Java 1.8 or higher
Maven 3.5.0 or higher
Setup and Run
git clone
cd java-sdk
if macOS:
brew install automake
brew install libtool
if Unix:
apt-get install autoreconf
apt-get install libtool
Remember to set -Djava.library.path="...secp256k1/.libs"
in your VM Arguments
System .out .println ("Dispatch Labs SDK Example" );
try {
Sdk sdk = new Sdk ("" );
List <Contact > nodes = sdk .getDelegates ();
Account fromAccount = sdk .createAccount ();
Account toAccount = sdk .createAccount ();
Receipt receipt = sdk .transferTokens (nodes .get (0 ), fromAccount , toAccount , 45 );
System .out .println (receipt .getStatus ());
// Pending?
while ((receipt = sdk .getLastStatus ()).getStatus ().equals (Receipt .Status .PENDING )) {
Thread .sleep (100 );
System .out .println (receipt .getStatus ());
// Get transactions.
List <Transaction > transactions = sdk .getTransactions (nodes .get (0 ));
System .out .println (transactions );
} catch (Throwable t ) {
System .out .println (t );