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154 lines (106 loc) · 7.18 KB

File metadata and controls

154 lines (106 loc) · 7.18 KB


Hello, World! {: #hello }

# Hello, World!


## Hello, reveal-md!

這裡用 Docker 示範:

$ alias reveal-md="docker run --rm -v \${PWD}:/slides webpronl/reveal-md:latest"
$ reveal-md /slides/ --static /slides/_static
❏ node_modules/reveal.js/css → /slides/_static/css
❏ node_modules/reveal.js/js → /slides/_static/js
❏ node_modules/reveal.js/plugin → /slides/_static/plugin
❏ node_modules/reveal.js/lib → /slides/_static/lib
❏ node_modules/highlight.js/styles/zenburn.css → /slides/_static/css/highlight/zenburn.css
★ /slides/_static/hello.html
∞ /slides/_static/hello.html → /slides/_static/index.html
Wrote static site to /slides/_static

$ ls -l _static/
total 8
drwxr-xr-x   8 jeremykao  wheel   256 Feb 29 14:48 css
-rw-r--r--@  1 jeremykao  wheel  2309 Feb 29 14:48 hello.html
lrwxrwxrwx   1 jeremykao  wheel    26 Feb 29 14:48 index.html -> /slides/_static/hello.html
drwxr-xr-x   3 jeremykao  wheel    96 Feb 29 14:48 js
drwxr-xr-x   5 jeremykao  wheel   160 Feb 29 14:48 lib
drwxr-xr-x  11 jeremykao  wheel   352 Feb 29 14:48 plugin

$ open _static/hello.html

新手上路 {: #getting-started }

安裝設置 {: #setup }


reveal-md --static --static-dirs=assets Providing a directory will result in a stand-alone overview page with links to the presentations (similar to a directory listing):

reveal-md dir/ --static Additional --absolute-url and --featured-slide parameters could be used to generate OpenGraph metadata enabling more attractive rendering for slide deck links when shared in some social sites.

reveal-md --static _site --absolute-url --featured-slide 5

reveal-md CLI {: #cli }

$ reveal-md --help
Usage: cli <> [options]

See for more details.

  -V, --version                               output the version number
      --title <title>                         Title of the presentation
  -s, --separator <separator>                 Slide separator [default: 3 dashes (---) surrounded by two blank lines]
  -S, --vertical-separator <separator>        Vertical slide separator [default: 4 dashes (----) surrounded by two blank lines]
  -t, --theme <theme>                         Theme [default: black]
      --highlight-theme <theme>               Highlight theme [default: zenburn]
      --css <files>                           CSS files to inject into the page
      --scripts <files>                       Scripts to inject into the page
      --assets-dir <dirname>                  Defines assets directory name [default: _assets]
      --preprocessor <script>                 Markdown preprocessor script
      --template <filename>                   Template file for reveal.js
      --listing-template <filename>           Template file for listing
      --print [filename]                      Print to PDF file
      --static [dir]                          Export static html to directory [_static]. Incompatible with --print.
      --static-dirs <dirs>                    Extra directories to copy into static directory. Only used in conjunction with --static.
  -w, --watch                                 Watch for changes in markdown file and livereload presentation
      --disable-auto-open                     Disable auto-opening your web browser
      --host <host>                           Host [default: localhost]
      --port <port>                           Port [default: 1948]
      --featured-slide <num>                  Capture snapshot from this slide (numbering starts from 1) and use it as og:image for static build. Defaults to first slide. Only used with --static.
      --absolute-url <url>                    Define url used for hosting static build. This is included in OpenGraph metadata. Only used with --static.
      --print-size                            Paper size to use in exported PDF files
      --puppeteer-launch-args <args>          Customize how Puppeteer launches Chromium. The arguments are specified as a space separated list (for example --puppeteer-launch-args="--no-sandbox --disable-dev-shm-usage"). Needed for some CI setups.
      --puppeteer-chromium-executable <path>  Customize which Chromium executable puppeteer will launch. Allows to use a globally installed version of Chromium.
  -h, --help                                  output usage information


$ alias reveal-md="docker run --rm -v \${PWD}:/slides webpronl/reveal-md:latest"


  • Docker - webpro/reveal-md: reveal.js on steroids! Get beautiful reveal.js presentations from any Markdown file

    You can use Docker to run this tool without needing Node.js installed on your machine. Run the public Docker image, providing your markdown slides as a volume. A few examples:

    docker run --rm -p 1948:1948 -v <path-to-your-slides>:/slides webpronl/reveal-md:latest
    docker run --rm -p 1948:1948 -v <path-to-your-slides>:/slides webpronl/reveal-md:latest --help

    The service is now running at http://localhost:1948.

  • reveal-md/Dockerfile at master · webpro/reveal-md

    WORKDIR /app
    ENTRYPOINT [ "node", "bin/reveal-md.js" ]
    CMD [ "/slides" ]

    預設參數為 /slides 但 CWD 卻在 /app 的安排很特別,會造成幾個問題:

    $ docker run ... -v <path-to-your-slides>:/slides webpronl/reveal-md:latest --static _site
    • /app 下找不到
    • Static website 產生在 /app/_site,但掛進去的 volume 是在 /slides 對不起來。


    $ docker run ... -v <path-to-your-slides>:/slides webpronl/reveal-md:latest /slides/ --static slides/_site
  • webpronl/reveal-md - Docker Hub #ril

參考資料 {: #reference }

