- for multi-platform capability
Newtonian physics
- inertia
Force, mass, acceleration
$F = ma$
- Action and reaction
Variable Delta-Time
- delta time changes between frames
- BUT will result in non-deterministic simulation
- could use a constant delta time ensure determinism
$p = p_0 + v_0t + at^2/2$ -
$p$ is position
Newton's dot notation
- ẋ -
$x$ is function of time$t$ , the derivative of$x$ with respect to$t$ - ẍ - second derivative of
$x$ with respect to time$t$
- ẋ -
Euler integration
- the most basic numerical integration technique
- only 100% when rate of change is constant
Implicit Euler
- good enough for most game applications
Verlet Integration
- better accuracy than implicit Euler
- less memory usage when simulating a large number of particles
- best suited for simulating particles and constraints between particles
Runge-Kutta Integration
- a family of integrators
RK4 is the most popular
- very accurate
Drag Force
- resistive force
- depends on velocity
- kinetic friction
- static friction
- jerk - rate of change of acceleration
- Spring Force
Angular Velocity
- theta - angle
- omega - angular velocity
- alpha - angular acceleration
- Initiate angular movement by applying torque
Moment of Intertia
$I_{solidcircle} = (r^2 / 2) * m$ $I_{solidrectangle} = ((w^2 + h^2) / 12) * m$
- local space vs. world space
- Steps:
- Collision detection - shape-specific
- Collision resolution - agnostic to shape
- Steps:
- Techniques of collision detection
broad phase
- use bounding circles/boxes
- narrow phase
broad phase
projection method vs. impulse method vs. penalty method
- projection method: adjust position of the colliding objects
- impulse method: adjust velocity of colliding objects by apply impulses
- penalty method: adjust acceleration of colliding objects
projection method
$d_{a} = depth * (m_b / (m_a + m_b))$ $d_{b} = depth * (m_a / (m_a + m_b))$
- conservation of momentum
Impulse - change in momentum by performing a direct change in velocity
$J = F * Δt = ΔP = mv' - mv = mΔv$ -
$Jn$ - impulse vector
Separating Axis Theorem (SAT)
ONLY works for convex polygons
- compared to concave polygon
- one of the most popular collision detection algos for rigid bodies
- with GJK algorithm
- works for both convex & concave
ONLY works for convex polygons
Oriented Bounding Box (OBB)
- if there is at least one axis that separates both shapes, then they are not colliding
Support Point
- vertex in the second polygon that is furthest away behind a certain edge of the first polygon