- Sapper
- Firebase Auth with rxfire
- Firestore with rxfire
- Firebase Hosting
- Firebase Functions
- Tailwind CSS with PurgeCSS
cat src/firebase/config.js
- Auth: Enable Google and/or Facebook login
- Cloud Firestore: Create 2 collections
. Rules are infirestore.rules
# Terminal 1
yarn watch:tailwind
# Terminal 2
yarn dev
Open up localhost:3000
This starter project was inspired by/builds on the following projects
- https://github.com/sveltecasts/009-sapper-firestore (For Firestore setup)
- https://github.com/drejohnson/sapper-graphql-firebase (For rxjs/rxfire setup)
- https://github.com/codechips/sapper-with-postcss-and-tailwind (For postcss setup)