From the following guide follow the first two steps which are listed below:
Create Azure Machine Learning accounts – In this step uncheck ‘create model management account’ the model management account will be created later in the tutorial
Install Azure Machine Learning Workbench on Windows.
Open Azure ML Workbench, then from the menu select File > Open Command prompt, this will open the Azure CLI window. Enter the following commands to install the required python libraries:
- pip install
- conda install pillow
- pip install -U numpy
- pip install configparser
Click on File > New Project
Enter the project details
Project Name: ImageClassificationProject
Project Directory: Default
Workspace: (Select workspace created during the Installation step)
Project Template: Select a blank template
- Download the Image Classification project from Copy all the files from the github project to the new project folder that was created in Azure ML Workbench (Refer to the image below to locate the project folder). For an explanation of the code please refer to tutorial [Enter tutorial details for the INAT tutorial].
Open the project directory (Directory location as shown in the image above). Locate the file 'Config.ini'. Change the 'PATH' variable to a location that you prefer, currently the path points to c:\azure_ml_outputs, if you prefer a different location change the path variable to the desired location
In Azure ML Workbench window choose the first code file ''. This will create an output folder directory on your machine in the location provided and create an environment variable for the folder. Enter the location for the output directory in the 'arguments' field, as show in the screenshot below. Click 'Run'
- Open the folder created in step 2, Inside this folder, locate a folder called 'data' Download and extract the image files from
to the data folder as shown in the image below
- In azure ml workbench select code file '' and click ‘Run After the code has finished running you should see two folders 'train' and 'validation' in the data Folder
Open the train / validation folders, the folders should contain additional folders with image files as shown in the screen shots below
- Next select the code file '' in azure ml workbench and click ‘Run’. Once the code has finished running, check the metadata folder in the azure_ml_outputs folder. You should see the files as shown in the screenshot below
- Next select the code file' and click 'Run'. This code will download the 'ResNet34 ImageNet CNTK model from, which will be used for transfer learning in the next step. After the script has finished running, go to the folder …/azure_ml_outputs/model ensure that the ResNet34 ImageNet has successfully downloaded to this folder
- In azure ml workbench select the code file '' and enter arguments --train in the arguments field and click 'Run' Note: model training will take some time complete. Once the script has finished running check the model folder inside the azure_ml_outputs folder, the following files should be added to the folder
The following steps will illustrate how to create a web service that can be used for classifying images using the model
In Azure ML Workbench run ‘’ script, this will create the schema file required by the webservice to determine the type of input and output. The service_schema.json file will be added to the output folder that was created under Generate Model section, step 2
Select script and enter the path of the folder where you would like to create a directory for deployment in the arguments field (as shown in the screenshot below). Then click ‘Run’. This folder is the location where the script will copy all the files needed to create the web service
After the script has run verify that the following files have been copied to the folder as shown in the image below
In Azure ML Workbench, select File > Open Command Prompt (also referred to as the Azure Machine Learning Workbench CLI window, or CLI window for short)
In the Command prompt /CLI window navigate to the folder created for deployment (refer to step 2)
cd c:\azure_ml_deploy
example: the above command will open the folder c:\azure_ml_deploy
- In the command prompt enter the following commands to register the environment provider
az provider register -n Microsoft.MachineLearningCompute
az provider register -n Microsoft.ContainerRegistry
az provider register -n Microsoft.ContainerService
To check if the environment providers have installed correctly enter the following commands:
az provider show -n Microsoft.MachineLearningCompute
az provider show -n Microsoft.ContainerRegistry
az provider show -n Microsoft.ContainerService
- Next step is to create an ACS cluster (which may take 10-20 minutes to be completely provisioned). Enter the following command to provision an ACS cluster
Azure CLI commands: (sets up an ACS cluster in the eastus2 region named amldeployment) The format of the command is as follows:
az ml env setup --cluster -n [your environment name] -l [Azure region e.g. eastus2] [-g [resource group]]
az ml env setup --cluster -n amldeployment -l eastus2 -g amldeploymentrg
To see if the cluster environment is setup run the following command
az ml env show -g amldeploymentrg -n amldeployment
While the environment is being created you will get the following message
"Cluster Name": "amldeployment",
"Cluster Size": 2,
"Created On": "2018-01-16T05:54:58.251Z",
"Location": "eastus2",
"Provisioning State": "Creating",
"Resource Group": "amldeploymentrg",
"Subscription": "c9726640-cf74-4111-92f5-0d1c87564b9
The provisioning state variable will show that the cluster environment is still in the process of being created. Wait 10-20 mins then run the command again, you should see the following output if cluster environment was successfully created
"Cluster Name": "amldeployment",
"Cluster Size": 2,
"Created On": "2018-01-16T05:54:58.251Z",
"Location": "eastus2",
"Provisioning State": "Succeeded",
"Resource Group": "amldeploymentrg",
"Subscription": "c9726640-cf74-4111-92f5-0d1c87564b93"
- Once the cluster has been provisioned successfully, set the environment to the cluster that was just created using the following command
az ml env set -g amldeploymentrg -n amldeployment
After running the above command you should see the following output
Kubectl dashboard started for cluster at this endpoint:
Compute set to amldeployment
- Then switch from the local to the cluster using the following command
az ml env cluster
You may get a prompt that says ‘Continue with this subscription (Y/n)?’ enter ‘y’ for yes After running the above command, you should see the following message in the command window
Now running in cluster mode
Next create a model management account using the following command: Note: the format of the command is as follows:
az ml account modelmanagement create -l [Azure region, e.g. eastus2] -n [your account name] -g [resource group name] --sku-instances [number of instances, e.g. 1] --sku-name [Pricing tier for example S1]
az ml account modelmanagement create -l eastus2 -n modelmanageac -g amldeploymentrg --sku-instances 1 --sku-name DevTest
- To select the newly created model management account run the following command
az ml account modelmanagement set -n modelmanageac -g amldeploymentrg
Create the web service service (this can take 10-20 minutes), by running the following command:
Note: The script file contains the code for the service, for running the prediction on the model and also for generating the input schema for the service
az ml service create realtime -c conda_dependencies.yml -f -s service_schema.json -n imgclassapi -v -r python -d id2label --model-file resnet34-inat.model
The following switches are used with the az ml service create realtime command:
• -n: The app name, which must be all lowercase. • -f: The scoring script file name. • --model-file: The model file. In this case, it's the pickled model.pkl file. • -s: The schema file that contains the schema for the input data to the web service • -r: The type of model. In this case, it's a Python model. • -c: Path to the conda dependencies file where additional packages are specified
In part 2 of this tutorial, you will need the following: • Service End point URL • Primary Key
- Navigate to Click ‘All resources’ in the left hand menu and search for the modelmanagement account ‘modelmanageac’. Then open modelmanageac
- Next select ‘Model Management’ under application settings. Then select ‘Services’. Then select the ‘imgclassapi’ service. The next window contains the end point url and primary and secondary keys