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  • Dart programming language | Dart

    • Paint your UI to life with Dart VM's instant HOT RELOAD.

    • Dart is a CLIENT-OPTIMIZED language for fast apps on any platform. Made by Google.

      Watch video 說明了 hot reload 及 one team 的概念;其中 web 的應用好像只在 frontend ??

    • Optimized for UI -- Develop with a programming language specialized around the needs of USER INTERFACE creation

      • Mature and complete ASYNC-AWAIT for user interfaces containing EVENT-DRIVEN code, paired with ISOLATE-BASED CONCURRENCY

        fetchTemperature() async {
          // This call is non-blocking. The UI thread will continue to render with no locks
          final response = await http.get('https://my/weather');
          if (response.statusCode == 200) {
          } else {
            temp.setText('Unknown temp.');
      • A programming language optimized for building user interfaces with features such as the SPREAD OPERATOR for expanding collections, and COLLECTION IF for customizing UI for each platform

        TabBar build(BuildContext context) {
          return TabBar(tabs: [
            Tab(text: 'Shoes'),
            Tab(text: 'Pants'),
            Tab(text: 'Shirts'),
            if (promoActive) Tab (text: 'Outlet'),
      • A programming language that is easy to learn, with a familiar syntax

        比較了 Dart、Kotlin、Swift 及 TypeScript 的寫法。

    • Productive development -- Make changes ITERATIVELY: use hot reload to see the result instantly in your running app

      • Make changes to your source code iteratively, using hot reload to instantly see the effect in the running app #ril

      • Write code using a flexible type system with rich static analysis and powerful, configurable tooling #ril

      • Do profiling, logging, and debugging with your code editor of choice #ril

      Dart 跟 Flutter 的關係很特別 -- Flutter 內建 Dart SDK,而 Dart 許多文件直接指向 Flutter。

    • Fast on all platforms -- Compile to ARM & x64 machine code for mobile, desktop, and BACKEND. Or compile to JavaScript for the web

      • AOT-compile apps to NATIVE MACHINE CODE for instant startup #ril

        $ dart2native hello.dart
        $ time ./hello.exe
        Hello, Developer!
        Real 0m0.022s # Completed in just 22ms
      • Target the web with complete, mature, fast compilers for JavaScript #ril

        $ webdev serve # Serve for development
        $ webdev build # Production build
      • Run backend code supporting your app, written using a single programming language #ril

        AOT-compile for short-lived "serverless" jobs where startup time is critical

      如果 Dart 連 backend 都吃的話,加上 mobile, desktop 及 web,真的就通吃了!!

  • Dart programming language | Dart (舊版網站)

    Dart helps you craft beautiful, high-quality experiences ACROSS ALL SCREENS, with: 至少跨及 web 與 mobile

    • A client-optimized language -- Dart started out being optimized for WEB APPS, and is evolving to provide great support for mobile apps. Dart also runs on the command line and SERVER-SIDE.

      為什麼 client-optimized 會是一項優勢? 但或許這也是為何 Dart 能從 web 一路發展到 mobile 的原因,也支援 ARM CPU。

    • Rich, powerful FRAMEWORKS -- For mobile apps, we recommend Flutter. For desktop apps, AngularDart.

      對 Dart 而言,web、mobile 等不同的 platform,只是不同的 framework。其中 AngularDart 是個 web app framework 而非 desktop?

    • Delightful, flexible tooling -- These range from general-purpose tools to FRAMEWORK-SPECIFIC ones like the flutter tool.

    Why Dart?

    • Developers at Google and elsewhere use Dart to create high-quality, mission-critical apps for iOS, Android, and the web. With features aimed at CLIENT-SIDE DEVELOPMENT, Dart is a great fit for both mobile and web apps.

    • Productive - Dart’s syntax is clear and concise, its tooling simple yet powerful. SOUND TYPING?? helps you to identify subtle errors early. Dart has battle-hardened CORE LIBRARIES and an ecosystem of thousands of packages.

    • Fast - Dart provides optimizing AHEAD-OF-TIME COMPILATION to get predictably high performance and fast startup across mobile devices and the web.

    • Portable -- Dart compiles to ARM and x86 code, so that Dart mobile apps can run NATIVELY ON IOS, ANDROID, and beyond. For web apps, Dart transpiles to JavaScript.

      就 iOS/Android 而言,並非轉譯成其他語言再編譯,而是直接編譯成 native code,但為何 Flutter 有 Dart VM Observatory 可以用??

    • Approachable - Dart is familiar to many existing developers, thanks to its unsurprising object orientation and syntax. If you already know C++, C#, or Java, you can be productive with Dart in just a few days.

    • Reactive?? -- Dart is well-suited to REACTIVE PROGRAMMING, with support for managing short-lived objects—such as UI widgets—through Dart’s fast object allocation and generational garbage collector.

      Dart supports asynchronous programming through language features and APIs that use Future and Stream objects.

  • Platforms | Dart (舊版網站)

    • Dart is a SCALABLE language that you can use to write simple scripts or full featured apps. Whether you’re creating a mobile app, web app, command-line script, or server-side app, there’s a Dart solution for that.

      分為 Flutter、Web 跟 Server,其中 Flutter 跟 Web 都有獨立的網站,只有 Server 則在 站內;Web 的全名是 Dart for the web,而 Server 的全名則是 Server-side Dart。

  • Announcing Dart 2: Optimized for Client-Side Development (2018-02-23) #ril

  • Why Flutter Uses Dart – Hacker Noon (2018-02-26) #ril

應用實例 {: #powered-by }

參考資料 {: #reference }






  • Dart 在 mobile 上的方案就是 Flutter
