- 多人即時編輯。
- 支援 MathJax 與各式圖表,包括 Sequence Diagram、Flowchart、Graphviz 等。
- 只支援 title 的搜尋?
- 頁面間的連結要靠 URL? 但畢章 HackMD 不把自己定位在 Wiki
HackMD - Collaborative markdown notes #ril
- Build a community with open collaboration.
Features - HackMD #ril
Share Notes
If you want to share an EDITABLE note, just copy the URL.
預設拿到 URL 的人就 editable (甚至不用登入),聽起來有點危險?不過反正都可以看到內容,好像也沒什麼差別。從另一個角度來想,有 URL 就可以請別人一起共編,其實也滿方便的,少了註冊登入的門檻。
If you want to share a read-only note, simply press publish button and copy the URL.
Permissions - Features - HackMD #ril
- 圖片自動上傳到 imgur 好嗎?
- 沒有資料夾/群組的概念,每份文件的存取限制都要個別設定。
- 分享 editable 與 read-only 的差別在 URL,若 editable link 流出去就無法限制?
Make Presentation Slides with HackMD - HackMD
- HackMD integrates reveal.js so we can easily make a deck of presentation slides within a markdown note.
Separating Slides
It takes THREE LINES to separate slides: an empty line, three dashes, and another empty line.
💡 Hint: The most common mistake in making a slide deck is overlooking the empty lines either before the dashes or after the dashes. We need both empty lines to separate the slides!
Slide Modes
We can choose Slide Mode from the “Mode” dropdown (by default showing View Mode) in the sharing menu at top right corner, and hit “Preview” to see your slide.
Overview Mode
When we are in the slide mode, we can press the key on the keyboard and we will see the overview of all slides.
We can then use the keyboard ⬅️ ⬆️ ⬇️ ➡️ to select which slide we want to jump to before hitting or .
Speaker Mode
When we are in the slide mode, we can press the
key on the keyboard and we will see a pop-up speaker window, which shows the next slide and time we’ve spent.
SECTIONING allows us to skip or dive into some slides without breaking the flow.
For example, if you are presenting with the slide-example, you can skip (or dive into) the section of the first slide, depending on your time remaining and your audience (see below image).
原來切 section 有這個用意,視情況 (時間、聽眾) 決定要不要展開細節。
So how do we make a section? With an empty line, FOUR dashes, and another empty line.
# Title Slide --- # The second slide ---- ## The second slide (also technically the third slide) now belongs to the section of the first slide.
Recap: REGULAR SLIDES are separated by a leading
<empty line> --- <empty line>
and SECTION SLIDES by a leading<empty line> ---- <empty line>
.💡 Hint: If we want to use a regular slide after a SUB SLIDE in a section, use the three dashes separator.
Export slides to PDF format
Scroll the page to the bottom in slide mode, you can find the print icon like this :
Click on it to enter Printing mode, and use browser built-in Print to PDF feature to export your slides.
Advanced Usage: Customizing the Entire Deck -- Basic YAML header
We can customize the slide options using the YAML header in the slide markdown. For example:
--- title: Example Slide tags: presentation slideOptions: theme: solarized transition: 'fade' # parallaxBackgroundImage: 'https://s3.amazonaws.com/hakim-static/reveal-js/reveal-parallax-1.jpg' ---
make sure to have TWO SPACES only at the start of the listed slide options.
As in all yaml header, we can comment out options with a
Advanced Usage: Customizing individual slides
custom background image:
--- <!-- .slide: data-background="https://s3.amazonaws.com/hakim-static/reveal-js/reveal-parallax-1.jpg" --> #### testslide ---
Advanced Usage: Spotlight mode
Forgot your laser pointer at home, or cannot use a pointer in an online meeting? Enable the SPOTLIGHT MODE in YAML frontmatter like below:
確實,雷射筆在 online meeting 派不上用場。
--- slideOptions: spotlight: enabled: true ---
When the spotlight is enabled, HOLD YOUR MOUSE LEFT KEY will keep the spotlight on.
透過觸控板操作時也一樣,按下觸控板時 spotlight 才會出現。
💡 Hint: When spotlight is on, you need to use arrow keys ⬅️⬆️⬇️➡️ to navigate slides.
Advanced Usage: Slide Timer
Want to keep track of the time without constantly checking your watch?
Enable the slide timer in YAML frontmatter:
--- slideOptions: allottedMinutes: 5 # Minutes alloted for a slide. ---
A red progress bar will be shown above the blue progress bar, which indicates the ELAPSED TIME. You can track progress by it in your presentation. 🏃