Helper to install Kubernetes clusters, based on kind, on any Linux system. Allow to easily setup:
- mono or multi-nodes development clusters
- use of Calico CNI
- use of an insecure private registry
Can be used for runners launched by a CI/CD platform, including Github Action
Support kind-v0.20.0
and k8s-v1.25+
go install[email protected]
# Install kind
ktbx install kind
# Run a single node k8s cluster with kind
ktbx create -s
# Run a 3 nodes k8s cluster with kind
ktbx create
# Run a k8s cluster with Calico CNI
ktbx create -c calico
# Delete the kind cluster
ktbx delete
An optional configuration file, for more advanced tuning, can be created in $HOME/.ktbx/config
. The project provides a documented example of this file.
ktbx simplifies the installation of kubectl, OLM, ArgoCD, and Argo Workflows in any Kubernetes cluster where users have appropriate access rights. Streamline your Kubernetes tool setup with ktbx, saving time and ensuring consistency across environments.
# Install kubectl
ktbx install kubectl
# Install OLM
ktbx install olm
# Install argoCD
ktbx install argocd
# Install argo-workflows
ktbx install argowf
# Install helm
ktbx install helm
# Install telepresence
ktbx install telepresence
launches on user worstation an interactive container packed with essential sysadmin tools for Kubernetes, including k9s
, auto-completion
, kubens
, kubectx
, rbac-tool
, and aliases. Simplify Kubernetes management with ktbx's comprehensive toolset.
# Launch k8s-toolbox desktop
ktbx desk
# Example: audit cluster authorizations
{user@k8s-toolbox:~} rbac-tool analysis
# install bash-completion
sudo apt-get install bash-completion
# Add the completion script to your .bashrc file
echo 'source <(ktbx completion bash)' >>~/.bashrc
# Apply changes
source ~/.bashrc
Create a Github repository for a given application, for example:<GITHUB_ACCOUNT>/<GITHUB_REPOSITORY>
Enable Github Action by creating file .github/workflow/itests.yaml
, based on template below:
name: "Install k8s cluster"
- master
name: Install k8s
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v2
fetch-depth: 0
- uses: actions/setup-go@v3
go-version: '^1.20.3'
- name: Create k8s/kind cluster
run: |
go install
ktbx create -s
ktbx install kubectl
# Optional
- name: Install olm and argocd operators
run: |
ktbx install olm
ktbx install argocd
# Optional
- name: Install argo-workflows
run: |
ktbx install argowf
- name: Install and test application
run: |
kubectl create deployment my-nginx --image=nginx
kubectl expose deployment my-nginx --port=80