Abacus: Combinatorics & Number Theory symbolic computation library for JavaScript and Python
TodoMVC with ModelView.js, a simple, light-weight, versatile & fast MVVM front-end framework
Study & analysis of various Sorting Algorithms in JavaScript
Study & analysis of various Pattern Matching Algorithms in JavaScript
Intuitive Regular Expression Composer for PHP, Python and JavaScript
Transform a grammar in JSON format to a Codemirror syntax-highlight mode with Codemirror Grammar
Transform a grammar in JSON format to an ACE syntax-highlight mode with ACE Grammar
Transform a grammar in JSON format to a syntax-highlighter for Prism with Prism Grammar
sudoku.js: Sudoku game, builder & solver in pure JavaScript. Scaled-down version of CrossWord.js
Sample Billiard game in pure JavaScript with Neraliu's NEngine.js