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21世纪新政宣言-赫连禾 (New System Declaration for the 21st Century by He Lianhe, 2020) #404

Francis-Komizu opened this issue Nov 6, 2024 · 0 comments


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综合各政体和各国现实,绝大多数国家改革选择了西方民主政体,但其固有的越来越明显的缺陷已成为有人攻击、拒绝或怀疑的理由。这也是近年来西方国家出现了宽容那必将灭亡的独裁专制政府的左翼当选,是不少选民失去信心的表现和原因。不仅如此,西方现民主制的缺陷还有: 很难产生最佳决策而大多是不优不劣成心对抗后的折衷方案使施政不理想选民失去信心;财团商界巨头对政治影响过大;对立政党轮流执政决策易翻来覆去劳民伤财前后混乱选民也易失去信心; 并不只是几人而是几党几大群体竟争最高权力,强对抗易使社会撕裂更易使选民失望;另外还有竞选的形象口才和资金作用偏重,不利于博才寡言的理论家和不利于无大财团资助的竞选人;大多数博才的却不善辩的竞选人易被仅仅是形象口才好的竞选人击败等等;最明显的例子,就是西式政体在伊拉克之类的国家就完全失败,根本无法解决誓不两立的多党多教派的执政问题,还有西方政客易被共党惯用的手段暗地收买,如WHO、VOA等机构和政党的要员被收买为独裁制辩护或服务,或为打击政敌和政党利益而丢弃原则不顾国家利益;而实西式的治国非举贤制度对国家不是很有利,这西式民主制也势必改革。另外,美国无限自由混血的全国灰色人种化,结果显而易见,若干年后美国将没有白种人黄种人和黑种人,全是“灰色“人种。是一例纯种人的自寻消失,一国还可,他国不可推广,物种特别是人种的保护更为重中之重!旨为人类非灰一色的丰富多彩而圆满理想的未来,所以“美国模式”并非最佳榜样。

中国是影响新世纪文明发展的关键,人们也普遍希望中国大变革应该和平过渡避免付出巨大社会成本和沉重代价,新世纪社会变革更要终止杀人流血。旨在也包括左翼的更多中国人欢迎和接受的, 不完全西化中西结合的,有利两岸和平统一的,最佳选择必是都相聚在中共也一惯崇敬的孙中山先生的旗帜下,完善健全和发展孙中山的五权分立体制。这一使命由中共真改革派完成所付代价则最小,应当引起他们的高度关注,劝其为国为民勇于担当。 倒退则是自取灭亡,必是遗臭万年的大罪人。中共改革派和大多数党员也不会愿意被往往只可能得势一时的倒退势力捆绑连累,中共改革派要去做的第一件事是促成落实中共曾在联合国签署的《世界人权宣言》包括中共所立宪法的基本人权和自由。【中共也许有人会说这是使党变色,那这几十年变的色还少吗?不是那些名“社”实“资”的变色不就早和前东欧苏联一样完蛋了吗?既是如此无可否认就再变最后一次又何妨?而且已是面临无法逃避的大变革前夜,天堂与地狱只一念一步之差!】只有中国完成了顺民意世潮的大变革,才是21世纪文明的开始。

改革西方民主制,是加入东方元素,将孙中山先生的西式政党政治较浓厚的五权分立体制,进一步改革为不完全政党政治,突显中国史来长期无政党执政的传统,中国古代就有“结党营私”一说。所有政党社团参政议政,无执政党和在野党之分, 避免执政党自身权益高于一切的政党政治弊病。除了那拒绝政改变革而要倒退的是主动自杀,将不会有执政党下台被动推翻消亡或被他党取代的艰险和痛苦从而长存久安。【这是中共唯一可选择的能主动体面而又圆满的过渡, 是和平自救或重整求生的唯一有利有效的办法。包括中共在内的几乎所有世人都认为中共政治体制改革已到尽头,再真政改只会亡党或改名,这里提出的新政则是使其可不亡党可不改名的唯一圆满理想的办法,而且在这转型过程中中共仍可能会是人数第一大党。】中共转型为参政议政党,同样如此,海内外华人其他政党社团也应放弃争取执政的目标也仅参政议政,为全中华复兴和和平统一,发挥高尚的政治智慧和修养,修改各自政党社团和要员个人的利益诉求,放弃过高权力欲望更改奋斗目标,以两岸各地全中国各族人民的利益为重。【若如此,可以说历史进程偏偏給中共以任何政党社团都不易有的改革出新型政体真正复兴中华的优先机会,应当明智果断地把握住,失之必然逃不过亡党受审全被清算的命运!】


1,改革孙中山先生提出的五权分立和西式三权分立为三府合政: (1)由新科举后全民大选出的行政府(简称官府),其各机构和职能与西式三权分立之行政相似;(2)民选不需新科举的旨在立法的议政府(简称民府),其各机构和职能与西式三权分立之议会相似;(3)新科举不需民选的具多重制衡权的理政府(简称士府),理政府包括行使提供全民免费的教育院、医疗院和社保院等生存权【中共强调的】;文物院、(包括专利的)私产院和(包括国土的)资源院等资产权;科学院、智库和科举院等考试权;检查院、廉政院和法院等司法权;(包括网络的)传媒院、诚信院和监察院等监察权等的,组成松散结合的理政府。





6,公民个人或以辖内注册的各党各派社团身份参选人员经资格审查后均可在各级议政府角逐正副议长或议员,经由民选出不需新科举,当选届次不限。议员各区配额的总人数与另两府参加三府联席会议的人数相当。【不会被动推翻或消亡的而只要回归一度曾放弃暴力革命和阶级斗争等违宪非法不合理教条的现共产党,放弃违宪易撕裂社会的台独主张的民进党和国民党等即经辖内注册的海内外华人政党社团, 都可在两岸各地发展并竞选各级议政府正副议长或议员。】




10,新政为民选和新科举有分有合的叁式选举制,既顺民意而又规范于学理, 也有利于博才寡言的理论家和灵话善辩的活动家及两者兼优人才都有发辉和贡献的机会。这新政的民选与新科举不受年龄,姓别、民族、党派、贫富、形象和口才等局限,公平合理,远强于现西式选举。



党不执政与军不从政同理合理, 易天下太平避免社会撕裂和政变动乱等,这三府合政体制该是真正理想而先进的东西结合的新型政体。【若中共签署或实施本新政宣言,可能有两三年过渡期在签署宣言的多党群体选出的新政筹备委员会中主政,包括完成连续三年以上筹备期突击新科举及筹备大选等,为21世纪新政奠基。中共也可让香港立即启动先行,这也是解决香港大难题的一劳永逸最理想的方案。很明显,香港西式政党易争得执政权是中共不愿香港普选的最主要原因,而这新政正是摆在中共面前的一理想台阶,是唯一圆满解决香港问提的双赢方案!而且中共很可能最终也在大陆作这一选择,现在暂时不想也最好收藏这一方案。全国和全香港人要齐心协力集中精力追求新政这一可行不动荡易于接受的政改主要诉求!】这中西结合的不完全政党政治的高智商群体智者治国的新型政体让中国人也真正感受且超越美国人所一直感受的,对政体的自信和骄傲,并为包括他们在内的世界树立榜样!也是世界真正进入新世纪的里程碑。【希望大家全面广泛地讨论,求得最大共识,以创新决定全中国乃至全人类命运的最佳21世纪新政体】。

起草:赫连禾 2019.8.6

签署:(在中共还未签署前或签署人及政党社团不具一定代表份量数额则暂不公开发表签署名)注:“【】”内文字为非正文注解;两岸各地及海外的,特别是香港正活跃的政党社团各界人士请涌跃签署或提议请发电子邮件:[email protected] 同时发挥各自政治智慧尽全力劝说中共或其一切愿改革的派系人士签署本新政宣言。自我简介:男,70岁,政论收集华人。

(The fourth revised draft on April 5, 2020)

(Seventh revision on June 19, 2020, the text in "【】" below is an explanation of non-text content)

The demise of the Soviet Union in the 20th century and the great changes in Eastern Europe made the mainland of China in the early 21st century the main focus of world attention and the key to the development of civilization in the new century. In particular, mainland China has infiltrated external ideology in recent years, shocking the whole world. The US-China trade war has actually started the last cold war in the ideological field of mankind. The relationship between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait has deteriorated, Hong Kong has continued to march with millions of people, and the relationship between neighboring countries in the South China Sea is tense. The mainland's economy is in rapid decline and recession, and internal and external conflicts are intensifying. The high-end deeply feels an unprecedented survival crisis. Almost everyone, including the top and bottom of the CCP, is very clear that the time has come for the mainland to reform the political system, and major changes will be the inevitable outcome of the tide of public opinion. Mainland China and the world are working together to bring about major changes in this most populous country, which also provides the best opportunity for China to create a new policy.

Considering the realities of various regimes and countries, the vast majority of countries have chosen Western democracies for reform, but their inherent and increasingly obvious flaws have become grounds for attacks, rejections, or suspicions. This is also the manifestation and reason why many voters have lost confidence in the election of left-wing dictatorial governments that are tolerant and doomed to perish in Western countries in recent years. Not only that, but the flaws of the current Western democratic system are: it is difficult to produce the best decision-making, and most of them are compromises after deliberate confrontation that make the governance unsatisfactory. Political parties take turns to govern and make decisions. It is easy to turn over and over again, waste the people and waste money, and the voters are easy to lose confidence. It is not just a few people, but several parties and large groups competing for the highest power. Strong confrontation can tear society apart and disappoint voters. In addition, there is an image of the campaign Eloquence and funds play a more important role, which is not conducive to theorists who are talented and reticent, and it is not conducive to candidates who do not have financial support from large consortia; most candidates who are talented but not eloquent are easily defeated by candidates who are only good at image and eloquence, etc.; The most obvious example is that the Western-style political system has completely failed in countries like Iraq, and it is impossible to solve the multi-party and multi-denominational governance problem that is incompatible. In addition, Western politicians are easily bought by the CCP’s usual means, such as VIPs from WHO, VOA and other institutions and political parties are bought to defend or serve the dictatorship, or abandon principles and disregard the interests of the country in order to attack the interests of political opponents and political parties; and the Western-style governance system is not very beneficial to the country. Democracy is also bound to reform. In addition, the national gray racialization of unlimited free mixed blood in the United States has obvious results. In a few years, there will be no whites, yellows and blacks in the United States, and all "gray" races. It is a case of self-seeking and disappearance of a purebred person. One country can do it, but other countries cannot promote it. The protection of species, especially human race, is the most important thing! The purpose is to create a colorful and ideal future for human beings, so the "American model" is not the best example.

China is the key to the development of civilization in the new century, and people generally hope that China's major reforms should be peacefully transitioned to avoid paying huge social costs and heavy costs, and that social reforms in the new century should end bloodshed. It aims to be welcomed and accepted by more Chinese, including the left wing, not fully Westernized, combining Chinese and Western, and conducive to the peaceful reunification of the two sides of the strait. The best choice must be to gather under the banner of Mr. Sun Yat-sen, who is also used to reverence by the CCP, to be perfect and sound And develop Sun Yat-sen's system of separation of five powers. The CCP’s true reformers will pay the least price for this mission, and they should pay close attention to it and persuade them to take on the responsibility for the country and the people. Regression is self-destruction, and it must be a great sinner who will notoriety for thousands of years. The reformers of the CCP and most of the party members will not be willing to be bound and implicated by retrogressive forces that can only gain power for a while. The first thing for the reformers of the CCP to do is to promote the implementation of the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" signed by the CCP at the United Nations, including the CCP. Fundamental human rights and freedoms enshrined in the Constitution. [Some people in the CCP may say that this is discoloring the party, but has it changed little in the past few decades? Wouldn’t it be the same as the former Soviet Union in Eastern Europe if the discoloration of those “social” and “capital” is already over? Since it is so undeniable, why not change it one last time? Moreover, it is already the eve of facing an inescapable major change, and the difference between heaven and hell is only one step away! 】Only when China completes a major change that conforms to the trend of the people will it be the beginning of civilization in the 21st century.

The reform of Western democracy is to add oriental elements, further reform Mr. Sun Yat-sen's Western-style party politics with a strong five-power separation system, and further reform it into incomplete party politics, highlighting the long-term tradition of no party in power in Chinese history. "One said. All political parties and associations participate in and discuss state affairs, and there is no distinction between the ruling party and the opposition party, avoiding the ills of party politics in which the ruling party's own rights and interests are above everything else. Except for voluntary suicide when refusing political reform and regressing, there will be no danger and pain of the ruling party stepping down, passively overthrowing and dying or being replaced by another party, so that it will last for a long time. [This is the only option for the CCP to take the initiative to make a decent and satisfactory transition, and it is the only beneficial and effective way to peacefully save itself or reorganize and survive. Almost everyone in the world, including the CCP, believes that the reform of the CCP’s political system has come to an end. No matter how real the political reform is, it will only lead to the death of the party or a change of name. During this transformation process, the CCP may still be the largest party in terms of numbers. 】The CCP has transformed into a party that participates in and discusses state affairs. The same is true. Other political parties and associations of Chinese people at home and abroad should also give up the goal of striving for power and only participate in and discuss state affairs. The personal interests of important officials, abandoning excessive desire for power and changing the goal of struggle, put the interests of the people of all ethnic groups in China on both sides of the strait as the most important. [If this is the case, it can be said that the historical process has given the CCP a priority opportunity to reform and create a new type of political system to truly revive China, which is not easy for any political party or organization. It should be grasped wisely and decisively. If it is missed, it will inevitably fail to escape the fate of the dead party being tried and liquidated ! 】

The Chinese must all hope to peacefully reunify and revive a civilized and prosperous China. This great mission also requires the joint efforts of all Chinese, political parties, associations, and politicians around the world. This can be used for a peaceful transition, a combination of Chinese and Western, all political parties participating in and discussing state affairs, not ruling incomplete party politics, and a new type of government with high IQ groups and wise people governing the country, that is, the structure of the three-government system is summarized as follows:

1. Reform the separation of five powers and the Western-style separation of powers proposed by Mr. Sun Yat-sen into a three-government government: (1) The administrative government (referred to as the government) elected by the whole people after the new imperial examination, its agencies and functions are similar to the Western-style separation of powers (2) The legislature government (referred to as the Minfu), whose institutions and functions are similar to the Western-style parliament with separation of powers; (3) The new imperial examination does not require multiple elections The government of checks and balances (referred to as Shifu), the government includes exercising the right to life such as education institutes, medical institutes, and social security institutes that provide free education for all [the CCP emphasizes]; cultural relics institutes, (including patented) private property institutes, and (including national land) Asset rights such as resource institutes; examination powers such as academy of sciences, think tanks and imperial examination institutes; combined government.

2. The term of each government is four years, the general election is every four years, and the imperial examination is every two years. Those who take part in the new imperial examination must be doctoral recipients from prestigious schools who have passed the qualification examinations such as physical examination, integrity, and criminal record. Classes consist of mandatory plus optional subjects. The new imperial examination is an examination with an ultra-limited number of questions, as well as a talent and IQ test (this test is gradually deepened with the development of high technology).

3. Finally, a gradually refined, fair and efficient "voting share" system will be introduced, that is, for voting on all important official matters such as election referendums and proposal voting, the accumulative total depends on the results of right and wrong and is calculated by computer. Individually varying and changing "shares" of votes, credited with items such as integrity, seniority, and qualifications. Make all important votes more conscientious and especially more efficient. New imperial examinations and general elections, political performance statistics, New Deal evaluation and voting share, etc. must fully follow up and make use of the resources and functions of the rapidly developing computer network technology, and continuously improve the management level of the New Deal.

4. If the prime minister of the executive government (and the supreme commander of the army) is the first new imperial examination candidate who has not served two terms of prime ministers and has applied for a maximum of three elections, the two first-ranked new imperial examination magi will be candidates for prime minister, and they will also be among these first-ranked candidates. The magi are independently combined into two groups of campaign partners to be protected at the prime minister level, and then the prime minister and deputy prime minister are elected by the people. The prime minister can run for a maximum of one term. Government officials at the ministerial and deputy ministerial levels are appointed by the prime minister among the top three sages in each imperial examination, and approved by half of the other two governments. They can be resigned but there is no limit on the number of reappointments. The provincial governors, mayors, and local chief executives and deputy chief executives at or above the county magistrate level will take two positions, and the applicants who are qualified in the new imperial examinations according to the prescribed rankings will be selected by the people through computer processing.

5. After the chief executives at all levels are elected, they resign from the positions of the former social organizations, parties, sects, etc., and the administration does not have the prejudice of the associations, sects, and parties, and flexibly selects all the optimal decisions of each party and each party according to the needs. [There will be no back and forth due to changes in the ruling party. 】

6. Individual citizens or candidates from various parties and associations registered within the jurisdiction can compete for the chairman and deputy speaker or members of the parliamentary government at all levels after qualification examination. No new imperial examination is required for election by the people, and there is no limit to the number of elections. The total number of MPs in each district quota is equivalent to the number of other two provinces participating in the three-province joint conference. [It will not be passively overthrown or die, but as long as it returns to the current Communist Party that once abandoned violent revolution and class struggle and other unconstitutional, illegal and unreasonable dogmas, and the Democratic Progressive Party and the Kuomintang, which are unconstitutional and easy to tear society apart, will be registered within the jurisdiction Chinese political parties and associations at home and abroad can develop and run for the chairman and deputy speaker or member of the parliamentary government at all levels. 】

7. The principal and deputy scholars, academicians, examiners, prosecutors, judges and other important officials of the administrative government, as well as the important officials of the local administrative government, are qualified by each session of the new imperial examination, that is, magi, and the three voluntary counterparts within a periodical period are processed according to the prescribed order and ranking by computer To take office after the public list is announced, there is no need for popular election, and the chief executive will not be appointed and not responsible for it. It is different from Western-style political systems, making judicial power, supervisory power, and examination power more independent.

8. Only the administrative government has an organization below the county level; legislative proposals can be proposed and reviewed by the three governments, and finally the legislation is finalized by the parliamentary government; major issues such as constitutional amendments and the resignation of the presidium members of the chief and deputy chief executives of each government need to be proposed by at least two governments , passed by two-thirds of the joint meeting of the three governments.

9. The presidium serves as the new prime minister's non-powerful minister and ceremonial special envoy, and participates in independent investigations and inspection reports. [Contribute to the country and the people to play the remaining heat, fill and alleviate the psychological emptiness and sudden changes in the lives of middle-aged and elderly people after stepping down. This change It is easy to cause various entanglements after stepping down and affect the lifespan of many heads of state who have stepped down], the outgoing prime minister is the president of the country (symbolic head of state), and the rest of the outgoing prime ministers and deputy prime ministers are the two vice presidents of the country, the outgoing president and deputy speaker, and the outgoing president and vice president. Served as Senior Advisor of the Presidium for two terms.

10. The new policy is a three-way electoral system with a combination of popular elections and new imperial examinations, which not only conforms to public opinion but also regulates academic theory, and is also conducive to theorists who are talented and reticent, activists who are eloquent and eloquent, and talents who are both excellent All have opportunities to shine and contribute. The popular elections and the new imperial examinations of the New Deal are not limited by age, gender, ethnicity, party affiliation, wealth, image, and eloquence. They are fair and reasonable, and far stronger than the current Western-style elections.

11. The New Deal is a scholar-assisted democracy. So far, all so-called democracies have been guided only by powerful parties and interest groups. The sages and sages who stand out through the new imperial examination and popular election are representatives of public opinion and academic theory, rather than representatives of a certain political party, association, sect or interest group.

12. All ethnic groups and regions with their own characteristics have full autonomy. As long as the smallest group of the smallest ethnic group or the smallest region produces wise men, there will be a maximum rate of prime ministers, scholars, academicians or magi, which is far higher than the rate of current Western-style elections. Much more, highlighting equality and justice. Neighboring countries that have been affiliated or supported by public opinion in history can join this New Deal and unconditionally accept their military protection, disaster relief requests and economic assistance. They have the right to stand for election and complete autonomy. The whole world follows this New Deal and shares great harmony, which can be extended to a joint New Deal Chinese Community.

It is reasonable for the party not to be in power and the army not to be in power, and the world is peaceful to avoid social tearing and coups. [If the CCP signs or implements this New Deal Declaration, there may be a transitional period of two to three years in which the New Deal Preparatory Committee elected by the multi-party group that signed the Declaration will be in charge, including completing the preparatory period of more than three consecutive years to surprise the new imperial examination and prepare for the general election, etc. Laying the groundwork for the New Deal in the 21st century. The CCP can also allow Hong Kong to start immediately, which is also the most ideal solution to solve Hong Kong's major problems once and for all. It is obvious that Western-style political parties in Hong Kong are easy to win power, which is the main reason why the CCP does not want universal suffrage in Hong Kong. This new policy is an ideal step in front of the CCP, and it is the only win-win solution to satisfactorily solve Hong Kong’s problems! Moreover, the CCP is likely to eventually make this choice in the mainland, and it is best to collect this plan if it is not considered for the time being. The whole country and the people of Hong Kong must work together and concentrate on pursuing the New Deal, which is a feasible, stable and easy-to-accept main demand for political reform! 】This new type of political system that combines Chinese and Western incomplete party politics with high IQ groups and wise men governing the country allows Chinese people to truly feel and surpass what Americans have always felt, confidence and pride in the political system, and set an example for the world including them ! It is also a milestone for the world to truly enter the new century. [I hope that everyone will have a comprehensive and extensive discussion to seek the greatest consensus, and use innovation to determine the best new political system in the 21st century that will determine the destiny of the whole of China and even the entire human race].

Drafting: He Lianhe 2019.8.6

Signature: (The name of the signature will not be publicly released until the CCP has signed it or if the signer and political party or association do not have a certain amount of representative weight) Note: The text in "【】" is a non-text note; cross-strait and overseas, especially Hong Kong People from all walks of life in active political parties and associations are welcome to sign or propose, please email: [email protected] At the same time, they will use their political wisdom to try their best to persuade the CCP or all factions willing to reform to sign this New Deal Declaration. Self-introduction: Male, 70 years old, a Chinese who collects political comments.


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