CodeMirror real-world uses
- -Create a pull - request if you'd like your project to be added to this list.
- --
- Adaface PairPro (Shared code editor with compiler and video conferencing) -
- Adobe Brackets (code editor) -
- Adnuntius (used for in-browser code editing and version history) -
- ALM Tools (TypeScript powered IDE) -
- Amber (JavaScript-based Smalltalk system) -
- APEye (tool for testing & documenting APIs) -
- Appengine Codiad -
- Better Text Viewer (plain text reader app for Chrome) -
- Bitbucket (code hosting) -
- Blogger's theme editor -
- BlueGriffon (HTML editor) -
- BNF Playground (grammar workbench) -
- Boson Editor (code editor) -
- Cargo Collective (creative publishing platform) -
- Chrome DevTools -
- ClickHelp (technical writing tool) -
- Clone-It (HTML & CSS learning game) -
- Cloud Commander (filemanager for the web) -
- Colon (A flexible text editor or IDE) -
- CodeWorld (Haskell playground) -
- playground -
- Codeanywhere (multi-platform cloud editor) -
- Code per Node (Drupal module) -
- CodeBitt (Code snippet sharing) -
- Codebug (PHP Xdebug front-end) -
- CodeFights (practice programming) -
- CodeMirror Eclipse (embed CM in Eclipse) -
- CodeMirror movie (scripted editing demos) -
- CodeMirror Record (codemirror activity recording and playback) -
- CodeMirror2-GWT (Google Web Toolkit wrapper) -
- Code Monster & Code Maven (learning environment) -
- Codepen (gallery of animations) -
- Coderba Google Web Toolkit (GWT) wrapper -
- Coderpad (interviewing tool) -
- CodeRush typing speed test for programmers -
- Code School (online tech learning environment) -
- Code Snippets (WordPress snippet management plugin) -
- Code together (collaborative editing) -
- Codevolve (programming lessons as-a-service) -
- CodeZample (code snippet sharing) -
- Codio (Web IDE) -
- (Online Java Compiler and IDE with auto-completion and error highlighting) -
- Community Code Camp (code snippet sharing) -
- (online Java sandbox) -
- CKWNC (UML editor) -
- CrossUI (cross-platform UI builder) -
- Cruncher (notepad with calculation features) -
- Crudzilla (self-hosted web IDE) -
- CSSDeck (CSS showcase) -
- Deck.js integration (slides with editors) -
- DbNinja (MySQL access interface) -
- eCSSpert (CSS demos and experiments) -
- Edabit (coding challenges) -
- Elm language examples -
- Eloquent JavaScript (book) -
- Emmet (fast XML editing) -
- Espruino Web IDE (Chrome App for writing code on Espruino devices) -
- EXLskills Live Interviews -
- Fastfig (online computation/math tool) -
- Farabi (modern Perl IDE) -
- FathomJS integration (slides with editors, again) -
- Fiddle Salad (web development environment) -
- Filemanager -
- Firefox Developer Tools -
- Firepad (collaborative text editor) -
- Gerrit's diff view and inline editor -
- Git Crx (Chrome App for browsing local git repos) -
- GitHub's Android app -
- GitHub's in-browser edit feature -
- Glitch (community-driven app building) -
- Go language tour -
- Google Apps Script -
- Graphit (function graphing) -
- Graviton Editor (Cross-platform and modern-looking code editor) -
- HackMD (Realtime collaborative markdown notes on all platforms) -
- Handcraft (HTML prototyping) -
- Hawkee -
- Haxe (Haxe Playground) -
- HaxPad (editor for Win RT) -
- Histone template engine playground -
- Homegenie (home automation server) -
- ICEcoder (web IDE) -
- Innovay Web Tools (HTML, JS, CSS code beautifier) -
- Intervue (Pair programming for interviews) -
- IPython (interactive computing shell) -
- iTrading (Algorithmic Trading) -
- i-MOS (modeling and simulation platform) -
- Janvas (vector graphics editor) -
- JdBEdit (web IDE) -
- Joomla plugin -
- jQuery fundamentals (interactive tutorial) -
- (JS playground) -
- JSER preprocessor -
- jscpd (code duplication detector) -
- JSFiddle (another JS playground) -
- JSHint (JS linter) -
- Jumpseller (online store builder) -
- kl1p (paste service) -
- Kodit -
- Kodtest (HTML/JS/CSS playground) -
- Kotlin (web-based mini-IDE for Kotlin) -
- Light Table (experimental IDE) -
- Liveweave (HTML/CSS/JS scratchpad) -
- LiveUML (PlantUML online editor) -
- Markdown Delight Editor (extensible markdown editor polymer component) -
- Marklight editor (lightweight markup editor) -
- MediaWiki extension (wiki engine) -
- Mergely (interactive diffing) -
- MIHTool (iOS web-app debugging tool) -
- mscgen_js (online sequence chart editor) -
- MVC Playground -
- Navigate CMS -
- nodeMirror (IDE project) -
- NoTex (rST authoring) -
- nteract (interactive literate coding notebook) -
- Oak (online outliner) -
- OpenCampus -
- ORG (z80 assembly IDE) -
- Orion-CodeMirror integration (running CodeMirror modes in Orion) -
- Overleaf (Collaborative LaTeX Editor) -
- Paper.js (graphics scripting) -
- Pharaoh (browser & desktop editor for the classroom) -
- PrinBit (collaborative coding tool) -
- Pramp (free platform to practice mock interviews and coding problems) -
- (github content editor) -
- PubliForge (online publishing system) -
- Puzzlescript (puzzle game engine) -
- Quantum (code editor for Chrome OS) -
- Qt+Webkit integration (building a desktop CodeMirror app) -
- Quivive File Manager -
- RackTables (data centre resources manager) -
- Rascal (tiny computer) -
- (Internet-of-Things infrastructure) -
- Refork (animation demo gallery and sharing) -
- SageMathCell (interactive mathematical software) -
- SASS2CSS (SASS, SCSS or LESS to CSS converter and CSS beautifier) -
- SageMathCloud (interactive mathematical software environment) -
- salvare (real-time collaborative code editor) -
- ServePHP (PHP code testing in Chrome dev tools) -
- Scastie (Scala playground) -
- Shadertoy (shader sharing) -
- sketchPatch Livecodelab -
- Skulpt (in-browser Python environment) -
- SourceLair (in-browser IDE for Django, Node.js, PHP and HTML5) -
- Snap Tomato (HTML editing/testing page) -
- (code snippet sharing) -
- SolidShops (hosted e-commerce platform) -
- SourceCoder 3 (online calculator IDE and editor) -
- SQLFiddle (SQL playground) -
- SubTe (AI bot programming environment) -
- Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, Interactive Version -
- SyBox (PHP playground) -
- TagSpaces (personal data manager) -
- (WYSIWYG rich text editor) -
- The File Tree (collab editor) -
- TileMill (map design tool) -
- Tilepieces (visually editing HTML documents and Web applications projects) -
- Tiki (wiki CMS groupware) -
- Tistory (blog service) -
- Toolsverse Data Explorer (database management) -
- Tumblr code highlighting shim -
- TurboPY (web publishing framework) -
- UmpleOnline (model-oriented programming tool) -
- Upsource (code browser and review tool) -
- Violentmonkey (userscript manager / editor) -
- Waliki (wiki engine) -
- Wamer (web application builder) -
- webappfind (windows file bindings for webapps) -
- WebGL academy (learning WebGL) -
- WebGL playground -
- WebKit Web inspector -
- WeScheme (learning tool) -
- Wide (golang web IDE) -
- WordPress plugin -
- XOSide (online editor) -
- XQuery tester -
- xsd2codemirror (convert XSD to CM XML completion info) -
- Yacas Online (interactive mathematical software) -