- google-auth — google-auth 1.5.1 documentation
- Provides the ability to authenticate to Google APIs using VARIOUS METHODS. It also provides integration with several HTTP libraries.
- 從 Support for Google ... credentials 看來,各平台驗證的方式都不太一樣,但就技術上而言都是要帶一些 HTTP headers,而這個 library 都將其視為概念上的 credentials。
- User Guide — google-auth 1.5.1 documentation 先取 credentials,再 make authenticated requests #ril
是識別 application/user 的手段,可以從 service account 或 user account 取得。- 根據 service account 取得的 credentials 用於 server-to-server use case,例如存取資料庫,這個 library 主要用來取得 service account credentials。
- 根據 user account 取得 credentials,要尋問使用者的意思 (asking the user to authorize access to their data),用於 application 需要存取另一個服務中的 user data (例如 Google Drive 中的文件)。但最後又說 "provides no support for obtaining user credentials"??
- User Guide — google-auth 1.5.1 documentation 先取 credentials,再 make authenticated requests #ril