All commands should be run from root directory.
Figures and saved models are saved after training in their respective folder.
### Start training | Default to BasicLSTM
python -m
Gridsearch csv files are saved in gridsearch-results/
You can modify the gridsearch parameters in gridsearch_config.yml before running this command:
### Start gridsearch
python -m
Hyperparameters | Possible values |
model_type | ['BasicLSTM', 'BiLSTM', 'HybridCNNLSTM', 'HybridLSTMCNN', 'DistillBert', 'DistillBertEmotion', 'PyramidCNN', 'TinyBert'] |
optimizer_type | ['adam', 'adamw', 'sgd'] |
loss_criterion | ['bceloss', 'bcelosswithlogits', 'crossentropy'] |
lr | [float] |
epochs | [int] |
batch_size | [int] |
patience_es | [int] |
scheduler_type | ['', reduce_lr_on_plateau', 'linear_schedule_with_warmup'] |
patience_lr | [int] |
save_condition | ['loss', 'acc'] |
fix_length | [null or int] |
To print the model size parameters, loss and accuracy on the test set, run this command:
### Example on our best BasicLSTM trained model
python -m src.evaluation.test_save_stats --model BasicLSTM --saved_model_path saved-models/BasicLSTM_2021-12-08_01-04-25_trained_testAcc=0.7107.pth --loss_criterion bcelosswithlogits --only_test 1