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File metadata and controls

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Workflow Description Language

Table Of Contents


WDL is meant to be a human readable and writable way to express tasks and workflows. The "Hello World" tool in WDL would look like this:

task hello {
  input {
    String pattern
    File in

  command {
    egrep '${pattern}' '${in}'

  runtime {
    docker: "broadinstitute/my_image"

  output {
    Array[String] matches = read_lines(stdout())

workflow wf {
  call hello

This describes a task, called 'hello', which has two parameters (String pattern and File in). A task definition is a way of encapsulating a UNIX command and environment and presenting them as functions. Tasks have both inputs and outputs. Inputs are declared as declarations at the top of the task definition, while outputs are defined in the output section.

The user must provide a value for these two parameters in order for this task to be runnable. Implementations of WDL should accept their inputs as JSON format. For example, the above task needs values for two parameters: String pattern and File in:

Variable Value
wf.hello.pattern ^[a-z]+$ /file.txt

Or, in JSON format:

  "wf.hello.pattern": "^[a-z]+$",
  "": "/file.txt"

Running the wf workflow with these parameters would yield a command line from the call hello:

egrep '^[a-z]+$' '/file.txt'

A simple workflow that runs this task in parallel would look like this:

workflow example {
  input {
    Array[File] files
  scatter(path in files) {
    call hello {input: in=path}

The inputs to this workflow would be example.files and example.hello.pattern.

State of the Specification

17 August 2015

  • Added concept of fully-qualified-name as well as namespace identifier.
  • Changed task definitions to have all inputs as declarations.
  • Changed command parameters (${...}) to accept expressions and fewer "declarative" elements
    • command parameters also are required to evaluate to primitive types
  • Added a output section to workflows
  • Added a lot of functions to the standard library for serializing/deserializing WDL values
  • Specified scope, namespace, and variable resolution semantics

Language Specification

Global Grammar Rules

Whitespace, Strings, Identifiers, Constants

These are common among many of the following sections

$ws = (0x20 | 0x9 | 0xD | 0xA)+
$identifier = [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]+
$string = "([^\\\"\n]|\\[\\"\'nrbtfav\?]|\\[0-7]{1,3}|\\x[0-9a-fA-F]+|\\[uU]([0-9a-fA-F]{4})([0-9a-fA-F]{4})?)*"
$string = '([^\\\'\n]|\\[\\"\'nrbtfav\?]|\\[0-7]{1,3}|\\x[0-9a-fA-F]+|\\[uU]([0-9a-fA-F]{4})([0-9a-fA-F]{4})?)*'
$boolean = 'true' | 'false'
$integer = [1-9][0-9]*|0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+|0[0-7]*
$float = (([0-9]+)?\.([0-9]+)|[0-9]+\.|[0-9]+)([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?

$string can accept the following between single or double-quotes:

  • Any character not in set: \\, " (or ' for single-quoted string), \n
  • An escape sequence starting with \\, followed by one of the following characters: \\, ", ', [nrbtfav], ?
  • An escape sequence starting with \\, followed by 1 to 3 digits of value 0 through 7 inclusive. This specifies an octal escape code.
  • An escape sequence starting with \\x, followed by hexadecimal characters 0-9a-fA-F. This specifies a hexidecimal escape code.
  • An escape sequence starting with \\u or \\U followed by either 4 or 8 hexadecimal characters 0-9a-fA-F. This specifies a unicode code point


All inputs and outputs must be typed. The following primitive types exist in WDL:

Int i = 0                  # An integer value
Float f = 27.3             # A floating point number
Boolean b = true           # A boolean true/false
String s = "hello, world"  # A string value
File f = "path/to/file"    # A file

In addition, the following compound types can be constructed, parameterized by other types. In the examples below P represents any of the primitive types above, and X and Y represent any valid type (even nested compound types):

Array[X] xs = [x1, x2, x3]                    # An array of Xs
Map[P,Y] p_to_y = { p1: y1, p2: y2, p3: y3 }  # A map from Ps to Ys
Pair[X,Y] x_and_y = (x, y)                    # A pair of one X and one Y
Object o = { "field1": f1, "field2": f2 }     # Object keys are always `String`s

Some examples of types:

  • File
  • Array[File]
  • Pair[Int, Array[String]]
  • Map[String, String]

Types can also have a postfix quantifier (either ? or +):

  • ? means that the value is optional. It can only be used in calls or functions that accept optional values.
  • + can only be applied to Array types, and it signifies that the array is required to be non-empty.

For more details on the postfix quantifiers, see the section on Optional Parameters & Type Constraints

For more information on type and how they are used to construct commands and define outputs of tasks, see the Data Types & Serialization section.

Custom Types

WDL provides the ability to define custom compound types called Structs. Structs are defined directly in the WDL and are usable like any other type. For more information on their usage, see the section on Structs

Fully Qualified Names & Namespaced Identifiers

$fully_qualified_name = $identifier ('.' $identifier)*
$namespaced_identifier = $identifier ('.' $identifier)*

A fully qualified name is the unique identifier of any particular call or call input or output. For example:


task foobar {
  input {
    File in
  command {
    sh ${in}
  output {
    File results = stdout()


import "other.wdl" as other

task test {
  String my_var
  command {
    ./script ${my_var}
  output {
    File results = stdout()

workflow wf {
  Array[String] arr = ["a", "b", "c"]
  call test
  call test as test2
  call other.foobar
  output {
  scatter(x in arr) {
    call test as scattered_test {
      input: my_var=x

The following fully-qualified names would exist within workflow wf in main.wdl:

  • wf - References top-level workflow
  • wf.test - References the first call to task test
  • wf.test2 - References the second call to task test (aliased as test2)
  • wf.test.my_var - References the String input of first call to task test
  • wf.test.results - References the File output of first call to task test
  • wf.test2.my_var - References the String input of second call to task test
  • wf.test2.results - References the File output of second call to task test
  • wf.foobar.results - References the File output of the call to other.foobar
  • wf.foobar.input - References the File input of the call to other.foobar
  • wf.arr - References the Array[String] declaration on the workflow
  • wf.scattered_test - References the scattered version of call test
  • wf.scattered_test.my_var - References an Array[String] for each element used as my_var when running the scattered version of call test.
  • wf.scattered_test.results - References an Array[File] which are the accumulated results from scattering call test
  • wf.scattered_test.1.results - References an File from the second invocation (0-indexed) of call test within the scatter block. This particular invocation used value "b" for my_var

A namespaced identifier has the same syntax as a fully-qualified name. It is interpreted as the left-hand side being the name of a namespace and then the right-hand side being the name of a workflow, task, or namespace within that namespace. Consider this workflow:

import "other.wdl" as ns
workflow wf {
  call ns.ns2.task

Here, ns.ns2.task is a namespace identifier (see the Call Statement section for more details). Namespace identifiers, like fully-qualified names are left-associative, which means ns.ns2.task is interpreted as ((ns.ns2).task), which means ns.ns2 would have to resolve to a namespace so that .task could be applied. If ns2 was a task definition within ns, then this namespaced identifier would be invalid.


$declaration = $type $identifier ('=' $expression)?

Declarations are declared at the top of any scope.

In a task definition, declarations are interpreted as inputs to the task that are not part of the command line itself.

If a declaration does not have an initialization, then the value is expected to be provided by the user before the workflow or task is run.

Some examples of declarations:

  • File x
  • String y = "abc"
  • Float pi = 3 + .14
  • Map[String, String] m

A declaration may also refer to elements that are outputs of tasks. For example:

task test {
  input {
    String var
  command {
    ./script ${var}
  output {
    String value = read_string(stdout())

task test2 {
  input {
    Array[String] array
  command {
    ./script ${write_lines(array)}
  output {
    Int value = read_int(stdout())

workflow wf {
  call test as x {input: var="x"}
  call test as y {input: var="y"}
  Array[String] strs = [x.value, y.value]
  call test2 as z {input: array=strs}

strs in this case would not be defined until both call test as x and call test as y have successfully completed. Before that's the case, strs is undefined. If any of the two tasks fail, then evaluation of strs should return an error to indicate that the call test2 as z operation should be skipped.


$expression = '(' $expression ')'
$expression = $expression '.' $expression
$expression = $expression '[' $expression ']'
$expression = $expression '(' ($expression (',' $expression)*)? ')'
$expression = '!' $expression
$expression = '+' $expression
$expression = '-' $expression
$expression = if $expression then $expression else $expression
$expression = $expression '*' $expression
$expression = $expression '%' $expression
$expression = $expression '/' $expression
$expression = $expression '+' $expression
$expression = $expression '-' $expression
$expression = $expression '<' $expression
$expression = $expression '=<' $expression
$expression = $expression '>' $expression
$expression = $expression '>=' $expression
$expression = $expression '==' $expression
$expression = $expression '!=' $expression
$expression = $expression '&&' $expression
$expression = $expression '||' $expression
$expression = '{' ($expression ':' $expression)* '}'
$expression = '[' $expression* ']'
$expression = $string | $integer | $float | $boolean | $identifier

Below are the valid results for operators on types. Any combination not in the list will result in an error.

LHS Type Operators RHS Type Result Semantics
Boolean == Boolean Boolean
Boolean != Boolean Boolean
Boolean > Boolean Boolean
Boolean >= Boolean Boolean
Boolean < Boolean Boolean
Boolean <= Boolean Boolean
Boolean || Boolean Boolean
Boolean && Boolean Boolean
File + File File Append file paths
File == File Boolean
File != File Boolean
File + String File
File == String Boolean
File != String Boolean
Float + Float Float
Float - Float Float
Float * Float Float
Float / Float Float
Float % Float Float
Float == Float Boolean
Float != Float Boolean
Float > Float Boolean
Float >= Float Boolean
Float < Float Boolean
Float <= Float Boolean
Float + Int Float
Float - Int Float
Float * Int Float
Float / Int Float
Float % Int Float
Float == Int Boolean
Float != Int Boolean
Float > Int Boolean
Float >= Int Boolean
Float < Int Boolean
Float <= Int Boolean
Float + String String
Int + Float Float
Int - Float Float
Int * Float Float
Int / Float Float
Int % Float Float
Int == Float Boolean
Int != Float Boolean
Int > Float Boolean
Int >= Float Boolean
Int < Float Boolean
Int <= Float Boolean
Int + Int Int
Int - Int Int
Int * Int Int
Int / Int Int Integer division
Int % Int Int Integer division, return remainder
Int == Int Boolean
Int != Int Boolean
Int > Int Boolean
Int >= Int Boolean
Int < Int Boolean
Int <= Int Boolean
Int + String String
String + Float String
String + Int String
String + String String
String == String Boolean
String != String Boolean
String > String Boolean
String >= String Boolean
String < String Boolean
String <= String Boolean
- Float Float
+ Float Float
- Int Int
+ Int Int
! Boolean Boolean

If then else

This is an operator that takes three arguments, a condition expression, an if-true expression and an if-false expression. The condition is always evaluated. If the condition is true then the if-true value is evaluated and returned. If the condition is false, the if-false expression is evaluated and returned. The return type of the if-then-else should be the same, regardless of which side is evaluated or runtime problems might occur.


  • Choose whether to say "good morning" or "good afternoon":
Boolean morning = ...
String greeting = "good " + if morning then "morning" else "afternoon"
  • Choose how much memory to use for a task:
Int array_length = length(array)
runtime {
  memory: if array_length > 100 then "16GB" else "8GB"

Operator Precedence Table

Precedence Operator type Associativity Example
12 Grouping n/a (x)
11 Member Access left-to-right x.y
10 Index left-to-right x[y]
9 Function Call left-to-right x(y,z,...)
8 Logical NOT right-to-left !x
Unary Plus right-to-left +x
Unary Negation right-to-left -x
7 Multiplication left-to-right x*y
Division left-to-right x/y
Remainder left-to-right x%y
6 Addition left-to-right x+y
Subtraction left-to-right x-y
5 Less Than left-to-right x<y
Less Than Or Equal left-to-right x<=y
Greater Than left-to-right x>y
Greater Than Or Equal left-to-right x>=y
4 Equality left-to-right x==y
Inequality left-to-right x!=y
3 Logical AND left-to-right x&&y
2 Logical OR left-to-right x||y
1 Assignment right-to-left x=y

Member Access

The syntax x.y refers to member access. x must be an object or task in a workflow. A Task can be thought of as an object where the attributes are the outputs of the task.

workflow wf {
  input {
    Object obj
    Object foo
  # This would cause a syntax error,
  # because foo is defined twice in the same namespace.
  call foo {
    input: var=obj.attr # Object attribute

  call foo as foo2 {
    input: var=foo.out # Task output

Map and Array Indexing

The syntax x[y] is for indexing maps and arrays. If x is an array, then y must evaluate to an integer. If x is a map, then y must evaluate to a key in that map.

Pair Indexing

Given a Pair x, the left and right elements of that type can be accessed using the syntax x.left and x.right.

Function Calls

Function calls, in the form of func(p1, p2, p3, ...), are either standard library functions or engine-defined functions.

In this current iteration of the spec, users cannot define their own functions.

Array Literals

Arrays values can be specified using Python-like syntax, as follows:

Array[String] a = ["a", "b", "c"]
Array[Int] b = [0,1,2]

Map Literals

Maps values can be specified using a similar Python-like sytntax:

Map[Int, Int] = {1: 10, 2: 11}
Map[String, Int] = {"a": 1, "b": 2}

Object Literals

Object literals are specified similarly to maps, but require an object keyword immediately before the {:

Object f = object {
  a: 10,
  b: 11

The object keyword allows the field keys to be specified as identifiers, rather than String literals (eg a: rather than "a":).

Object Coercion from Map

Objects can be coerced from map literals, but beware the following behavioral difference:

String a = "beware"
String b = "key"
String c = "lookup"

# What are the keys to this object?
Object object_syntax = object {
  a: 10,
  b: 11,
  c: 12

# What are the keys to this object?
Object map_coercion = {
  a: 10,
  b: 11,
  c: 12
  • If an Object is specified using the object-style Object map_syntax = object { a: ... syntax then the keys will be "a", "b" and "c".
  • If an Object is specified using the map-style Object map_coercion = { a: ... then the keys are expressions, and thus a will be a variable reference to the previously defined String a = "beware".

Pair Literals

Pair values can be specified inside of a WDL using another Python-like syntax, as follows:

Pair[Int, String] twenty_threes = (23, "twenty-three")

Pair values can also be specified within the workflow inputs JSON with a Left and Right value specified using JSON style syntax. For example, given a workflow wf_hello and workflow-level variable twenty_threes, it could be declared in the workflow inputs JSON as follows:

  "wf_hello.twenty_threes": { "left": 23, "right": "twenty-three" }


$document = ($import | $task | $workflow)+

$document is the root of the parse tree and it consists of one or more import statement, task, or workflow definition


For portability purposes it is critical that WDL documents be versioned so an engine knows how to process it. From draft-3 forward, the first line of all WDL files must be a version statement, for example

version draft-3

Any WDL files which do not have a version field must be treated as draft-2. All WDL files used by a workflow must have the same version.

Import Statements

A WDL file may contain import statements to include WDL code from other sources

$import = 'import' $ws+ $string ($ws+ 'as' $ws+ $identifier)?

The import statement specifies that $string which is to be interpted as a URI which points to a WDL file. The engine is responsible for resolving the URI and downloading the contents. The contents of the document in each URI must be WDL source code.

Every imported WDL file requires a namespace which can be specified using an identifier (via the as $identifier syntax). If you do not explicitly specify a namespace identifier then the default namespace is the filename of the imported WDL, minus the .wdl extension. For all imported WDL files, the tasks and workflows imported from that file will only be accessible through that assigned namespace.

import "" as analysis
import ""

workflow wf {
  input {
    File bam_file
  # file_size is from ""
  call stdlib.file_size {
    input: file=bam_file
  call analysis.my_analysis_task {
    input: size=file_size.bytes, file=bam_file

Engines should at the very least support the following protocols for import URIs:

  • http:// and https://
  • file://
  • no protocol (which should be interpreted as file://

Task Definition

A task is a declarative construct with a focus on constructing a command from a template. The command specification is interpreted in an engine and backend agnostic way. The command is a UNIX bash command line which will be run (ideally in a Docker image).

Tasks explicitly define their inputs and outputs which is essential for building dependencies between tasks.

To declare a task, use task name { ... }. Inside the curly braces are the following sections:

Task Sections

The task may have the following component sections:

  • An input section (required if the task will have inputs)
  • Non-input declarations (as many as needed, optional)
  • A command section (required)
  • A runtime section (optional)
  • An output section (required if the task will have outputs)
  • A meta section (optional)
  • A parameter_meta section (optional)

Task Inputs

Task Input Declaration

Tasks declare inputs within the task block. For example:

task t {
  input {
    Int i
    File f

  # [... other task sections]

Task Input Localization

File inputs must be treated specially since they require localization to within the execution directory:

  • Files are localized into the execution directory prior to the task execution commencing.
  • When localizing a File, the engine may choose to place the file wherever it likes so long as it accords to these rules:
    • The original file name must be preserved even if the path to it has changed.
    • Two input files with the same name must be located separately, to avoid name collision.
    • Two input files which originated in the same storage directory must also be localized into the same directory for task execution (see the special case handling for Versioning Filesystems below).
  • When a WDL author uses a File input in their Command Section, the fully qualified, localized path to the file is substituted into the command string.
Special Case: Versioning Filesystems

Two or more versions of a file in a versioning filesystem might have the same name and come from the same directory. In that case the following special procedure must be used to avoid collision:

  • The first file is always placed as normal according to the usual rules.
  • Subsequent files that would otherwise overwrite this file are instead placed in a subdirectory named for the version.

For example imagine two versions of file fs://path/to/A.txt are being localized (labelled version 1.0 and 1.1). The first might be localized as /execution_dir/path/to/A.txt. The second must then be placed in /execution_dir/path/to/1.1/A.txt

Non-Input Declarations

A task can have declarations which are intended as intermediate values rather than inputs. These declarations can be based on input values and can be used within the command section.

For example, this task takes a single inputs Object but writes it to a JSON file which can then be used by the command:

task t {
  input {
    Object inputs
  File objects_json = write_json(inputs)

  # [... other task sections]

Command Section

The command section is the task section that starts with the keyword 'command', and is enclosed in either curly braces { ... } or triple angle braces <<< ... >>>. It defines a shell command which will be run in the execution environment after all of the inputs are staged and before the outputs are evaluated. The body of the command also allows placeholders for the parts of the command line that need to be filled in.

Expression placeholders are denoted by ${...} or ~{...} depending on whether they appear in a command { } or command <<< >>> body styles.

Expression Placeholders

Expression placeholders differ depending on the command section style:

Command Body Style Placeholder Style
command { ... } ~{} (preferred) or ${}
command <<< >>> ~{} only

These placeholders contain a single expression which will be evaluated using inputs or declarations available in the task. The placeholders are then replaced in the command script with the result of the evaluation.

For example a command might reference an input to the task, like this:

task test {
  input {
    String flags
  command {
    ps ~{flags}

In this case flags within the ${...} is a variable lookup expression referencing the flags input string. The expression can also be more complex, like a function call: write_lines(some_array_value)

Here is the same example using the command <<< style:

task test {
  String flags
  command <<<
    ps ~{flags}

NOTE: the expression result must ultimately be converted to a string in order to take the place of the placeholder in the command script. This is immediately possible for WDL primitive types (e.g. not Array, Map, or Object). To place an array into the command block a separater character must be specified using sep (eg ${sep=", " int_array}).

As another example, consider how the parser would parse the following command:

grep '${start}...${end}' ${input}

This command would be parsed as:

  • grep ' - literal string
  • ${start} - lookup expression to the variable start
  • ... - literal string
  • ${end} - lookup expression to the variable end
  • ' - literal string
  • ${input} - lookup expression to the variable input

Expression Placeholder Options

Expression placeholder options are option="value" pairs that precede the expression in an expression command part and customize the interpolation of the WDL value into the command string being built. The following options are available:

  • sep - eg ${sep=", " array_value}
  • true and false - eg ${true="--yes" false="--no" boolean_value}
  • default - eg ${default="foo" optional_value}

Additional explanation for these command part options follows:


'sep' is interpreted as the separator string used to join multiple parameters together. sep is only valid if the expression evaluates to an Array.

For example, if there were a declaration Array[Int] ints = [1,2,3], the command python ${sep=',' numbers} would yield the command line:

python 1,2,3

Alternatively, if the command were python ${sep=' ' numbers} it would parse to:

python 1 2 3

Additional Requirements:

  1. sep MUST accept only a string as its value
true and false

'true' and 'false' are available for expressions which evaluate to Booleans. They specify a string literal to insert into the command block when the result is true or false respectively.

For example, ${true='--enable-foo' false='--disable-foo' allow_foo} would evaluate the expression allow_foo as a variable lookup and depending on its value would either insert the string --enable-foo or --disable-foo into the command.

Both true and false cases are required. If one case should insert no value then an empty string literal should be used, eg ${true='--enable-foo' false='' allow_foo}

  1. true and false values MUST be string literals.
  2. true and false are only allowed if the type is Boolean
  3. Both true and false cases are required.
  4. Consider using the expression ${if allow_foo then "--enable-foo" else "--disable-foo"} as a more readable alternative which allows full expressions (rather than string literals) for the true and false cases.

This specifies the default value if no other value is specified for this parameter.

task default_test {
  input {
    String? s
  command {
    ./my_cmd ${default="foobar" s}

This task takes an optional String parameter and if a value is not specified, then the value of foobar will be used instead.

Additional Requirements:

  1. The type of the expression must match the type of the parameter
  2. If 'default' is specified, the $type_postfix_quantifier for the variable's type MUST be ?

Alternative heredoc syntax

Sometimes a command is sufficiently long enough or might use { characters that using a different set of delimiters would make it more clear. In this case, enclose the command in <<<...>>>, as follows:

task heredoc {
  input {
    File in

  python <<CODE
    with open("${in}") as fp:
      for line in fp:
        if not line.startswith('#'):

Parsing of this command should be the same as the prior section describes.

Stripping Leading Whitespace

Any text inside of the command section, after instantiated, should have all common leading whitespace removed. In the task heredoc example in the previous section, if the user specifies a value of /path/to/file as the value for File in, then the command should be:

python <<CODE
  with open("/path/to/file") as fp:
    for line in fp:
      if not line.startswith('#'):

The 2-spaces that were common to each line were removed.

If the user mixes tabs and spaces, the behavior is undefined. A warning is suggested, and perhaps a convention of 4 spaces per tab. Other implementations might return an error in this case.

Outputs Section

The outputs section defines which values should be exposed as outputs after a successful run of the task. Outputs are declared just like task inputs or declarations in the workflow. The difference being that they are evaluated only after the command line executes and files generated by the command can be used to determine values. Note that outputs require a value expression (unlike inputs, for which an expression is optional)

For example a task's output section might looks like this:

output {
  Int threshold = read_int("threshold.txt")

The task is expecting that a file called "threshold.txt" will exist in the current working directory after the command is executed. Inside that file must be one line that contains only an integer and whitespace. See the Data Types & Serialization section for more details.

As with other string literals in a task definition, Strings in the output section may contain interpolations (see the String Interpolation section below for more details). Here's an example:

output {
  Array[String] quality_scores = read_lines("${sample_id}.scores.txt")

Note that for this to work, sample_id must be declared as an input to the task.

As with inputs, the outputs can reference previous outputs in the same block. The only requirement is that the output being referenced must be specified before the output which uses it.

output {
  String a = "a"
  String ab = a + "b"


Globs can be used to define outputs which might contain zero, one, or many files. The glob function therefore returns an array of File outputs:

output {
  Array[File] output_bams = glob("*.bam")

The array of Files returned is the set of files found by the bash expansion of the glob string relative to the task's execution directory and in the same order. It's evaluated in the context of the bash shell installed in the docker image running the task.

In other words, you might think of glob() as finding all of the files (but not the directories) in the same order as would be matched by running echo <glob> in bash from the task's execution directory.

Note that this usually will not include files in nested directories. For example say you have an output Array[File] a_files = glob("a*") and the end result of running your command has produced a directory structure like this:

├── a1.txt
├── ab.txt
├── a_dir
│   ├── a_inner.txt
├── az.txt

Then running echo a* in the execution directory would expand to a1.txt, ab.txt, a_dir and az.txt in that order. Since glob() does not include directories we discard a_dir and the result of the WDL glob would be ["a1.txt", "ab.txt", "az.txt"].

Task portability and non-standard BaSH

Note that some specialized docker images may include a non-standard bash shell which supports more complex glob strings. These complex glob strings might allow expansions which include a_inner.txt in the example above.

Therefore to ensure that a WDL is portable when using glob(), a docker image should be provided and the WDL author should remember that glob() results depend on coordination with the bash implementation installed on that docker image.

String Interpolation

Within tasks, any string literal can use string interpolation to access the value of any of the task's inputs. The most obvious example of this is being able to define an output file which is named as function of its input. For example:

task example {
  input {
    String prefix
    File bam
  command {
    python --prefix=${prefix} ${bam}
  output {
    File analyzed = "${prefix}.out"
    File bam_sibling = "${bam}.suffix"

Any ${identifier} inside of a string literal must be replaced with the value of the identifier. If prefix were specified as foobar, then "${prefix}.out" would be evaluated to "foobar.out".

Runtime Section

$runtime = 'runtime' $ws* '{' ($ws* $runtime_kv $ws*)* '}'
$runtime_kv = $identifier $ws* '=' $ws* $expression

The runtime section defines key/value pairs for runtime information needed for this task. Individual backends will define which keys they will inspect so a key/value pair may or may not actually be honored depending on how the task is run.

Values can be any expression and it is up to the engine to reject keys and/or values that do not make sense in that context. For example, consider the following WDL:

task test {
  command {
  runtime {
    docker: ["ubuntu:latest", "broadinstitute/scala-baseimage"]

The value for the docker runtime attribute in this case is an array of values. The parser should accept this. Some engines might interpret it as an "either this image or that image" or could reject it outright.

Since values are expressions, they can also reference variables in the task:

task test {
  input {
    String ubuntu_version
  command {
  runtime {
    docker: "ubuntu:" + ubuntu_version

Most key/value pairs are arbitrary. However, the following keys have recommended conventions:


Location of a Docker image for which this task ought to be run. This can have a format like ubuntu:latest or broadinstitute/scala-baseimage in which case it should be interpreted as an image on DockerHub (i.e. it is valid to use in a docker pull command).

task docker_test {
  input {
    String arg
  command {
    python ${arg}
  runtime {
    docker: "ubuntu:latest"


Memory requirements for this task. Two kinds of values are supported for this attributes:

  • Int - Intepreted as bytes
  • String - This should be a decimal value with suffixes like B, KB, MB or binary suffixes KiB, MiB. For example: 6.2 GB, 5MB, 2GiB.
task memory_test {
  input {
    String arg

  command {
    python ${arg}
  runtime {
    memory: "2GB"

Parameter Metadata Section

$parameter_meta = 'parameter_meta' $ws* '{' ($ws* $parameter_meta_kv $ws*)* '}'
$parameter_meta_kv = $identifier $ws* ':' $ws* $meta_value
$meta_value = $string | $number | $boolean | 'null' | $meta_object | $meta_array
$meta_object = '{}' | '{' $parameter_meta_kv (, $parameter_meta_kv)* '}'
$meta_array = '[]' |  '[' $meta_value (, $meta_value)* ']'

This purely optional section contains key/value pairs where the keys are names of parameters and the values are JSON like expressions that describe those parameters. The engine can ignore this section, with no loss of correctness. The extra information can be used, for example, to generate a user interface.

Additional requirement: Any key in this section MUST correspond to a task input or output.

For example:

task wc {
  File f
  Boolean l = false
  String? region
  parameter_meta {
    f : { help: "Count the number of lines in this file" },
    l : { help: "Count only lines" }
    region: {help: "Cloud region",
             suggestions: ["us-west", "us-east", "asia-pacific", "europe-central"]}
  command {
    wc ${true="-l", false=' ' l} ${f}
  output {
     String retval = stdout()

Metadata Section

$meta = 'meta' $ws* '{' ($ws* $meta_kv $ws*)* '}'
$meta_kv = $identifier $ws* '=' $ws* $meta_value

This purely optional section contains key/value pairs for any additional meta data that should be stored with the task. For example, author, contact email, or engine authorization policies.


Example 1: Simplest Task

task hello_world {
  command {echo hello world}

Example 2: Inputs/Outputs

task one_and_one {
  input {
    String pattern
    File infile
  command {
    grep ${pattern} ${infile}
  output {
    File filtered = stdout()

Example 3: Runtime/Metadata

task runtime_meta {
  input {
    String memory_mb
    String sample_id
    String param
    String sample_id
  command {
    java -Xmx${memory_mb}M -jar task.jar -id ${sample_id} -param ${param} -out ${sample_id}.out
  output {
    File results = "${sample_id}.out"
  runtime {
    docker: "broadinstitute/baseimg"
  parameter_meta {
    memory_mb: "Amount of memory to allocate to the JVM"
    param: "Some arbitrary parameter"
    sample_id: "The ID of the sample in format foo_bar_baz"
  meta {
    author: "Joe Somebody"
    email: "[email protected]"

Example 4: BWA mem

task bwa_mem_tool {
  input {
    Int threads
    Int min_seed_length
    Int min_std_max_min
    File reference
    File reads
  command {
    bwa mem -t ${threads} \
            -k ${min_seed_length} \
            -I ${sep=',' min_std_max_min+} \
            ${reference} \
            ${sep=' ' reads+} > output.sam
  output {
    File sam = "output.sam"
  runtime {
    docker: "broadinstitute/baseimg"

Notable pieces in this example is ${sep=',' min_std_max_min+} which specifies that min_std_max_min can be one or more integers (the + after the variable name indicates that it can be one or more). If an Array[Int] is passed into this parameter, then it's flattened by combining the elements with the separator character (sep=',').

This task also defines that it exports one file, called 'sam', which is the stdout of the execution of bwa mem.

The 'docker' portion of this task definition specifies which that this task must only be run on the Docker image specified.

Example 5: Word Count

task wc2_tool {
  input {
    File file1
  command {
    wc ${file1}
  output {
    Int count = read_int(stdout())

workflow count_lines4_wf {
  input {
    Array[File] files
  scatter(f in files) {
    call wc2_tool {
      input: file1=f
  output {

In this example, it's all pretty boilerplate, declarative code, except for some language-y like features, like firstline(stdout) and append(list_of_count, wc2-tool.count). These both can be implemented fairly easily if we allow for custom function definitions. Parsing them is no problem. Implementation would be fairly simple and new functions would not be hard to add. Alternatively, this could be something like JavaScript or Python snippets that we run.

Example 6: tmap

This task should produce a command line like this:

tmap mapall \
stage1 map1 --min-seq-length 20 \
       map2 --min-seq-length 20 \
stage2 map1 --max-seq-length 20 --min-seq-length 10 --seed-length 16 \
       map2 --max-seed-hits -1 --max-seq-length 20 --min-seq-length 10

Task definition would look like this:

task tmap_tool {
  input {
    Array[String] stages
    File reads
  command {
    tmap mapall ${sep=' ' stages} < ${reads} > output.sam
  output {
    File sam = "output.sam"

For this particular case where the command line is itself a mini DSL, The best option at that point is to allow the user to type in the rest of the command line, which is what ${sep=' ' stages+} is for. This allows the user to specify an array of strings as the value for stages and then it concatenates them together with a space character

Variable Value
reads /path/to/fastq
stages ["stage1 map1 --min-seq-length 20 map2 --min-seq-length 20", "stage2 map1 --max-seq-length 20 --min-seq-length 10 --seed-length 16 map2 --max-seed-hits -1 --max-seq-length 20 --min-seq-length 10"]

Workflow Definition

A workflow is declared using the keyword workflow followed by the workflow name and the workflow body in curly braces.

An example of a workflow that runs one task (not defined here) would be:

workflow wf {
  input {
    Array[File] files
    Int threshold
    Map[String, String] my_map
  call analysis_job {
    input: search_paths = files, threshold = threshold, gender_lookup = my_map

Workflow Elements

A workflow may have the following elements:

  • An input section (required if the workflow is to have inputs)
  • Intermediate declarations (as many as needed, optional)
  • Calls to tasks or subworkflows (as many as needed, optional)
  • Scatter blocks (as many as needed, optional)
  • If blocks (as many as needed, optional)
  • An output section (required if the workflow is to have outputs)
  • A meta section (optional)
  • A parameter_meta section (optional)

Workflow Inputs

As with tasks, a workflow must declare its inputs in an input section, like this:

workflow w {
  input {
    Int i
    String s

Optional Inputs

An optional input is specified like this:

workflow foo {
  input {
    Int? x
    File? y
  # ... remaining workflow content

In these situations, a value may or may not be provided for this input. The following would all be valid input files for the above workflow:

  • No inputs:
{ }
  • Only x:
  "x": 100
  • Only y:
  "x": null,
  "y": "/path/to/file"
  • x and y:
  "x": 1000,
  "y": "/path/to/file"

Declared Inputs: Defaults and Overrides

Tasks and workflows can have default values built-in via expressions, like this:

workflow foo {
  input {
    Int x = 5
task foo {
  input {
    Int x = 5

In this case, x should be considered an optional input to the task or workflow, but unlike optional inputs without defaults, the type can be Int rather than Int?. If an input is provided, that value should be used. If no input value for x is provided then the default expression is evaluated and used.

Note that to be considered an optional input, the default value must be provided within the input section. If the declaration is in the main body of the workflow it is considered an intermediate value and is not overridable. For example below, the Int x is an input whereas Int y is not.

workflow foo {
  input {
    Int x = 10
  call my_task as t1 { input: int_in = x }
  Int y = my_task.out
  call my_task as t2 { input: int_in = y }

Note that it is still possible to override intermediate expressions via optional inputs if that's important to the workflow author. A modified version of the above workflow demonstrates this:

workflow foo {
  input {
    Int x = 10
    Int y = my_task.out

  call my_task as t1 { input: int_in = x }
  call my_task as t2 { input: int_in = y }

Note that the control flow of the workflow changes depending on whether the value Int y is provided:

  • If an input value is provided for y then it receives that value immediately and t2 may start running as soon as the workflow starts.
  • In no input value is provided for y then it will need to wait for t1 to complete before it is assigned.
Optional inputs with defaults

It is possible to provide a default to an optional input type:

input {
  String? s = "hello"

Since the expression is static, this is interpreted as a String? value that is set by default, but can be overridden in the inputs file, just like above. Note that if you give a value an optional type like this then you can only use this value in calls or expressions that can handle optional inputs. Here's an example:

workflow foo {
  input {
    String? s = "hello"

  call valid { input: s_maybe = s }

  # This would cause a validation error. Cannot use String? for a String input:
  call invalid { input: s_definitely = s }

task valid {
  input {
    String? s_maybe

task invalid {
  input {
    String s_definitely

The rational for this is that a user may want to provide the following input file to alter how valid is called, and such an input would invalidate the call to invalid since it is unable to accept optional values:

  "foo.s": null

Call Statement

$call = 'call' $ws* $namespaced_identifier $ws+ ('as' $identifier)? $ws* $call_body?
$call_body = '{' $ws* $inputs? $ws* '}'
$inputs = 'input' $ws* ':' $ws* $variable_mappings
$variable_mappings = $variable_mapping_kv (',' $variable_mapping_kv)*
$variable_mapping_kv = $identifier $ws* '=' $ws* $expression

A workflow may call other tasks/workflows via the call keyword. The $namespaced_identifier is the reference to which task to run. Most commonly, it's simply the name of a task (see examples below), but it can also use . as a namespace resolver.

See the section on Fully Qualified Names & Namespaced Identifiers for details about how the $namespaced_identifier ought to be interpreted

All call statements must be uniquely identifiable. By default, the call's unique identifier is the task name (e.g. call foo would be referenced by name foo). However, if one were to call foo twice in a workflow, each subsequent call statement will need to alias itself to a unique name using the as clause: call foo as bar.

A call statement may reference a workflow too (e.g. call other_workflow). In this case, the $inputs section specifies a subset of the workflow's inputs and must specify fully qualified names.

import "lib.wdl" as lib
workflow wf {
  call my_task
  call my_task as my_task_alias
  call my_task as my_task_alias2 {
    input: threshold=2
  call lib.other_task

The $call_body is optional and is meant to specify how to satisfy a subset of the the task or workflow's input parameters as well as a way to map tasks outputs to variables defined in the visible scopes.

A $variable_mapping in the $inputs section maps parameters in the task to expressions. These expressions usually reference outputs of other tasks, but they can be arbitrary expressions.

As an example, here is a workflow in which the second task requires an output from the first task:

task task1 {
  command {
  output {
    File results = stdout()
task task2 {
  input {
    File foobar
  command {
    python ${foobar}
  output {
    File results = stdout()
workflow wf {
  call task1
  call task2 {
    input: foobar=task1.results

Call Input Blocks

As mentioned above, call inputs should be provided via call inputs (call my_task { input: x = 5 }), or else they will become workflow inputs ("my_workflow.my_task.x": 5) and prevent the workflow from being composed as a subworkflow. In situations where both are supplied (ie the workflow specifies a call input, and the user tries to supply the same input via an input file), the workflow submission should be rejected because the user has supplied an unexpected input.

The reasoning for this is that the input value is an intrinsic part of the workflow's control flow and that changing it via an input is inherently dangerous to the correct working of the workflow.

As always, if the author chooses to allow it, values provided as inputs can be overridden if they're declared in the input block:

workflow foo {
  input {
    # This input `my_task_int_in` is usually based on a task output, unless it's overridden in the input set:
    Int my_task_int_in = some_preliminary_task.int_out

  call some_preliminary_task
  call my_task { input: my_task_int_in = x) }

Sub Workflows

Workflows can also be called inside of workflows.


import "sub_wdl.wdl" as sub

workflow main_workflow {

    call sub.wf_hello { input: wf_hello_input = "sub world" }

    output {
        String main_output = wf_hello.salutation


task hello {
  input {
    String addressee
  command {
    echo "Hello ${addressee}!"
  runtime {
      docker: "ubuntu:latest"
  output {
    String salutation = read_string(stdout())

workflow wf_hello {
  input {
    String wf_hello_input

  call hello {input: addressee = wf_hello_input }

  output {
    String salutation = hello.salutation

Note that because a wdl file can only contain 1 workflow, sub workflows can only be used through imports. Otherwise, calling a workflow or a task is equivalent syntactically. Inputs are specified and outputs retrieved the same way as they are for task calls.


$scatter = 'scatter' $ws* '(' $ws* $scatter_iteration_statment $ws*  ')' $ws* $scatter_body
$scatter_iteration_statment = $identifier $ws* 'in' $ws* $expression
$scatter_body = '{' $ws* $workflow_element* $ws* '}'

A "scatter" clause defines that everything in the body ($scatter_body) can be run in parallel. The clause in parentheses ($scatter_iteration_statement) declares which collection to scatter over and what to call each element.

The $scatter_iteration_statement has two parts: the "item" and the "collection". For example, scatter(x in y) would define x as the item, and y as the collection. The item is always an identifier, while the collection is an expression that MUST evaluate to an Array type. The item will represent each item in that expression. For example, if y evaluated to an Array[String] then x would be a String.

The $scatter_body defines a set of scopes that will execute in the context of this scatter block.

For example, if $expression is an array of integers of size 3, then the body of the scatter clause can be executed 3-times in parallel. $identifier would refer to each integer in the array.

scatter(i in integers) {
  call task1{input: num=i}
  call task2{input: num=task1.output}

In this example, task2 depends on task1. Variable i has an implicit index attribute to make sure we can access the right output from task1. Since both task1 and task2 run N times where N is the length of the array integers, any scalar outputs of these tasks is now an array.


$conditional = 'if' '(' $expression ')' '{' $workflow_element* '}'

Conditionals only execute the body if the expression evaluates to true.

  • When a call's output is referenced outside the same containing if it will need to be handled as an optional type. E.g.
workflow foo {
  # Call 'x', producing a Boolean output:
  call x
  Boolean x_out = x.out

  # Call 'y', producing an Int output, in a conditional block:
  if (x_out) {
    call y
    Int y_out = y.out

  # Outside the if block, we have to handle this output as optional:
  Int? y_out_maybe = y.out

  # Call 'z' which takes an optional Int input:
  call z { input: optional_int = y_out_maybe }
  • Optional types can be coalesced by using the select_all and select_first array functions:
workflow foo {
  input {
    Array[Int] scatter_range = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
  scatter (i in scatter_range) {
    call x { input: i = i }
    if (x.validOutput) {
      Int x_out = x.out

  # Because it was declared inside the scatter and the if-block, the type of x_out is different here:
  Array[Int?] x_out_maybes = x_out

  # We can select only the valid elements with select_all:
  Array[Int] x_out_valids = select_all(x_out_maybes)

  # Or we can select the first valid element:
  Int x_out_first = select_first(x_out_maybes)
  • When conditional blocks are nested, referenced outputs are only ever single-level conditionals (i.e. we never produce Int?? or deeper):
workflow foo {
  input {
    Boolean b
    Boolean c
  if(b) {
    if(c) {
      call x
      Int x_out = x.out
  Int? x_out_maybe = x_out # Even though it's within two 'if's, we don't need Int??

  # Call 'y' which takes an Int input:
  call y { input: int_input = select_first([x_out_maybe, 5]) } # The select_first produces an Int, not an Int?

Parameter Metadata

$wf_parameter_meta = 'parameter_meta' $ws* '{' ($ws* $wf_parameter_meta_kv $ws*)* '}'
$wf_parameter_meta_kv = $identifier $ws* '=' $ws* $meta_value

This purely optional section contains key/value pairs where the keys are names of parameters and the values are JSON like expressions that describe those parameters.

Additional requirement: Any key in this section MUST correspond to a workflow input or output.

As an example:

  parameter_meta {
    memory_mb: "Amount of memory to allocate to the JVM"
    param: "Some arbitrary parameter"
    sample_id: "The ID of the sample in format foo_bar_baz"


$wf_meta = 'meta' $ws* '{' ($ws* $wf_meta_kv $ws*)* '}'
$wf_meta_kv = $identifier $ws* '=' $ws* $meta_value

This purely optional section contains key/value pairs for any additional meta data that should be stored with the workflow. For example, perhaps author or contact email.

As an example:

  meta {
    author: "Joe Somebody"
    email: "[email protected]"


Each workflow definition can specify an output section. This section lists outputs as Type name = expression, just like task outputs.

Workflow outputs also follow the same syntax rules as task outputs. They are expressions which can reference all call outputs, workflow inputs, intermediate values and previous workflow outputs. e.g:

task t {
  input {
    Int i
  command {
    # do something
  output {
    String out = "out"

workflow w {
  input {
    String w_input = "some input"

  call t
  call t as u

  output {
    String t_out = t.out
    String u_out = u.out
    String input_as_output = w_input
    String previous_output = u_out

Note that they can't reference call inputs (eg we cannot use Int i = t.i as a workflow output). However this can be achieved by also declaring the desired call input as an output of the call.

When declaring a workflow output that points to a call inside a scatter, the aggregated call is used, just like any expression that references it from outside the scatter. e.g:

task t {
  command {
    # do something
  output {
    String out = "out"

workflow w {
  input {
    Array[Int] arr = [1, 2]

  scatter(i in arr) {
    call t

  output {
    Array[String] t_out = t.out

In this example t_out has an Array[String] result type, because call t is inside a scatter.

Omitting Workflow Outputs

If the output {...} section is omitted from a top-level workfow then the workflow engine should include all outputs from all calls in its final output.

However, if a workflow is intended to be called as a subworkflow, it is required that outputs are named and specified using expressions in the outputs block, just like task outputs. The rationale here is:

  • To present the same interface when calling subworkflows as when calling tasks.
  • To make it easy for callers of subworkflows to find out exactly what outputs the call is creating.
  • In case of nested subworkflows, to give the outputs at the top level a simple fixed name rather than a long qualified name like a.b.c.d.out (which is liable to change if the underlying implementation of c changes, for example).

Struct Definition

A struct is a C-like construct which enables the user to create new compound types that consisting of previously existing types. Structs can then be used within a Task or Workflow definition as a declaration in place of any other normal types. The struct takes the place of the Object type in many circumstances and enables proper typing of its members.

Structs are declared separately from any other constructs, and cannot be declared within any workflow or task definition. They belong to the namespace of the WDL file which they are written in and are therefore accessible globally within that WDL. Additionally, all structs must be evaluated prior to their use within a task, workflow or another struct.

Structs may be defined using the struct keyword and have a single section consisting of typed declarations.

struct name { ... }

Struct Declarations

The only contents of struct are a set of declarations. Declarations can be any primitive or compound type, as well as other structs, and are defined the same way as they are in any other section. The one caveat to this is that declarations within a struct do not allow an expression statement after the initial member declaration. Once defined all structs are added to a global namespace accessible from any other construct within the WDL.

for example the following is a valid struct definition

struct Name {
    String myString
    Int myInt

Whereas the following is invalid

struct Invalid {
    String myString = "Cannot do this"
    Int myInt

Compound types can also be used within a struct to easily encapsulate them within a single object. For example

struct Name {
    Array[Array[File]] myFiles
    Map[String,Pair[String,File]] myComplexType
    String cohortName

Optional and non Empty Struct Values

Struct declarations can be optional or non-empty (if they are an array type).

struct Name {
    Array[File]+ myFiles
    Boolean? myBoolean

Using a Struct

When using a struct in the declaration section of either a workflow or a task or output section you define them in the same way you would define any other type.

For example, if I have a struct like the following:

struct Person {
    String name
    Int age

then usage of the struct in a workflow would look like the following:

task task_a {
    Person a
    command {
        echo "hello my name is ${} and I am ${a.age} years old"

workflow myWorkflow {
    Person a
    call task_a {
            a = a

Struct Assignment from Object Literal

Structs can be assigned using an object literal. When Writing the object, all entries must conform or be coercible into the underlying type they are being assigned to

Person a = {"name": "John","age": 30}

Struct Member Access

In order to access members within a struct, use object notation; ie myStruct.myName. If the underlying member is a complex type which supports member access, you can access its elements in the way defined by that specific type.

For example, if we have defined a struct like the following:

struct Experiment {
    Array[File] experimentFiles
    Map[String,String] experimentData

Example 1: Accessing the nth element of experimentFiles and any element in experimentData would look like:

workflow workflow_a {
    Experiment myExperiment
    File firstFile = myExperiment.experimentFiles[0]
    String experimentName = myExperiment.experimentData["name"]


Example 2: If the struct itself is a member of an Array or another type, yo

workflow workflow_a {
    Array[Experiment] myExperiments

    File firstFileFromFirstExperiment = myExperiments[0].experimentFiles[0]
    File eperimentNameFromFirstExperiment = bams[0].experimentData["name"]

Importing Structs

Any struct defined within an imported WDL will be added to a global namespace and will not be a part of the imported wdl's namespace. If two structs are named the same it will be necessary to resolve the conflicting names. To do this, one or more structs may be imported under an alias defined within the import statement.

For example, if your current WDL defines a struct named Experiment and the imported WDL also defines another struct named Experiment you can alias them as follows:

import as ex alias Experiment as OtherExperiment

In order to resolve multiple structs, simply add additional alias statements.

import as ex2
    alias Parent as Parent2
    alias Child as Child2
    alias GrandChild as GrandChild2

Its important to note, that when importing from file 2, all structs from file 2's global namespace will be imported. This Includes structs from another imported WDL within file 2, even if they are aliased. If a struct is aliased in file 2, it will be imported into file 1 under its aliased name.

  • Note: Alias can be used even when no conflicts are encountered to uniquely identify any struct


Import statements can be used to pull in tasks/workflows from other locations as well as to create namespaces. In the simplest case, an import statement adds the tasks/workflows that are imported into the specified namespace. For example:


task x {
  command { python }
task y {
  command { python }


import "tasks.wdl" as pyTasks

workflow wf {
  call pyTasks.x
  call pyTasks.y

Tasks x and y are inside the namespace pyTasks, which is different from the wf namespace belonging to the primary workflow. However, if no namespace is specified for tasks.wdl:


import "tasks.wdl"

workflow wf {
  call tasks.x
  call tasks.y

Now everything inside of tasks.wdl must be accessed through the default namespace tasks.

Each namespace may contain namespaces, tasks, and at most one workflow. The names of the contained namespaces, tasks, and workflow need to be unique within that namespace. For example, one cannot import two workflows while they have the same namespace identifier. Additionally, a workflow and a namespace both named foo cannot exist inside a common namespace. Similarly there cannot be a task foo in a workflow also named foo. However, you can import two workflows with different namespace identifiers that have identically named tasks. For example, you can import namespaces foo and bar, both of which contain a task baz, and you can call foo.baz and bar.baz from the same primary workflow.


Scopes are defined as:

  • workflow {...} blocks
  • call blocks
  • while(expr) {...} blocks
  • if(expr) {...} blocks
  • scatter(x in y) {...} blocks

Inside of any scope, variables may be declared. The variables declared in that scope are visible to any sub-scope, recursively. For example:

task my_task {
  input {
    Int x
    File f
  command {
    my_cmd --integer=${var} ${f}

workflow wf {
  input {
    Array[File] files
    Int x = 2
  scatter(file in files) {
    Int x = 3
    call my_task {
      Int x = 4
      input: var=x, f=file

my_task will use x=4 to set the value for var in its command line. However, my_task also needs a value for x which is defined at the task level. Since my_task has two inputs (x and var), and only one of those is set in the call my_task declaration, the value for my_task.x still needs to be provided by the user when the workflow is run.

Optional Parameters & Type Constraints

Types can be optionally suffixed with a ? or + in certain cases.

  • ? means that the parameter is optional. A user does not need to specify a value for the parameter in order to satisfy all the inputs to the workflow.
  • + applies only to Array types and it represents a constraint that the Array value must containe one-or-more elements.
task test {
  input {
    Array[File]  a
    Array[File]+ b
    Array[File]? c
    #File+ d <-- can't do this, + only applies to Arrays
  command {
    /bin/mycmd ${sep=" " a}
    /bin/mycmd ${sep="," b}
    /bin/mycmd ${write_lines(c)}

workflow wf {
  call test

If you provided these values for inputs:

var value
wf.test.a ["1", "2", "3"]
wf.test.b []

The workflow engine should reject this because wf.test.b is required to have at least one element. If we change it to:

var value
wf.test.a ["1", "2", "3"]
wf.test.b ["x"]

This would be valid input because wf.test.c is not required. Given these values, the command would be instantiated as:

/bin/mycmd 1 2 3
/bin/mycmd x

If our inputs were:

var value
wf.test.a ["1", "2", "3"]
wf.test.b ["x","y"]
wf.test.c ["a","b","c","d"]

Then the command would be instantiated as:

/bin/mycmd 1 2 3
/bin/mycmd x,y
/bin/mycmd /path/to/c.txt

Prepending a String to an Optional Parameter

Sometimes, optional parameters need a string prefix. Consider this task:

task test {
  input {
    String? val
  command {
    python --val=${val}

Since val is optional, this command line can be instantiated in two ways:

python --val=foobar


python --val=

The latter case is very likely an error case, and this --val= part should be left off if a value for val is omitted. To solve this problem, modify the expression inside the template tag as follows:

python ${"--val=" + val}

Scatter / Gather

The scatter block is meant to parallelize a series of identical tasks but give them slightly different inputs. The simplest example is:

task inc {
  input {
    Int i

  command <<<
  python -c "print(~{i} + 1)"

  output {
    Int incremented = read_int(stdout())

workflow wf {
  Array[Int] integers = [1,2,3,4,5]
  scatter(i in integers) {
    call inc{input: i=i}

Running this workflow (which needs no inputs), would yield a value of [2,3,4,5,6] for While task inc itself returns an Int, when it is called inside a scatter block, that type becomes an Array[Int].

Any task that's downstream from the call to inc and outside the scatter block must accept an Array[Int]:

task inc {
  input {
    Int i

  command <<<
  python -c "print(~{i} + 1)"

  output {
    Int incremented = read_int(stdout())

task sum {
  input {
    Array[Int] ints
  command <<<
  python -c "print(~{sep="+" ints})"
  output {
    Int sum = read_int(stdout())

workflow wf {
  Array[Int] integers = [1,2,3,4,5]
  scatter (i in integers) {
    call inc {input: i=i}
  call sum {input: ints = inc.increment}

This workflow will output a value of 20 for wf.sum.sum. This works because call inc will output an Array[Int] because it is in the scatter block.

However, from inside the scope of the scatter block, the output of call inc is still an Int. So the following is valid:

workflow wf {
  input {
    Array[Int] integers = [1,2,3,4,5]
  scatter(i in integers) {
    call inc {input: i=i}
    call inc as inc2 {input: i=inc.incremented}
  call sum {input: ints = inc2.increment}

In this example, inc and inc2 are being called in serial where the output of one is fed to another. inc2 would output the array [3,4,5,6,7]

Variable Resolution

Inside of expressions, variables are resolved differently depending on if the expression is in a task declaration or a workflow declaration

Task-Level Resolution

Inside a task, resolution is trivial: The variable referenced MUST be a declaration of the task. For example:

task my_task {
  input {
    Array[String] strings
  command {
    python --strings-file=${write_lines(strings)}

Inside of this task, there exists only one expression: write_lines(strings). In here, when the expression evaluator tries to resolve strings, which must be a declaration of the task (in this case it is).

Workflow-Level Resolution

In a workflow, resolution works by traversing the scope heirarchy starting from expression that references the variable.

workflow wf {
  input {
    String s = "wf_s"
    String t = "t"
  call my_task {
    String s = "my_task_s"
    input: in0 = s+"-suffix", in1 = t+"-suffix"

In this example, there are two expressions: s+"-suffix" and t+"-suffix". s is resolved as "my_task_s" and t is resolved as "t".

Computing Inputs

Both tasks and workflows have a typed inputs that must be satisfied in order to run. The following sections describe how to compute inputs for task and workflow declarations.

Computing Task Inputs

Tasks define all their inputs as declarations within the input section. Any non-input declarations are not inputs to the task and therefore cannot be overridden.

task test {
  input {
    Int i
    Float f
  String s = "${i}"

  command {
    ./ -i ${s} -f ${f}

In this example, i, and f are inputs to this task even though i is not directly used in the command section. In comparison, s is an input even though the command line references it.

Computing Workflow Inputs

Workflows have inputs that must be satisfied to run them, just like tasks. Inputs to the workflow are provided as a key/value map where the key is of the form workflow_name.input_name.

  • If a workflow is to be used as a sub-workflow it must ensure that all of the inputs to its calls are satisfied.
  • If a workflow will only ever be submitted as a top-level workflow, it may optionally leave its tasks' inputs unsatisfied. This then forces the engine to additionally supply those inputs at run time. In this case, the inputs' names must be qualified in the inputs as workflow_name.task_name.input_name.

Any declaration that appears outside the input section is considered an intermediate value and not a workflow input. Any declaration can always be moved inside the input block to make it overrideable.

Consider the following workflow:

task t1 {
  input {
    String s
    Int x

  command {
    ./script --action=${s} -x${x}
  output {
    Int count = read_int(stdout())

task t2 {
  input {
    String s
    Int t
    Int x

  command {
    ./script2 --action=${s} -x${x} --other=${t}
  output {
    Int count = read_int(stdout())

task t3 {
  input {
    Int y
    File ref_file # Do nothing with this

  command {
    python -c "print(${y} + 1)"
  output {
    Int incr = read_int(stdout())

workflow wf {
  input {
    Int int_val
    Int int_val2 = 10
    Array[Int] my_ints
    File ref_file

  String not_an_input = "hello"

  call t1 {
    input: x = int_val
  call t2 {
    input: x = int_val, t=t1.count
  scatter(i in my_ints) {
    call t3 {
      input: y=i, ref=ref_file

The inputs to wf would be:

  • wf.t1.s as a String
  • wf.t2.s as a String
  • wf.int_val as an Int
  • wf.my_ints as an Array[Int]
  • wf.ref_file as a File

Note that because some call inputs are left unsatisfied, this workflow could not be used as a sub-workflow. To fix that, additional workflow inputs could be added to pass-through t1.s and t2.s.

Specifying Workflow Inputs in JSON

Once workflow inputs are computed (see previous section), the value for each of the fully-qualified names needs to be specified per invocation of the workflow. Workflow inputs are specified as key/value pairs. The mapping from JSON or YAML values to WDL values is codified in the serialization of task inputs section.

In JSON, the inputs to the workflow in the previous section might be:

  "wf.t1.s": "some_string",
  "wf.t2.s": "some_string",
  "wf.int_val": 3,
  "wf.my_ints": [5,6,7,8],
  "wf.ref_file": "/path/to/file.txt"

It's important to note that the type in JSON must be coercable to the WDL type. For example wf.int_val expects an integer, but if we specified it in JSON as "wf.int_val": "three", this coercion from string to integer is not valid and would result in a coercion error. See the section on Type Coercion for more details.

Type Coercion

WDL values can be created from either JSON values or from native language values. The below table references String-like, Integer-like, etc to refer to values in a particular programming language. For example, "String-like" could mean a in the Java context or a str in Python. An "Array-like" could refer to a Seq in Scala or a list in Python.

WDL Type Can Accept Notes / Constraints
String JSON String
String Identity coercion
File JSON String Interpreted as a file path
String-like Interpreted as file path
String Interpreted as file path
File Identity Coercion
Int JSON Number Use floor of the value for non-integers
Int Identity coercion
Float JSON Number
Float Identity coercion
Boolean JSON Boolean
Boolean Identity coercion
Array[T] JSON Array Elements must be coercable to T
Array-like Elements must be coercable to T
Map[K, V] JSON Object keys and values must be coercable to K and V, respectively
Map-like keys and values must be coercable to K and V, respectively

Standard Library

File stdout()

Returns a File reference to the stdout that this task generated.

File stderr()

Returns a File reference to the stderr that this task generated.

Array[String] read_lines(String|File)

Given a file-like object (String, File) as a parameter, this will read each line as a string and return an Array[String] representation of the lines in the file.

The order of the lines in the returned Array[String] must be the order in which the lines appear in the file-like object.

This task would grep through a file and return all strings that matched the pattern:

task do_stuff {
  input {
    String pattern
    File file
  command {
    grep '${pattern}' ${file}
  output {
    Array[String] matches = read_lines(stdout())

If the entire contents of the file can not be read for any reason, the calling task or workflow will be considered to have failed. Examples of failure include but are not limited to not having access to the file, resource limitations (e.g. memory) when reading the file, and implementation imposed file size limits.

Array[Array[String]] read_tsv(String|File)

the read_tsv() function takes one parameter, which is a file-like object (String, File) and returns an Array[Array[String]] representing the table from the TSV file.

If the parameter is a String, this is assumed to be a local file path relative to the current working directory of the task.

For example, if I write a task that outputs a file to ./results/file_list.tsv, and my task is defined as:

task do_stuff {
  input {
    File file
  command {
    python ${file}
  output {
    Array[Array[String]] output_table = read_tsv("./results/file_list.tsv")

Then when the task finishes, to fulfull the outputs_table variable, ./results/file_list.tsv must be a valid TSV file or an error will be reported.

If the entire contents of the file can not be read for any reason, the calling task or workflow will be considered to have failed. Examples of failure include but are not limted to not having access to the file, resource limitations (e.g. memory) when reading the file, and implementation imposed file size limits.

Map[String, String] read_map(String|File)

Given a file-like object (String, File) as a parameter, this will read each line from a file and expect the line to have the format col1\tcol2. In other words, the file-like object must be a two-column TSV file.

This task would grep through a file and return all strings that matched the pattern:

The following task would write a two-column TSV to standard out and that would be interpreted as a Map[String, String]:

task do_stuff {
  input {
    String flags
    File file
  command {
    ./script --flags=${flags} ${file}
  output {
    Map[String, String] mapping = read_map(stdout())

If the entire contents of the file can not be read for any reason, the calling task or workflow will be considered to have failed. Examples of failure include but are not limted to not having access to the file, resource limitations (e.g. memory) when reading the file, and implementation imposed file size limits.

Object read_object(String|File)

Given a file-like object that contains a 2-row and n-column TSV file, this function will turn that into an Object.

task test {
  command <<<
    python <<CODE
    print('\t'.join(["key_{}".format(i) for i in range(3)]))
    print('\t'.join(["value_{}".format(i) for i in range(3)]))
  output {
    Object my_obj = read_object(stdout())

The command will output to stdout the following:


Which would be turned into an Object in WDL that would look like this:

Attribute Value
key_1 "value_1"
key_2 "value_2"
key_3 "value_3"

If the entire contents of the file can not be read for any reason, the calling task or workflow will be considered to have failed. Examples of failure include but are not limted to not having access to the file, resource limitations (e.g. memory) when reading the file, and implementation imposed file size limits.

Array[Object] read_objects(String|File)

Given a file-like object that contains a 2-row and n-column TSV file, this function will turn that into an Object.

task test {
  command <<<
    python <<CODE
    print('\t'.join(["key_{}".format(i) for i in range(3)]))
    print('\t'.join(["value_{}".format(i) for i in range(3)]))
    print('\t'.join(["value_{}".format(i) for i in range(3)]))
    print('\t'.join(["value_{}".format(i) for i in range(3)]))
  output {
    Array[Object] my_obj = read_objects(stdout())

The command will output to stdout the following:


Which would be turned into an Array[Object] in WDL that would look like this:

Index Attribute Value
0 key_1 "value_1"
key_2 "value_2"
key_3 "value_3"
1 key_1 "value_1"
key_2 "value_2"
key_3 "value_3"
2 key_1 "value_1"
key_2 "value_2"
key_3 "value_3"

If the entire contents of the file can not be read for any reason, the calling task or workflow will be considered to have failed. Examples of failure include but are not limted to not having access to the file, resource limitations (e.g. memory) when reading the file, and implementation imposed file size limits.

mixed read_json(String|File)

the read_json() function takes one parameter, which is a file-like object (String, File) and returns a data type which matches the data structure in the JSON file. The mapping of JSON type to WDL type is:

JSON Type WDL Type
object Map[String, ?]
array Array[?]
number Int or Float
string String
boolean Boolean
null ???

If the parameter is a String, this is assumed to be a local file path relative to the current working directory of the task.

For example, if I write a task that outputs a file to ./results/file_list.json, and my task is defined as:

task do_stuff {
  input {
    File file
  command {
    python ${file}
  output {
    Map[String, String] output_table = read_json("./results/file_list.json")

Then when the task finishes, to fulfull the output_table variable, ./results/file_list.json must be a valid TSV file or an error will be reported.

If the entire contents of the file can not be read for any reason, the calling task or workflow will be considered to have failed. Examples of failure include but are not limted to not having access to the file, resource limitations (e.g. memory) when reading the file, and implementation imposed file size limits.

Int read_int(String|File)

The read_int() function takes a file path which is expected to contain 1 line with 1 integer on it. This function returns that integer.

If the entire contents of the file can not be read for any reason, the calling task or workflow will be considered to have failed.

String read_string(String|File)

The read_string() function takes a file path which is expected to contain 1 line with 1 string on it. This function returns that string.

No trailing newline characters should be included

If the entire contents of the file can not be read for any reason, the calling task or workflow will be considered to have failed. Examples of failure include but are not limted to not having access to the file, resource limitations (e.g. memory) when reading the file, and implementation imposed file size limits.

Float read_float(String|File)

The read_float() function takes a file path which is expected to contain 1 line with 1 floating point number on it. This function returns that float.

If the entire contents of the file can not be read for any reason, the calling task or workflow will be considered to have failed. Examples of failure include but are not limted to not having access to the file, resource limitations (e.g. memory) when reading the file, and implementation imposed file size limits.

Boolean read_boolean(String|File)

The read_boolean() function takes a file path which is expected to contain 1 line with 1 Boolean value (either "true" or "false" on it). This function returns that Boolean value.

If the entire contents of the file can not be read for any reason, the calling task or workflow will be considered to have failed. Examples of failure include but are not limted to not having access to the file, resource limitations (e.g. memory) when reading the file, and implementation imposed file size limits.

File write_lines(Array[String])

Given something that's compatible with Array[String], this writes each element to it's own line on a file. with newline \n characters as line separators.

task example {
  Array[String] array = ["first", "second", "third"]
  command {
    ./script --file-list=${write_lines(array)}

If this task were run, the command might look like:

./script --file-list=/local/fs/tmp/array.txt

And /local/fs/tmp/array.txt would contain:


File write_tsv(Array[Array[String]])

Given something that's compatible with Array[Array[String]], this writes a TSV file of the data structure.

task example {
  Array[String] array = [["one", "two", "three"], ["un", "deux", "trois"]]
  command {
    ./script --tsv=${write_tsv(array)}

If this task were run, the command might look like:

./script --tsv=/local/fs/tmp/array.tsv

And /local/fs/tmp/array.tsv would contain:


File write_map(Map[String, String])

Given something that's compatible with Map[String, String], this writes a TSV file of the data structure.

task example {
  Map[String, String] map = {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}
  command {
    ./script --map=${write_map(map)}

If this task were run, the command might look like:

./script --tsv=/local/fs/tmp/map.tsv

And /local/fs/tmp/map.tsv would contain:


File write_object(Object)

Given any Object, this will write out a 2-row, n-column TSV file with the object's attributes and values.

task test {
  Object input
  command <<<
    /bin/do_work --obj=~{write_object(input)}
  output {
    File results = stdout()

if input were to have the value:

Attribute Value
key_1 "value_1"
key_2 "value_2"
key_3 "value_3"

The command would instantiate to:

/bin/do_work --obj=/path/to/input.tsv

Where /path/to/input.tsv would contain:


File write_objects(Array[Object])

Given any Array[Object], this will write out a 2+ row, n-column TSV file with each object's attributes and values.

task test {
  input {
    Array[Object] in
  command <<<
    /bin/do_work --obj=~{write_objects(in)}
  output {
    File results = stdout()

if in were to have the value:

Index Attribute Value
0 key_1 "value_1"
key_2 "value_2"
key_3 "value_3"
1 key_1 "value_4"
key_2 "value_5"
key_3 "value_6"
2 key_1 "value_7"
key_2 "value_8"
key_3 "value_9"

The command would instantiate to:

/bin/do_work --obj=/path/to/input.tsv

Where /path/to/input.tsv would contain:


File write_json(mixed)

Given something with any type, this writes the JSON equivalent to a file. See the table in the definition of read_json()

task example {
  input {
    Map[String, String] map = {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}
  command {
    ./script --map=${write_json(map)}

If this task were run, the command might look like:

./script --tsv=/local/fs/tmp/map.json

And /local/fs/tmp/map.json would contain:

  "key1": "value1",
  "key2": "value2"

Float size(File, [String])

Given a File and a String (optional), returns the size of the file in Bytes or in the unit specified by the second argument.

task example {
  input {
    File input_file

  command {
    echo "this file is 22 bytes" > created_file

  output {
    Float input_file_size = size(input_file)
    Float created_file_size = size("created_file") # 22.0
    Float created_file_size_in_KB = size("created_file", "K") # 0.022

Supported units are KiloByte ("K", "KB"), MegaByte ("M", "MB"), GigaByte ("G", "GB"), TeraByte ("T", "TB") as well as their binary version "Ki" ("KiB"), "Mi" ("MiB"), "Gi" ("GiB"), "Ti" ("TiB"). Default unit is Bytes ("B").

Acceptable compound input types

Varieties of the size function also exist for the following compound types. The String unit is always treated the same as above. Note that to avoid numerical overflow, very long arrays of files should probably favor larger units.

  • Float size(File?, [String]): Returns the size of the file, if specified, or 0.0 otherwise.
  • Float size(Array[File], [String]): Returns the sum of sizes of the files in the array.
  • Float size(Array[File?], [String]): Returns the sum of sizes of all specified files in the array.

String sub(String, String, String)

Given 3 String parameters input, pattern, replace, this function will replace any occurrence matching pattern in input by replace. pattern is expected to be a regular expression. Details of regex evaluation will depend on the execution engine running the WDL.

Example 1:

  String chocolike = "I like chocolate when it's late"

  String chocolove = sub(chocolike, "like", "love") # I love chocolate when it's late
  String chocoearly = sub(chocolike, "late", "early") # I like chocoearly when it's early
  String chocolate = sub(chocolike, "late$", "early") # I like chocolate when it's early

The sub function will also accept input and replace parameters that can be coerced to a String (e.g. File). This can be useful to swap the extension of a filename for example

Example 2:

task example {
  input {
    File input_file = "my_input_file.bam"
    String output_file_name = sub(input_file, "\\.bam$", ".index") # my_input_file.index
  command {
    echo "I want an index instead" > ${output_file_name}

  output {
    File outputFile = output_file_name

Array[Int] range(Int)

Given an integer argument, the range function creates an array of integers of length equal to the given argument. For example range(3) provides the array: (0, 1, 2).

Array[Array[X]] transpose(Array[Array[X]])

Given a two dimensional array argument, the transpose function transposes the two dimensional array according to the standard matrix transpose rules. For example transpose( ((0, 1, 2), (3, 4, 5)) ) will return the rotated two-dimensional array: ((0, 3), (1, 4), (2, 5)).

Array[Pair[X,Y]] zip(Array[X], Array[Y])

Given any two Object types, the zip function returns the dot product of those Object types in the form of a Pair object.

Pair[Int, String] p = (0, "z")
Array[Int] xs = [ 1, 2, 3 ]
Array[String] ys = [ "a", "b", "c" ]
Array[String] zs = [ "d", "e" ]

Array[Pair[Int, String]] zipped = zip(xs, ys)     # i.e.  zipped = [ (1, "a"), (2, "b"), (3, "c") ]

Array[Pair[X,Y]] cross(Array[X], Array[Y])

Given any two Object types, the cross function returns the cross product of those Object types in the form of a Pair object.

Pair[Int, String] p = (0, "z")
Array[Int] xs = [ 1, 2, 3 ]
Array[String] ys = [ "a", "b", "c" ]
Array[String] zs = [ "d", "e" ]

Array[Pair[Int, String]] crossed = cross(xs, zs) # i.e. crossed = [ (1, "d"), (1, "e"), (2, "d"), (2, "e"), (3, "d"), (3, "e") ]

Integer length(Array[X])

Given an Array, the length function returns the number of elements in the Array as an Integer.

Array[Int] xs = [ 1, 2, 3 ]
Array[String] ys = [ "a", "b", "c" ]
Array[String] zs = [ ]

Integer xlen = length(xs) # 3
Integer ylen = length(ys) # 3
Integer zlen = length(zs) # 0

Array[X] flatten(Array[Array[X]])

Given an array of arrays, the flatten function concatenates all the member arrays in the order to appearance to give the result. It does not deduplicate the elements. Arrays nested more deeply than 2 must be flattened twice (or more) to get down to an unnested Array[X]. For example:

Array[Array[Integer]] ai2D = [[1, 2, 3], [1], [21, 22]]
Array[Integer] ai = flatten(ai2D)   # [1, 2, 3, 1, 21, 22]

Array[Array[File]] af2D = [["/tmp/X.txt"], ["/tmp/Y.txt", "/tmp/Z.txt"], []]
Array[File] af = flatten(af2D)   # ["/tmp/X.txt", "/tmp/Y.txt", "/tmp/Z.txt"]

Array[Array[Pair[Float,String]]] aap2D = [[(0.1, "mouse")], [(3, "cat"), (15, "dog")]]

Array[Pair[Float,String]] ap = flatten(aap2D) # [(0.1, "mouse"), (3, "cat"), (15, "dog")]

The last example (aap2D) is useful because Map[X, Y] can be coerced to Array[Pair[X, Y]].

Array[String] prefix(String, Array[X])

Given a String and an Array[X] where X is a primitive type, the prefix function returns an array of strings comprised of each element of the input array prefixed by the specified prefix string. For example:

Array[String] env = ["key1=value1", "key2=value2", "key3=value3"]
Array[String] env_param = prefix("-e ", env) # ["-e key1=value1", "-e key2=value2", "-e key3=value3"]

Array[Integer] env2 = [1, 2, 3]
Array[String] env2_param = prefix("-f ", env2) # ["-f 1", "-f 2", "-f 3"]

X select_first(Array[X?])

Given an array of optional values, select_first will select the first defined value and return it. Note that this is a runtime check and requires that at least one defined value will exist: if no defined value is found when select_first is evaluated, the workflow will fail.

Array[X] select_all(Array[X?])

Given an array of optional values, select_all will select only those elements which are defined.

Boolean defined(X?)

This function will return false if the argument is an unset optional value. It will return true in all other cases.

String basename(String)

  • This function returns the basename of a file path passed to it: basename("/path/to/file.txt") returns "file.txt".
  • Also supports an optional parameter, suffix to remove: basename("/path/to/file.txt", ".txt") returns "file".

Int floor(Float), Int ceil(Float) and Int round(Float)

  • These functions convert a Float value into an Int by:
    • floor: Round down to the next lower integer
    • ceil: Round up to the next higher integer
    • round: Round to the nearest integer based on standard rounding rules

Data Types & Serialization

Tasks and workflows are given values for their input parameters in order to run. The type of each of those input parameters are declarations on the task or workflow. Those input parameters can be any valid type:

Primitive Types:

  • String
  • Int
  • Float
  • File
  • Boolean

Compound Types:

  • Array
  • Map
  • Object
  • Pair

When a WDL workflow engine instantiates a command specified in the command section of a task, it must serialize all ${...} tags in the command into primitive types.

For example, if I'm writing a tool that operates on a list of FASTQ files, there are a variety of ways that this list can be passed to that task:

  • A file containing one file path per line (e.g. Rscript analysis.R --files=fastq_list.txt)
  • A file containing a JSON list (e.g. Rscript analysis.R --files=fastq_list.json)
  • Enumerated on the command line (e.g. (Rscript analysis.R 1.fastq 2.fastq 3.fastq)

Each of these methods has its merits and one method might be better for one tool while another method would be better for another tool.

On the other end, tasks need to be able to communicate data structures back to the workflow engine. For example, let's say this same tool that takes a list of FASTQs wants to return back a Map[File, Int] representing the number of reads in each FASTQ. A tool might choose to output it as a two-column TSV or as a JSON object and WDL needs to know how to convert that to the proper data type.

WDL provides some standard library functions for converting compound types like Array into primitive types, like File.

When a task finishes, the output section defines how to convert the files and stdout/stderr into WDL types. For example,

task test {
  input {
    Array[File] files
  command {
    Rscript analysis.R --files=${sep=',' files}
  output {
    Array[String] strs = read_lines(stdout())

Here, the expression read_lines(stdout()) says "take the output from stdout, break into lines, and return that result as an Array[String]". See the definition of read_lines and stdout for more details.

Serialization of Task Inputs

Primitive Types

Serializing primitive inputs into strings is intuitively easy because the value is just turned into a string and inserted into the command line.

Consider this example:

task output_example {
  input {
    String s
    Int i
    Float f

  command {
    python ${s} ${i} ${f}

If I provide values for the declarations in the task as:

var value
s "str"
i 2
f 1.3

Then, the command would be instantiated as:

python str 2 1.3

Compound Types

Compound types, like Array and Map must be converted to a primitive type before it can be used in the command. There are many ways to turn a compound types into primitive types, as laid out in following sections

Array serialization

Arrays can be serialized in two ways:

  • Array Expansion: elements in the list are flattened to a string with a separator character.
  • File Creation: create a file with the elements of the array in it and passing that file as the parameter on the command line.
Array serialization by expansion

The array flattening approach can be done if a parameter is specified as ${sep=' ' my_param}. my_param must be declared as an Array of primitive types. When the value of my_param is specified, then the values are joined together with the separator character (a space in this case). For example:

task test {
  input {
    Array[File] bams
  command {
    python --bams=${sep=',' bams}

If passed an array for the value of bams:


Would produce the command python --bams=/path/to/1.bam,/path/to/2.bam,/path/to/1.bam

Array serialization using write_lines()

An array may be turned into a file with each element in the array occupying a line in the file.

task test {
  input {
    Array[File] bams
  command {
    sh ${write_lines(bams)}

if bams is given this array:


Then, the resulting command line could look like:

sh /jobs/564758/bams

Where /jobs/564758/bams would contain:

Array serialization using write_json()

The array may be turned into a JSON document with the file path for the JSON file passed in as the parameter:

task test {
  input {
    Array[File] bams
  command {
    sh ${write_json(bams)}

if bams is given this array:


Then, the resulting command line could look like:

sh /jobs/564758/bams.json

Where /jobs/564758/bams.json would contain:


Map serialization

Map types cannot be serialized on the command line directly and must be serialized through a file

Map serialization using write_map()

The map type can be serialized as a two-column TSV file and the parameter on the command line is given the path to that file, using the write_map() function:

task test {
  input {
    Map[String, Float] sample_quality_scores
  command {
    sh ${write_map(sample_quality_scores)}

if sample_quality_scores is given this Map[String, Float] as:

Key Value
sample1 98
sample2 95
sample3 75

Then, the resulting command line could look like:

sh /jobs/564757/sample_quality_scores.tsv

Where /jobs/564757/sample_quality_scores.tsv would contain:

Map serialization using write_json()

The map type can also be serialized as a JSON file and the parameter on the command line is given the path to that file, using the write_json() function:

task test {
  input {
    Map[String, Float] sample_quality_scores
  command {
    sh ${write_json(sample_quality_scores)}

if sample_quality_scores is given this map:

Key Value
sample1 98
sample2 95
sample3 75

Then, the resulting command line could look like:

sh /jobs/564757/sample_quality_scores.json

Where /jobs/564757/sample_quality_scores.json would contain:

  "sample1": 98,
  "sample2": 95,
  "sample3": 75

Object serialization

An object is a more general case of a map where the keys are strings and the values are of arbitrary types and treated as strings. Objects can be serialized with either write_object() or write_json() functions:

Object serialization using write_object()
task test {
  input {
    Object sample
  command {
    perl ${write_object(sample)}

if sample is provided as:

Attribute Value
attr1 value1
attr2 value2
attr3 value3
attr4 value4

Then, the resulting command line could look like:

perl /jobs/564759/sample.tsv

Where /jobs/564759/sample.tsv would contain:

Object serialization using write_json()
task test {
  input {
    Object sample
  command {
    perl ${write_json(sample)}

if sample is provided as:

Attribute Value
attr1 value1
attr2 value2
attr3 value3
attr4 value4

Then, the resulting command line could look like:

perl /jobs/564759/sample.json

Where /jobs/564759/sample.json would contain:

  "attr1": "value1",
  "attr2": "value2",
  "attr3": "value3",
  "attr4": "value4",

Array[Object] serialization

Array[Object] must guarantee that all objects in the array have the same set of attributes. These can be serialized with either write_objects() or write_json() functions, as described in following sections.

Array[Object] serialization using write_objects()

an Array[Object] can be serialized using write_objects() into a TSV file:

task test {
  input {
    Array[Object] sample
  command {
    perl ${write_objects(sample)}

if sample is provided as:

Index Attribute Value
0 attr1 value1
attr2 value2
attr3 value3
attr4 value4
1 attr1 value5
attr2 value6
attr3 value7
attr4 value8

Then, the resulting command line could look like:

perl /jobs/564759/sample.tsv

Where /jobs/564759/sample.tsv would contain:

Array[Object] serialization using write_json()

an Array[Object] can be serialized using write_json() into a JSON file:

task test {
  input {
    Array[Object] sample
  command {
    perl ${write_json(sample)}

if sample is provided as:

Index Attribute Value
0 attr1 value1
attr2 value2
attr3 value3
attr4 value4
1 attr1 value5
attr2 value6
attr3 value7
attr4 value8

Then, the resulting command line could look like:

perl /jobs/564759/sample.json

Where /jobs/564759/sample.json would contain:

    "attr1": "value1",
    "attr2": "value2",
    "attr3": "value3",
    "attr4": "value4"
    "attr1": "value5",
    "attr2": "value6",
    "attr3": "value7",
    "attr4": "value8"

De-serialization of Task Outputs

A task's command can only output data as files. Therefore, every de-serialization function in WDL takes a file input and returns a WDL type

Primitive Types

De-serialization of primitive types is done through a read_* function. For example, read_int("file/path") and read_string("file/path").

For example, if I have a task that outputs a String and an Int:

task output_example {
  input {
    String param1
    String param2
  command {
    python ${param1} ${param2} --out1=int_file --out2=str_file
  output {
    Int my_int = read_int("int_file")
    String my_str = read_string("str_file")

Both files file_with_int and file_with_uri should contain one line with the value on that line. This value is then validated against the type of the variable. If file_with_int contains a line with the text "foobar", the workflow must fail this task with an error.

Compound Types

Tasks can also output to a file or stdout/stderr an Array, Map, or Object data structure in a two major formats:

  • JSON - because it fits naturally with the types within WDL
  • Text based / TSV - These are usually simple table and text-based encodings (e.g. Array[String] could be serialized by having each element be a line in a file)

Array deserialization

Maps are deserialized from:

  • Files that contain a JSON Array as their top-level element.
  • Any file where it is desirable to interpret each line as an element of the Array.
Array deserialization using read_lines()

read_lines() will return an Array[String] where each element in the array is a line in the file.

This return value can be auto converted to other Array types. For example:

task test {
  command <<<
    python <<CODE
    import random
    for i in range(10):
  output {
    Array[Int] my_ints = read_lines(stdout())

my_ints would contain ten random integers ranging from 0 to 10.

Array deserialization using read_json()

read_json() will return whatever data type resides in that JSON file

task test {
  command <<<
    echo '["foo", "bar"]'
  output {
    Array[String] my_array = read_json(stdout())

This task would assign the array with elements "foo" and "bar" to my_array.

If the echo statement was instead echo '{"foo": "bar"}', the engine MUST fail the task for a type mismatch.

Map deserialization

Maps are deserialized from:

  • Files that contain a JSON Object as their top-level element.
  • Files that contain a two-column TSV file.
Map deserialization using read_map()

read_map() will return an Map[String, String] where the keys are the first column in the TSV input file and the corresponding values are the second column.

This return value can be auto converted to other Map types. For example:

task test {
  command <<<
    python <<CODE
    for i in range(3):
  output {
    Map[String, Int] my_ints = read_map(stdout())

This would put a map containing three keys (key_0, key_1, and key_2) and three respective values (0, 1, and 2) as the value of my_ints

Map deserialization using read_json()

read_json() will return whatever data type resides in that JSON file. If that file contains a JSON object with homogeneous key/value pair types (e.g. string -> int pairs), then the read_json() function would return a Map.

task test {
  command <<<
    echo '{"foo":"bar"}'
  output {
    Map[String, String] my_map = read_json(stdout())

This task would assign the one key-value pair map in the echo statement to my_map.

If the echo statement was instead echo '["foo", "bar"]', the engine MUST fail the task for a type mismatch.

Object deserialization

Objects are deserialized from files that contain a two-row, n-column TSV file. The first row are the object attribute names and the corresponding entries on the second row are the values.

Object deserialization using read_object()

read_object() will return an Object where the keys are the first row in the TSV input file and the corresponding values are the second row (corresponding column).

task test {
  command <<<
    python <<CODE
    print('\t'.join(["key_{}".format(i) for i in range(3)]))
    print('\t'.join(["value_{}".format(i) for i in range(3)]))
  output {
    Object my_obj = read_object(stdout())

This would put an object containing three attributes (key_0, key_1, and key_2) and three respective values (value_0, value_1, and value_2) as the value of my_obj

Array[Object] deserialization

Array[Object] MUST assume that all objects in the array are homogeneous (they have the same attributes, but the attributes don't have to have the same values)

An Array[Object] is deserialized from files that contains at least 2 rows and a uniform n-column TSV file. The first row are the object attribute names and the corresponding entries on the subsequent rows are the values

Object deserialization using read_objects()

read_object() will return an Object where the keys are the first row in the TSV input file and the corresponding values are the second row (corresponding column).

task test {
  command <<<
    python <<CODE
    print('\t'.join(["key_{}".format(i) for i in range(3)]))
    print('\t'.join(["value_{}".format(i) for i in range(3)]))
    print('\t'.join(["value_{}".format(i) for i in range(3)]))
    print('\t'.join(["value_{}".format(i) for i in range(3)]))
  output {
    Array[Object] my_obj = read_objects(stdout())

This would create an array of three identical Objects containing three attributes (key_0, key_1, and key_2) and three respective values (value_0, value_1, and value_2) as the value of my_obj