubernetes for internal services.
gRPC can stream N messages over one connection. When k8s services are involved, a single connection to the destination will terminate at one pod. If N messages are sent from the client, all N messages will get handled by that pod resulting in imbalanced load.
One way to address this issue is insteaad define the remote service as Headless and then use gRPC's client side loadbalancing constructs.
In this mode, k8s service does not return the single destination for Service but instead all destination addresses back to a lookup request.
Given the set of ip addresses, the grpc client will send each rpc to different pods and evenly distribute load.
Update 5/14/20
: Also see xds gRPC Loadbalancing. Using xDS client-side only loadbalancing is woudl be the recommended way for internal service->service LB at scale. However, it is quite experimental at the moment and cannot be easily deployed on GKE/GCE (unless you use an xDS server like Traffic Director).
Update 5/4/20
Headless service will seed an initial set of POD addresses directly to the client and will not Refresh that set. That means once a client gets the list of IPs it will not know about new pods that kubernetes spins up. It will only keep the existing set (you can remove stale/old clients using the keepalive but that will not inform you of new pods)
References: gRPC Load Balancing on Kubernetes without Tears
One option maybe to create a connection pool handler that periodically refreshes the set: from @teivah : sample pool implementation
The other is to use xds balancer but that is much too experimental now
Create the image in cd ~app/http_frontend
or use the one i've setup
What the image under
app/http_frontend is an app that shows
: make 10 gRPC requests over one connection via 'ClusterIP` k8s Service. The expected response is all from one node -
: make 10 gRPC requests over one connection via k8s Headless Service. The expected response is from different nodes
gcloud container clusters create cluster-grpc --zone us-central1-a --num-nodes 3 --enable-ip-alias
kubectl apply -f be-deployment.yaml -f be-srv-lb.yaml -f be-srv.yaml -f fe-deployment.yaml -f fe-srv.yaml
Create firewall rule
gcloud compute firewall-rules create allow-grpc-nlb --action=ALLOW --rules=tcp:8081 --source-ranges=
Wait ~5mins till the Network Loadblancer IP is assigned
$ kubectl get no,po,deployment,svc
node/gke-cluster-grpc-default-pool-aeb308a0-89dt Ready <none> 1h v1.11.7-gke.12
node/gke-cluster-grpc-default-pool-aeb308a0-hv5f Ready <none> 1h v1.11.7-gke.12
node/gke-cluster-grpc-default-pool-aeb308a0-vsf4 Ready <none> 1h v1.11.7-gke.12
pod/be-deployment-757dd4f4bd-cpgl9 1/1 Running 0 10s
pod/be-deployment-757dd4f4bd-dsxdg 1/1 Running 0 10s
pod/be-deployment-757dd4f4bd-f8v2v 1/1 Running 0 10s
pod/be-deployment-757dd4f4bd-msp5f 1/1 Running 0 10s
pod/be-deployment-757dd4f4bd-qr4sd 1/1 Running 0 10s
pod/fe-deployment-59d7bb7df8-w4fwc 1/1 Running 0 11s
deployment.extensions/be-deployment 5 5 5 5 10s
deployment.extensions/fe-deployment 1 1 1 1 11s
service/be-srv ClusterIP <none> 50051/TCP 1h
service/be-srv-lb ClusterIP None <none> 50051/TCP 1h
service/fe-srv LoadBalancer 8081:30014/TCP 1h
service/kubernetes ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 1h
address := fmt.Sprintf("be-srv.default.svc.cluster.local:50051")
conn, err := grpc.Dial(address, grpc.WithTransportCredentials(ce))
## run curl and wait 10s
$ curl -sk | jq '.'
"frontend": "fe-deployment-59d7bb7df8-w4fwc",
"backends": [
"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname be-deployment-757dd4f4bd-cpgl9",
"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname be-deployment-757dd4f4bd-cpgl9",
"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname be-deployment-757dd4f4bd-cpgl9",
"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname be-deployment-757dd4f4bd-cpgl9",
"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname be-deployment-757dd4f4bd-cpgl9",
"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname be-deployment-757dd4f4bd-cpgl9",
"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname be-deployment-757dd4f4bd-cpgl9",
"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname be-deployment-757dd4f4bd-cpgl9",
"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname be-deployment-757dd4f4bd-cpgl9",
"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname be-deployment-757dd4f4bd-cpgl9"
Note: all the responses are from one node
import (
address := fmt.Sprintf("dns:///be-srv-lb.default.svc.cluster.local:50051")
conn, err := grpc.Dial(address, grpc.WithTransportCredentials(ce), grpc.WithBalancerName(roundrobin.Name))
c := echo.NewEchoServerClient(conn)
## run curl and wait 10s
$ curl -sk | jq '.'
"frontend": "fe-deployment-59d7bb7df8-w4fwc",
"backends": [
"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname be-deployment-757dd4f4bd-dsxdg",
"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname be-deployment-757dd4f4bd-msp5f",
"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname be-deployment-757dd4f4bd-qr4sd",
"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname be-deployment-757dd4f4bd-f8v2v",
"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname be-deployment-757dd4f4bd-cpgl9",
"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname be-deployment-757dd4f4bd-dsxdg",
"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname be-deployment-757dd4f4bd-msp5f",
"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname be-deployment-757dd4f4bd-qr4sd",
"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname be-deployment-757dd4f4bd-f8v2v",
"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname be-deployment-757dd4f4bd-cpgl9"
Note: responses are distributed evenly.