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JoΓ£o Pedro Bazzo Vieira Joaobazzo
University of Toronto. Interested in Urban Mobility, Vehicle emissions, Modelling, Bicycles, DataViz and R.



PSSJD Barcelona

edaimon edaimon
Transport & Urban Planner | Data Science | Frontend Dev | Smart Cities
Liam Leveto lleveto

Cuyahoga County Planning Commission Cleveland, OH

Alexandre Demers Oxalin

Sherbrooke, QC, Canada

Will Fedder fedderw
Will Fedder is a data analyst and policy researcher whose interests lie in transportation, healthcare, and the social safety net.

@UBICenter Baltimore, MD

Manuel AlcalΓ‘ Kovalski malcalakovalski
Data Scientist at the Urban Institute

The Urban Institute Washington D.C.

Max Buchholz 1Maxnet1

datagon GmbH Germany

machiko machikoyasuda
πŸšπŸ““πŸˆπŸŒ± learning, writing + coding for the public

@compilerla Los Angeles, Calif.

Nathan Sarrazin nsarrazin
HuggingChat & chat-ui @huggingfaceπŸ€— Maintainer @serge-chat πŸ¦™

@huggingface Delft, NL

Gabriel Vaz de Melo gabrielvazdemelo
Data Analyst | Msc. Economics




Raphael Paul Laude raphaellaude
Urban planner turned spatial data engineer, analyst, web dev

@calthorpeanalytics New York City

Gentil Pinto gentildpinto
Forever a software engineer under construction, enthusiast of open-source and Android development.

Luanda, Angola

David Marcus davidmarcus
Working on new ideas. Previously Chief Data Scientist @ Granicus, before that co-founder and CTO @ Host Compliance. A little obsessive about geospatial data.

Berlin, Germany

Francis Peixoto francispeixoto
Director of software development at Montreal, QC, Canada

Simon Belluzzo sbelluzzo
Computing, STEM, Maths and Science Teacher πŸ‘¨β€πŸ«

Department of Education Victoria Melbourne, Australia

Francesco Emanuele D'Agostino fe-dagostino
Technology enthusiast with an ingrained and genuine passion for all sciences.
