- Download this repo as a zip. Unzip to the desktop.
- Login to the test LMS (provided in lab) as the username "testadmin" (password supplied in the lab).
- Click on the admin cog, and select "Manage Extensibility".
- Within "Id Key Authorization", select "Register an App".
- Give the application a name, and set the trusted url to "https://apitesttool.desire2learnvalence.com".
- Register the application.
- Click to show the application key, and copy both the application ID, and application Key into the file "ApiDemoApplication.exe.config", within the executable directory, as applicationId and applicationKey respectively.
- In another browser tab, open the api test tool at "https://apitesttool.desire2learnvalence.com".
- Enter the supplied lms domain for Host, 443 for port, and the application id and key generated previously.
- Click authenticate and follow through prompt by clicking "continue".
- New fields "User Id" and "User Key" should be revealed in the api test tool UI. These are going to be our keys for our application's service user.
- Copy the user id and key to "ApiDemoApplication.exe.config" as serviceUserId and serviceUserKey respectively.
- Enter the supplied lms domain under lmsUrl in "ApiDemoApplication.exe.config".
- Open the file user.json and enter some details for a test user.
- Open the file course.json and enter some details for a test course.
- Run the application ApiDemoApplication.exe.
- Return to the browser tab where you are logged into the LMS. Use course search to find the course, and browse the classlist to confirm the user is enrolled.