Releases: lucide-icons/lucide
Releases · lucide-icons/lucide
Typescript support and new Icons
Codebase Changes 👨🏽💻
- Moved the regular
package to thepackages
directory. - Switched to yarn workspaces, most of the devDependencies are now shared.
- IconNodes are now reduced in size, I removed duplicated code (svg tag and, our default attributes), they moved to svg create function.
- Typescript support for
, thanks to @FPDK - Typescript support for
, thanks to @SMAH1 - Replaced
with svgson - Removed the build to
directory step, so code will be kept in thesrc
directory, easier for testing. This is for all the packages.
Breaking changes 🚨
- SVGs are not included anymore in the regular
NPM package to reduce package size, we will create a new package calledlucide-static
, for SVGs and font files to replace this.
New icons 🎨
(#198) by @mittalyashualarm-minus
(#262) by @ericfennisalarm-plus
(#262) by @ericfennisasterisk
(#196) by @mittalyashubanknote
(#272) by @ericfennisbell-minus
(#202) by @mittalyashubell-plus
(#202) by @mittalyashubinary
(#203) by @mittalyashubitcoin
(#272) by @ericfennisclipboard-list
(#240) by @mittalyashucloud-hail
(#246) by @ericfenniscloud-rain-wind
(#246) by @ericfennisdroplets
(#248) by @Andretoeuro
(#272) by @ericfennisfile-input
(#272) by @ericfennisfile-output
(#272) by @ericfennisgit-branch-plus
(#182) by @mittalyashuglobe-2
(#178) by @mittalyashuhaze
(#247) by @ericfennishistory
(#188) by @ericfennisimage-minus
(#191) by @mittalyashuimage-plus
(#174) by @ericfennisindian-rupee
(#272) by @ericfennisinspect
(#209) by @mittalyashujersey-pound
(#272) by @ericfennisloader-2
(#229) by @mittalyashumouse-pointer-click
(#216) by @mittalyashuoption
(#225) by @mittalyashupencil
(#174) by @ericfennispodcast
(#174) by @ericfennispound-sterling
(#272) by @ericfennisradio-receiver
(#190) by @ericfennisregex
(#213) by @mittalyashurepeat-1
(#187) by @ericfennisrussian-ruble
(#272) by @ericfennisshield-alert
(#208) by @mittalyashushield-check
(#208) by @mittalyashushield-close
(#208) by @mittalyashusigma
(#197) by @mittalyashuswiss-franc
(#272) by @ericfennisthermometer-snowflake
(#259) by @ericfennisthermometer-sun
(#259) by @ericfennistv-2
(#189) by @ericfenniswallet
(#193) by @mittalyashuwebcam
(#174) by @ericfennis
Modified Icons 🔨
(#195) by @mittalyashuarrow-big-left
(#195) by @mittalyashuarrow-big-right
(#195) by @mittalyashuarrow-big-up
(#195) by @mittalyashubell-off
(#200) by @mittalyashucloud-drizzle
(#246) by @ericfenniscloud-lightning
(#246) by @ericfenniscloud-off
(#246) by @ericfenniscloud-rain
(#246) by @ericfenniscloud-snow
(#246) by @ericfenniscloud
(#246) by @ericfennisdownload-cloud
(#271) by @ericfennisinfinity
(#195) by @mittalyashulanguages
(#232) by @mittalyashuredo
(#257) by @ericfennisserver-crash
(#195) by @mittalyashusprout
(#195) by @mittalyashusun
(#247) by @ericfennissunrise
(#247) by @ericfennissunset
(#247) by @ericfennisthermometer
(#259) by @ericfennisundo
(#257) by @ericfennisupload-cloud
(#271) by @ericfennis
Hotfix lucide-react, update PropTypes.
Updated propTypes lucide-react
Proptypes are now the same as in the documentation.
PropTypes changes:
➡️ strokeWidth
New package: Lucide Vue, and a lot of new icons.
New Package: lucide-vue
A package for using Lucide icons in your Vue project.
Currently only for v2.6 of Vue.
New icons 🎨
(#198) by @mittalyashualarm-minus
(#198) by @mittalyashualarm-plus
(#198) by @mittalyashuasterisk
(#196) by @mittalyashubell-minus
(#202) by @mittalyashubell-plus
(#202) by @mittalyashubinary
(#203) by @mittalyashugit-branch-plus
(#182) by @mittalyashuglobe-2
(#178) by @mittalyashuhistory
(#188) by @ericfennisimage-minus
(#191) by @mittalyashuimage-plus
(#174) by @ericfennisinspect
(#209) by @mittalyashuoption
(#225) by @mittalyashupencil
(#174) by @ericfennispodcast
(#174) by @ericfennisradio-receiver
(#190) by @ericfennisregex
(#213) by @mittalyashurepeat-1
(#187) by @ericfennisshield-alert
(#208) by @mittalyashushield-check
(#208) by @mittalyashushield-close
(#208) by @mittalyashusigma
(#197) by @mittalyashutv-2
(#189) by @ericfenniswallet
(#193) by @mittalyashuwebcam
(#174) by @ericfennis
Modified Icons 🔨
(#195) by @mittalyashuarrow-big-left
(#195) by @mittalyashuarrow-big-right
(#195) by @mittalyashuarrow-big-up
(#195) by @mittalyashubell-off
(#200) by @mittalyashuinfinity
(#195) by @mittalyashuserver-crash
(#195) by @mittalyashusprout
(#195) by @mittalyashu
Optimized Icons and new Icons!
New icons 🎨
by @lscheibelserver-off
by @yukosgitiserver-crash
by @mittalyashuarrow-big-down
by @Andretoarrow-big-left
by @Andretoarrow-big-right
by @Andretoarrow-big-up
by @Andretoinfinity
by @mittalyashusprout
by @neelchanda & @ericfennisgrab
by @ericfennispointer
by @ericfennis
Refactored icons 🔨
by @ericfennisrefresh-cw
by @ericfennisrepeat
by @ericfennisrotate-ccw
by @ericfennisrotate-cw
by @ericfennis
Code optimizations ⚡
- optimized icons by @csandman
- github workflows for releases by @ericfennis
Several new icons!
New icons 🎨
by @ahtohbi4laptop-2
by @ericfennishand
by @ericfennisqr-code
by @ericfennismonitor-off
by @yukosgitipalette
by @ericfennislocate
by @csandmanlocate-fixed
by @csandmancrown
by @ahtohbi4timer
by @ahtohbi4brush
by @delnynbike
by @ahtohbi4bus
by @ahtohbi4car
by @ahtohbi4truck
by @ahtohbi4
Code optimizations
- better optimize script by @csandman
- minor fixes and structure changes in repo
New icons: files, tools, text-edit, chemical and more.
New icons 🎨
- album
- clover
- indent
- outdent
- file-check
- file-check-2
- file-code
- file-digit
- file-minus
- file-minus-2
- file-plus
- file-plus-2
- file-search
- file-text
- file-x
- file-x-2
- file
- files
- pippette
- flask-conical
- flask-round
- axe
- beaker
- gavel
- hammer
- shovel
- ruler
- hard-hat
Icons Refactored 🔨
- align-center
- align-justify
- align-left
- align-right
- camera-off
- menu
- gauge
- highlighter
- tool -> wrench