- Fixed IllegalArgumentException being incorrectly thrown in
when Gravity.CENTER is used.
- Fixed
not dispatching snap events for edge items sometimes onSnapListener
- Added Gravity.CENTER support (#21)
- Added setMaxFlingDistance and setMaxFlingSizeFraction to change the max fling distance allowed (#29)
- Added setSnapToPadding to allow snapping to the padding set in the RecyclerView. Defaults to false (#58)
- Added GravitySnapRecyclerView that uses GravitySnapHelper by default
- Added setGravity to change the gravity of GravitySnapHelper
- Added setScrollMsPerInch to change the scroll speed
- Added setSnapListener to allow changing the SnapListener that was set or clearing it
- GravityPagerSnapHelper is now deprecated. Use GravitySnapHelper together with setMaxFlingSizeFraction() to achieve the same behavior
- Added updateSnap to update the snap position if for some reason snapping was stopped
- Improved behavior when smoothScrollToPosition is called. Now the smooth scroller is used
- Added getters to all relevant properties
- getCurrentSnappedPosition now searches for the correct snap view instead of returning the last position that we snapped to
- Added missing NonNull and Nullable annotations
- OrientationAwareRecyclerView now doesn't depend on LinearLayoutManager directly
- Fixed SnapListener not being called for the first position sometimes (#57)
- Added getCurrentSnappedPosition to GravitySnapHelper and GravityPagerSnapHelper
- Migrated to AndroidX.
- Added smoothScrollToPosition and scrollToPosition methods that'll snap to a certain position.
- Added OrientationAwareRecyclerView that only handles scroll events according to its orientation.
- Fixed snapping not working correctly for RecyclerViews with padding (#49)
- Fixed snapping not considering GridLayoutManager.SpanSizeLookup (#52)
- Fixed reverse layout causing scrolling issues (#40)
- Added Nullable and NonNull annotations
- Updated support library
- Fixed IllegalStateException being thrown when SnapHelper is attached twice to a RecyclerView (#23)
- Bumped min sdk to 14
- Added support for GridLayoutManager
- Added GravityPagerSnapHelper
- Updated support library
- GravitySnapHelper extends from LinearSnapHelper again
- Added SnapListener to listen for snap events
- Extend from SnapHelper until https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=223649 gets fixed.
- Added RTL support
- Fixed GravitySnapHelper scrolling too far sometimes (#2)
- Added support to snap last items via enableLastItemSnap(boolean enable)
- Initial release