Fixed Webpack configuration issue in the update to Webpack 4.0.0 (thanks @CodePsy-2001)
- Updated dependencies
- Updated to npm lock file version 2
Phaser Updated to 3.54.0
- Updated dependencies
Added Instructions Scene
- An instruction scene is displayed after the game loads. This needs to be clicked past so that the game has audio focus.
- The end scene wraps around to the main game rather than displaying the instructions again
- Updated dependencies
Added Gamepad Support
- Gamepads are now supported in the Control Manager. Tested with an XBOX360 controller and a flight stick
- Split the Control Manager into the different input types to make it easier to modify
- The build now creates the in the itch directory ready for uploading straight to
- Updated to Phaser 3.52.0
- Updated dependencies
- Made the text screens more robust to multiple play throughs
- Updated README with better instructions
Split the end screen into game end, credits and licenses screens
- Three new display text options, typewriter text, fade in text and plain text
- Animation Manager to handle the Sprite animation setup in one place
- Updated to Phaser 3.51.0
- Updated dependencies
- Fixed Typing issues
Updated to Webpack 5
- npm run build now outputs a for uploading to
- Updated to Webpack 5
- Webpack configuration is now typed with Typescript
- Replaced Snyk with Whitesource Bolt for security validation
- Using Whitesource Renovate for dependency updates. All dependencies are up to date
Added support for resizing the screen size to fit different devices and mobile touch controls.
- Scenes now listen to resize events from Phaser
- Text has now been wrapped in a ScalableText object which handles the scaling. It matches the size and layout on the original screen size.
- A new Class ControlManager now handles all the input from the player and sends events of the actions taking place. This allows the game objects to deal with abstract actions such as "Move Left" which can be mapped onto key presses and touches in the Control Manager.
- The background art now uses Tiles so they repeat.
- Phaser updated to 3.24
- Minor dependency updates
- The Score UI position has been moved to a better place
- Various small fixes recommended by SonarQube
Refactored to make the code more modular and easier to adapt to a new game.
- Rearranged the code into scene folders for a easier to modify layout
- Moved objects out of the main scene into managers. This makes it easier to modify components without affecting the rest of the game and makes better use of TypeScript's checking.
- Changed to event emitting to decouple components. Examples are collisions and coin collecting.
- Shifted the UI to its own scene so it is unaffected by gameplay
- The coin animation now generates the frame names
- Minor dependency updates
- Fixed issue where you could jump off coins. Now you can only jump off the hill.
Added collecting items, credits screen and sound effects
- Coins sprites to collect as an example
- Animation example using sprite sheet
- Sound effect example on coin collision
- Webfont loading in the preloader scene
- Score display using Webfont when coins are collected
- Game end when all the coins are collected
- Credits screen example with fading in text
- Credits scene to Main scene transition example
- Updated to Phaser 3.23.0
- Updated logo image
- Fixed double import - Thanks @rphillips-nz
- Patched webfont security issue with Snyk
Initial version of the template with the goal of being all set up to start a game jam.
- Phaser 3.22.0
- Hot reloading with Webpack and
npm run start
- Production build with Webpack and
npm run build
- Boot loader to setup the Preloader scene with a logo
- Pre loader with examples of loading spritesheets, audio and json
- Customisable loading bar for preloader
- Main scene with playable game example
- User input example controlling a character
- Matter JS physics example with collisions
- Custom Physics shapes using json
- Using images from a spritesheet example
- Example test using Jest
- Linting with ESLint
- Code formatting with Prettier
- Husky validation on commit
- Comments in TSDOC style