- Bugfix release.
- Fixed problems with spaces in workon, rmvirtualenv, mkproject, mkvirtualenv -a when the virtualenv name or project directory contained spaces (#89). @thebjorn
- Fixed problems with spaces etc. in add2virtualenv and setprojectdir (#92, #93) @thebjorn
- Added mkproject convenience script (@thehug0naut)
- folder_delete.bat is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. You should be using rmdir %dirname% /s /q instead.
- Fixed a problem when the WORKON_HOME folder contained spaces.
- Fixed a bug where cmd.com couldn't pass the Python executable to virtualenv if the path included the drive letter.
- Improved publish pipeline.
- -a, -i, and -r options are now available (@thebjorn)
- added rudimentary test-suite (@thebjorn)
- fix
command which didn't delete directory when e.g. pip left extra files (@rcutmore)
- scripts are now left in Scripts directory (@adamc55)
Thanks to Christian Long (@christianmlong)
* mkvirtualenv