How to uninstall Brenthy.
No programmatic uninstaller has been built yet. Uninstalling Brenthy is pretty easy, though, and is performed in two parts:
- uninstalling Brenthy itself
- uninstalling IPFS, if desired (IPFS is installed by Brenthy during installation if it isn't already)
- Stop Brenthy. On Linux running systemd:
sudo systemctl stop brenthy
- Delete the following:
- Brenthy installation directory (
by default on Linux) - the Brenthy service registration (the
file on Linux running systemd)
- Brenthy installation directory (
- delete the IPFS binary (
by default on Linux) - delete your IPFS repo (folder containing all your IPFS data):
by default - delete the the IPFS service registration (the
file on Linux running systemd as configured by the Brenthy installer)