Make sure you've read all the instructions on how to complete the challenges.
Follow along with the daily guide.
For the daily challenges of today, you need to create multiples files. Instead of creating a file, start by creating a folder day_4 and inside create the different files you'll be asked for through the challenges.
Challenge 1 : Create two files called and, create your own type inside and import it in your file. In main, create a public function fun that takes no argument but return a value of your custom type.
Note : Be creative 🌈 -
Challenge 2 : Create a new file called with at least 2 property (specie of type Text, energy of type Nat), import this type in your and create a variable that will store an animal.
Challenge 3 : In create a public function called animal_sleep that takes an Animal and returns the same Animal where the field energy has been increased by 10. Note : As this is a public function of a module, you don't need to make the return type Async !
Challenge 4 : In create a public function called create_animal_then_takes_a_break that takes two parameter : a specie of type Text, an number of energy point of type Nat and returns an animal. This function will create a new animal based on the parameters passed and then put this animal to sleep before returning it ! 💤
Challenge 5 : In, import the type List from the base Library and create a list that stores animal.
Challenge 6 : In : create a function called push_animal that takes an animal as parameter and returns nothing this function should add this animal to your list created in challenge 5. Then create a second functionc called get_animals that takes no parameter but returns an Array that contains all animals stored in the list.
For challenges 7 to 10 : You need to start from a fresh file (call it you cannot use the List module of the base library, the goal is to reimplement some functionnality of arrays.
Challenge 7 : Write a function is_null that takes l of type List<T> and returns a boolean indicating if the list is null . Tips : Try using a switch/case.
Challenge 8 : Write a function last that takes l of type List<T> and returns the optional last element of this list.
Challenge 9 : Write a function size that takes l of type List<T> and returns a Nat indicating the size of this list.
Note : If l is null , this function will return 0. -
Challenge 10 : Write a function get that takes two arguments : l of type List<T> and n of type Nat this function should return the optional value at rank n in the list.
In case you are done with everything. 👇
- Challenge 11 : Write a function reverse that takes l of type List and returns the reversed list.
Good luck 🎉