Here are some ideas of bots and what one could use to create them.
A bot that when given an operation it solves it. e.g.
the bot should respond
if the mesage does not match <number><operation><number>
then it should say:
I am sorry <username>, I cannot calculate that :(
Have the bot ask a question. e.g.
How old is the Python programming language?
then using Kik keyboard or Telegram Keyboards one can provide the answer options. e.g.
"options":["2 years", "8 years", "12 years", "26 years"]
It will ask the question until you get it correctly.
Advanced version, will ask new question when you get this one correctly.
Get inspired by Watson Services! Check out the CodeAcademy class Learn the Watson API and use that to combine AI and your bot!
What else would you do with a chat bot?