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This is the Ruby D-Bus tutorial. It aims to show you the features of Ruby D-Bus and as you read through the tutorial also how to use them.

© Arnaud Cornet and Paul van Tilburg; this tutorial is part of free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.


This is a tutorial for Ruby D-Bus, a library to access D-Bus facilities of your system.

What is D-Bus?

D-Bus is an RPC(Remote Procedure Call) protocol. A common setup can have multiple D-Bus daemons running that route procedure calls and signals in the form of messages. Each of these daemons supports a bus. A bus that is often used by modern desktop environments, and is available per session, is called the session bus. Another bus that can be available, but in a system-wide manner, is called the system bus. It is used for example by the Hardware Abstraction Layer daemon. Note that theoretically the D-Bus RPC protocol can be used without a system or session bus. I never came across any actual use of this though.

At the desktop level, D-Bus allows some components to interact. Typically if you are writing an application or a personal script that wants to interact with your web browser, your music player, or that simply wants to pop-up a desktop notification, D-Bus comes into play.

At the system level, the Hardware Abstraction Layer is a privileged daemon that notifies other software of hardware activities. Typically, if you want to be notified if a CD-ROM has been loaded in, of if you want to explore hardware, the system daemon comes into play.

The D-Bus RPC system is as we will see object oriented.

Buses provide access to services provided in turn by running or ready to run processes. Let me introduce some D-Bus terminology before we discuss the API of Ruby D-Bus.


A D-Bus client is a process that connects to a D-Bus. They issue method calls and register to the bus for signals and events.


A connected client can export some of its objects and let other clients call some of its methods. Such clients typically register a special name like org.freedesktop.Notifications, the service name.

There is slightly different type of service. They are provided by processes that can be launched by a D-Bus daemon on demand. Once they are started by D-Bus they register a service name and behave like another client.

Note that the buses themselves provide the org.freedesktop.DBus service, and provide some features through it.

Object path

An object path is the D-Bus way to specify an object instance address. A service can provide different object instances to the outside world, so that external processes can call methods on each of them. An object path is an address of an instance in a very similar way that the path is an address of a file on a file system. For example: /org/freedesktop/Notification is an object path of an object provided by the org.freedesktop.Notification service

Beware: service names and object paths can, but do not have to be related! You'll probably encounter a lot of cases though, where the object path is a slashed version of the dotted service name.


Classically in an object model, classes can implement interfaces. That is, some method definitions grouped in an interface. This is exactly what a D-Bus interface is as well. In D-Bus interfaces have names. These names must be specified on method calls.

The org.freedesktop.Notification service provides an object instance called /org/freedesktop/Notification. This instance object implements an interface called org.freedesktop.Notifications. It also provides two special D-Bus specific interfaces: org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspect and org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties. Again, object paths, service names, and interface names can be related but do not have to be.

Basically the org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspect has an Introspect method, that returns XML data describing the /org/freedesktop/Notification object interfaces. This is used heavily internally by Ruby D-Bus.


A method is, well, a method in the classical meaning. It's a function that is called in the context of an object instance. Methods have typed parameters and return typed return values.


Signals are simplified method calls that do not have a return value. They do have typed parameters though.


Method calls, method returns, signals, errors: all are encoded as D-Bus messages sent over a bus. They are made of a packet header with source and destination address, a type (method call, method reply, signal) and the body containing the parameters (for signals and method calls) or the return values (for a method return message).


Because D-Bus is typed and dynamic, each message comes with a signature that describes the types of the data that is contained within the message. The signature is a string with an extremely basic language that only describes a data type. You will need to have some knowledge of what a signature looks like if you are setting up a service. If you are just programming a D-Bus client, you can live without knowing about them.

Client Usage

This chapter discusses basic client usage and has the following topics:

Using the library

If you want to use the library, you have to make Ruby load it by issuing:

require 'dbus'

That's all! Now we can move on to really using it...

Connecting to a bus

On a typical system, two buses are running, the system bus and the session bus. The system bus can be accessed by:

bus = DBus::SystemBus.instance

Probably you already have guessed how to access the session bus. This can be done by:

bus = DBus::SessionBus.instance

Performing method calls

Let me continue this example using the session bus. Let's say that I want to access an object of some client on the session bus. This particular D-Bus client provides a service called org.gnome.Rhythmbox. Let me access this service:

rb_service = bus.service("org.gnome.Rhythmbox")

In this example I access the org.gnome.Rhythmbox service, which is provided by the application Rhythmbox. OK, I have a service handle now, and I know that it exports the object "/org/gnome/Rhythmbox/Player". I will trivially access this remote object using:

rb_player = rb_service.object("/org/gnome/Rhythmbox/Player")


Well, that was easy. Let's say that I know that this particular object is introspectable. In real life most of them are. The rb_object object we have here is just a handle of a remote object, in general they are called proxy objects, because they are the local handle of a remote object. It would be nice to be able to make it have methods, and that its methods send a D-Bus call to remotely execute the actual method in another process. Well, instating these methods for a introspectable object is trivial:


And there you go. Note that not all services or objects can be introspected, therefore you have to do this manually! Let me remind you that objects in D-Bus have interfaces and interfaces have methods. Let's now access these methods:

rb_player_iface = rb_player["org.gnome.Rhythmbox.Player"]
puts rb_player_iface.getPlayingUri

As you can see, when you want to call a method on an instance object, you have to get the correct interface. It is a bit tedious, so we have the following shortcut that does the same thing as before:

rb_player.default_iface = "org.gnome.Rhythmbox.Player"
puts rb_player.getPlayingUri

The default_iface= call specifies the default interface that should be used when non existing methods are called directly on a proxy object, and not on one of its interfaces.

Note that the bus itself has a corresponding introspectable object. You can access it with bus.proxy method. For example, you can retrieve an array of exported service names of a bus like this:



Some D-Bus objects provide access to properties. They are accessed by treating a proxy interface as a hash:

nm_iface = network_manager_object["org.freedesktop.NetworkManager"]
enabled = nm_iface["WirelessEnabled"]
puts "Wireless is " + (enabled ? "enabled":"disabled")
puts "Toggling wireless"
nm_iface["WirelessEnabled"] = ! enabled

Calling a method asynchronously

D-Bus is asynchronous. This means that you do not have to wait for a reply when you send a message. When you call a remote method that takes a lot of time to process remotely, you don't want your application to hang, right? Well the asychronousness exists for this reason. What if you dont' want to wait for the return value of a method, but still you want to take some action when you receive it?

There is a classical method to program this event-driven mechanism. You do some computation, perform some method call, and at the same time you setup a callback that will be triggered once you receive a reply. Then you run a main loop that is responsible to call the callbacks properly. Here is how you do it:

rb_player.getPlayingUri do |resp|
	puts "The playing URI is #{resp}"
puts "See, I'm not waiting!"
loop =
loop << bus

This code will print the following:

See, I'm not waiting!
The playing URI is file:///music/papapingoin.mp3

Waiting for a signal

Signals are calls from the remote object to your program. As a client, you set yourself up to receive a signal and handle it with a callback. Then running the main loop triggers the callback. You can register a callback handler as allows:

rb_player.on_signal("elapsedChanged") do |u|
	puts u

More about introspection

There are various ways to inspect a remote service. You can simply call Introspect() and read the XML output. However, in this tutorial I assume that you want to do it using the Ruby D-Bus API.

Notice that you can introspect a service, and not only objects:

rb_service = bus.service("org.gnome.Rhythmbox")
p rb_service.root

This dumps a tree-like structure that represents multiple object paths. In this particular case the output is:

</: {org => {gnome => {Rhythmbox => {Player => ..fdbe625de {},Shell => ..fdbe6852e {},PlaylistManager => ..fdbe4e340 {}}>

Read this left to right: the root node is "/", it has one child node "org", "org" has one child node "gnome", and "gnome" has one child node "Rhythmbox". Rhythmbox has Tree child nodes "Player", "Shell" and "PlaylistManager". These three last child nodes have a weird digit that means it has an object instance. Such object instances are already introspected.

If the prose wasn't clear, maybe the following ASCII art will help you:

				Shell (with object)
				Player (with object)
				PlaylistManager (with object)

Walking the object tree

You can have an object on any node, i.e. it is not limited to leaves. You can access a specific node like this:

rb_player = rb_service.root["org"]["gnome"]["Rhythmbox"]["Player"]
rb_player = rb_service.object("/org/gnome/Rhythmbox/Player")

The difference between the two is that for the first one, rb_service needs to have been introspected. Also the obtained rb_player is already introspected whereas the second rb_player isn't yet.


D-Bus calls can reply with an error instead of a return value. An error is translated to a Ruby exception.

rescue DBus::Error => e
    puts e unless == "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.AlreadyAsleepOrAwake"

Creating a Service

This chapter deals with the opposite side of the basic client usage, namely the creation of a D-Bus service.

Registering a service

Now that you know how to perform D-Bus calls, and how to wait for and handle signals, you might want to learn how to publish some object and interface to provide them to the D-Bus world. Here is how you do that.

As you should already know, D-Bus clients that provide some object to be called remotely are services. Here is how to allocate a name on a bus:

bus = DBus.session_bus
service = bus.request_service("org.ruby.service")

Now this client is know to the outside world as org.ruby.service. Note that this is a request and it can be denied! When it is denied, an exception (DBus::NameRequestError) is thrown.

Exporting an object

Now, let's define a class that we want to export:

class Test < DBus::Object
  # Create an interface.
  dbus_interface "org.ruby.SampleInterface" do
    # Create a hello method in that interface.
    dbus_method :hello, "in name:s, in name2:s" do |name, name2|
      puts "hello(#{name}, #{name2})"

As you can see, we define a Test class in which we define a org.ruby.SampleInterface interface. In this interface, we define a method. The given code block is the method's implementation. This will be executed when remote programs performs a D-Bus call. Now the annoying part: the actual method definition. As you can guess the call

dbus_method :hello, "in name:s, in name2:s" do ...

creates a hello method that takes two parameters both of type string. The :s means "of type string". Let's have a look at some other common parameter types:

  • u means unsigned integer
  • i means integer
  • y means byte
  • (ui) means a structure having a unsigned integer and a signed one.
  • a means array, so that "ai" means array of integers
    • as means array of string
    • a(is) means array of structures, each having an integer and a string.

For a full description of the available D-Bus types, please refer to the D-Bus specification.

Now that the class has been defined, we can instantiate an object and export it as follows:

exported_obj ="/org/ruby/MyInstance")

This piece of code above instantiates a Test object with a D-Bus object path. This object is reachable from the outside world after service.export(exported_obj) is called.

We also need a loop which will read and process the calls coming over the bus:

loop =
loop << bus

Using the exported object

Now, let's consider another program that will access our newly created service:

ruby_service = bus.service("org.ruby.service")
obj = ruby_service.object("/org/ruby/MyInstance")
obj.default_iface = "org.ruby.SampleInterface"
obj.hello("giligiligiligili", "haaaaaaa")

As you can see, the object we defined earlier is automatically introspectable. See also "Basic Client Usage".

Emitting a signal

Let's add some example method so you can see how to return a value to the caller and let's also define another example interface that has a signal.

class Test2 < DBus::Object
  # Create an interface
  dbus_interface "org.ruby.SampleInterface" do
    # Create a hello method in the interface:
    dbus_method :hello, "in name:s, in name2:s" do |name, name2|
      puts "hello(#{name}, #{name2})"
    # Define a signal in the interface:
    dbus_signal :SomethingJustHappened, "toto:s, tutu:u"

  dbus_interface "org.ruby.AnotherInterface" do
    dbus_method :ThatsALongMethodNameIThink, "in name:s, out ret:s" do |name|
      ["So your name is #{name}"] 

Triggering the signal is a easy as calling a method, but then this time on a local (exported) object and not on a remote/proxy object:

exported_obj.SomethingJustHappened("blah", 1)

Note that the ThatsALongMethodNameIThink method is returning a single value to the caller. Notice that you always have to return an array. If you want to return multiple values, just have an array with multiple values.

Replying with an error

To reply to a dbus_method with a D-Bus error, raise a DBus::Error, as constructed by the error convenience function:

raise DBus.error("org.example.Error.SeatOccupied"), "Seat #{seat} is occupied"

If the error name is not specified, the generic org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Failed is used.

raise DBus.error, "Seat #{seat} is occupied"
raise DBus.error