Ethdeploy is a system that allows for cloud based 'staging' or 'development' environments for blockchains. The actual service is in private beta. Its simply an easy way for people to have a private Ethereum blockchain, since Ropsten Test network can be unstable at times. It is written in Go with a pure JS frontend. It requires Kubernetes to run, older builds supported Nomad but that is no longer supported.
This project is only lightly updated, as we are currently focused on dAppChain tech. The code is licensed under GPLv3.
Simple Rest API using gin(framework) & gorm(orm) server runs at http://localhost:8080
glide install
mysql -u root -p -e "create database loom"
go get
For Local Development
Install hot reload server
go get fresh
Without hot reloading
LOG_LEVEL=debug BETA_MODE=true INVITE_MODE=false go run main.go
With hot reloading
asset pipeline
gulp #to compile it once
gulp watch #to do autoreload
Beta mode disables security and opens all features even just uncompleted ones
Invite mode requires people to be whitelisted before they can login
to get public/private keys
curl -XPOST localhost:8081/_loom/accounts
to make web3 requests
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"web3_clientVersion","params":[],"id":67}' localhost:8081/
###to run in fresh
first time
mkdir -p tmp
rm -rf tmp/testrpc ; true
cd tmp
git clone
cd testrpc
git checkout save-keys
cd ..
cd ..
after that
fresh -c proxy_runner.conf
PRIVATE_KEY_JSON_PATH=tmp/testrpc/data.json SPAWN_NETWORK="/usr/local/bin/node tmp/testrpc/build/cli.node.js" PRE_KILL=true go run cmd/rpc_proxy/rpc_proxy.go