0.5.3 (2023-06-07)
- 🎸 add possibility to register custom statistics (f2a15b8)
0.5.2 (2023-04-27)
- 🎸 makes method getValues of MetricsHistory public (53c538f)
0.5.1 (2023-03-17)
- 🎸 add new memoized percentileMemo and trendMemo functions (62ff06a)
0.5.0 (2023-02-16)
- 🎸 update to esmj/[email protected] (2def639)
- 🧨 Subscribe method returns subscription object with unsubscribe method.
0.4.0 (2023-02-03)
- 🎸 add trend function to metrcis history (acadc6d)
0.3.0 (2023-01-19)
- 🎸 increase default limit and add new size property (2527f25)
0.2.0 (2022-12-04)
- 🎸 add metrics history (1e321c2)
0.1.1 (2022-11-17)
0.1.0 (2022-11-17)
- 🎸 add metrics history for calculating percentile (958992f)
0.0.5 (2022-09-09)
- 🐛 monitor stop method clear interval (3caf06d)
0.0.4 (2022-09-09)
0.0.3 (2022-09-09)
- 🎸 add process metric (4c6cb06)
- 🐛 impoert path (9307457)
- 🎸 init commit (26b8ef7)