Assume you have access to Bluemix.
cf api
cf login
cf push acmeair-nodejs --no-start -c "node app.js"
Note that "acmeair-nodejs" is the application name and will be used for the hostname of the application. It needs to be unique so many need to add an
identifies to it to make it unique. You could use the initials of your name.
cf create-service mongodb 100 acmeairMongo
cf create-service cloudantNoSQLDB Shared acmeairCL
Note: use the content from document/DDL/cloudant.ddl to create database and define search index
cf bind-service acmeair-nodejs acmeairMongo
cf bind-service acmeair-nodejs acmeairCL
cf start acmeair-nodejs
cf push acmeair-authservice --no-start -c "node authservice-app.js"
Again, "acmeair-authservice" needs to be unique.
Now that the authentication service is running, you can configure the web application to use it by setting the following user defined environment
variable stopping the application first
cf stop acmeair-nodejs
cf set-env acmeair-nodejs AUTH_SERVICE
cf set-env acmeair-nodejs enableHystrix true
cf start acmeair-authservice
cf start acmeair-nodejs
Now go to and login. That login uses the authentication microservice.
You can run the Hystrix Dashboard in Bluemix as well. To deploy the Hystrix dashboard, you need to download the WAR file for the dashboard. You
can find a link to the download here: The following CF CLI command will deploy
the Hystrix dashboard to Bluemix:
cf push acmeair-hystrix -p hystrix-dashboard-1.4.5.war
At the time of this writing, the latest version of the WAR file was 1.4.5. Make sure you get the latest version. Note that as before, "acmeair-hystrix" needs
to be unique. The WAR file will get deployed to the Liberty for Java runtime in Bluemix. Once the hystrix dashboard app is running, you will be able to
access the dashboard using the following route:
To monitor the Acme Air authentication service, you need to monitor the following hystrix event stream:
Specify that stream on the Hystrix Dashboard home page and click the Monitor.