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245 lines (172 loc) · 9.34 KB

Contribution Guidelines

Want to get started working on Start here!

How To Contribute

  • Follow the steps described in Development Setup
  • Create a topic branch: git checkout -b awesome_feature
  • Commit your changes
  • Keep up to date: git fetch && git rebase origin/master

Once you’re ready:

  • Fork the project on GitHub
  • Add your repository as a remote: git remote add your_remote your_repo
  • Push up your branch: git push your_remote awesome_feature
  • Create a Pull Request for the topic branch, asking for review.

If you’re looking for things to hack on, please check GitHub Issues. If you’ve found bugs or have feature ideas don’t be afraid to pipe up and ask the mailing list or IRC channel (#rubygems on about them.


Contributions WILL NOT be accepted without tests.

If you haven't tested before, start reading up in the test/ directory to see what's going on. If you've got good links regarding TDD or testing in general feel free to add them here!


For your own development, use the topic branches. Basically, cut each feature into its own branch and send pull requests based off those.

The master branch is the main production branch. Always should be fast-forwardable.

Development Setup

This page is for setting up Rubygems on a local development machine to contribute patches/fixes/awesome stuff. If you need to host your own gem server, please consider checking out Gemstash. It's designed to provide pass-through caching for, as well as host private gems for your organization..

Getting the code

Clone the repo: git clone Move to the newly cloned repository directory: cd

Setting up the environment is a Ruby on Rails application. The app depends on Elasticsearch, Memcached, and PostgreSQL. Google Chrome is used for tests.

Setup the development environment using one of the approaches below.

Environment (Docker)

There is a docker-compose.yml file inside the project that easily lets you spin up postgresql, memcached & elasticsearch.

Note: Docker compose does not run the application itself.

Follow the instructions below on how to install Bundler and setup the database.

Environment (OS X)

  • Install Elasticsearch:

    • Pull Elasticsearch 7.10.1 : docker pull
    • Running Elasticsearch from the command line:
    docker run -p 9200:9200 -e "" -e "" -e ""
    • Note that -e "" disables authentication.
  • Install PostgreSQL (>= 13.x): brew install postgres

    • Setup information: brew info postgresql
  • Install memcached: brew install memcached

    • Show all memcached options: memcached -h
  • Install Google-Chrome: brew install google-chrome --cask

Environment (Linux - Debian/Ubuntu)

  • Install Elasticsearch (see the docker installation instructions above):
    • Pull Elasticsearch 7.10.1 : docker pull
    • Running Elasticsearch from the command line:
    docker run -p 9200:9200 -e "" -e ""
  • Install PostgreSQL: apt-get install postgresql postgresql-server-dev-all
  • Install memcached: apt-get install memcached
    • Show all memcached options: memcached -h
  • Install Google-Chrome:
    • Download latest stable: wget
    • Install chrome: sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb

Installing ruby, gem dependencies, and setting up the database

  • Use Ruby 3.3.x
  • Use Rubygems 3.5.x
  • Install bundler: gem install bundler
  • Install dependencies and setup the database: ./bin/setup
  • Set up elasticsearch indexes: bundle exec rake searchkick:reindex CLASS=Rubygem

Running tests

Make sure that the tests run successfully before making changes.

  • Depending on how you setup your environment, run docker compose up or ensure elasticsearch, memcached, and postgres are running.
  • Run the tests: bin/rails test:all
  • See also: Ruby on Rails testing documentation.

Running the application

  • Depending on how you setup your environment, run docker compose up or ensure elasticsearch, memcached, and postgres are running.
  • Start the application: bin/rails s
  • Visit http://localhost:3000 in your browser.

Confirmation emails links

Running RuboCop

We use RuboCop to enforce a consistent coding style throughout the project. Please ensure any changes you make conform to our style standards or else the build will fail.

bundle exec rake rubocop

If you'd like RuboCop to attempt to automatically fix your style offenses, you can try running:

bundle exec rake rubocop:autocorrect

Importing gems into the database

  • Import gems into the database with Rake task. bundle exec rake "gemcutter:import:process[vendor/cache]"
    • To import a small set of gems you can point the import process to any gems cache directory, like a very small rvm gemset for instance, or specifying GEM_PATH/cache instead of vendor/cache.
  • If you need the index available then run bundle exec rake gemcutter:index:update. This primes the filesystem gem index for local use.

Getting the test data

  • A good way to get some test data is to import from a local gem directory. gem env will tell you where rubygems stores your gems. Run bundle exec rake "gemcutter:import:process[#{INSTALLATION_DIRECTORY}/cache]"

  • If you see "Processing 0 gems" you’ve probably specified the wrong directory. The proper directory will be full of .gem files.

Getting the data dumps

  • You can use data dumps to test the application in a development environment, especially for performance-related issues.

  • To load the main database dump into Postgres, use the script/load-pg-dump script. e.g.

    $ ./script/load-pg-dump -d rubygems_development ~/Downloads/public_postgresql.tar

Pushing gems

  • In order to push a gem to your local installation use a command like the following:

    RUBYGEMS_HOST=http://localhost:3000 gem push hola-0.0.3.gem

Developing with dev secrets

If you're a member of the team and have access to development secrets in the shared 1Password, you can automatically use those secrets by installing the 1Password CLI and prefixing your commands with script/dev.

For example, running script/dev bin/rails s will launch the development server with development secrets set in the environment.

Running with local RSTUF

There is experimental RSTUF support in When RSTUF_API_URL environment variable is set, RSTUF functionality is enabled. Easiest way to setup RSTUF locally is to follow official docker guide. It starts RSTUF API available at http://localhost:80 by default and app can be locally started using following command.

RSTUF_API_URL="http://localhost:80" bin/rails s

When everything is set up, start the web server with rails server and browse to localhost:3000!

Running with local Timescale

There is early and experimental TimescaleDB support in for downloads statistics. When secondary downloads database is configured (using database.yml or by providing DOWNLOADS_DATABASE_URL environment variable), experimental features are automatically enabled.

Localy, the easiest way is to run TimescaleDB using docker-compose.yml and configure using database.yml.ts-sample.

cp config/database.yml.ts-sample config/database.yml
docker compose up -d db cache search # run required dependencies
docker compose up -d downloads-db # run optional TimescaleDB dependency
bin/rails db:setup # setup all databases, including optional Timescale one
bin/rails s # start rails server as ususal

Database Layout

Courtesy of Rails ERD

bin/rails gen_erd


You can add the translations in config/locales/en.yml then use bin/fill-locales to fill the other locales with nil values for your translations.